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Obama victory renews hopes of SACU-US talks

The election of Barack Obama as US president-designate has renewed hopes that free trade talks between the US and the Southern African Customs Union (Sacu) will be restarted. However, Trudi Hartzenberg, the director of the Trade Law Centre for Southern Africa, said the economic climate was not favourable to an outcome soon on the Doha round. Institute for Global Dialogue researcher Brendan Vickers said Obama had taken a conservative line on protecting US workers and a huge shift on Doha was unlikely, but Obama was likely to strengthen the...

06 November 2008

Obama administration expected to support AGOA

Kenya expects US President elect Barrack Obama’s administration to support the current trade arrangements under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa).Deputy Prime-Minister Uhuru Kenyatta said the Government would work closely with the new administration to expand the trade pact that has generated thousands of jobs mainly within the Export Processing Zones (EPZs)."As the current chair of the African Consultative Group of Ministers on African Growth Opportunity Act, I look forward to a close working relationship with President-Elect...

05 November 2008

Obama’s presidency will strengthen trade ties with Kenya-private sector

The Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) on Wednesday said that a Barrack Obama Presidency will create and strengthen existing trade relationship between Kenya and United States of America (USA).Speaking in Nairobi, KEPSA chairman Steve Smith exuded confidence that Obama has the ability to reverse the current global financial crisis.“An Obama Presidency means more trade opportunities for Kenya,” adding that cooperation between the two countries will be strengthened.Smith cited the strengthening of the “Open Skies Agreement” that...

05 November 2008

Report: McCain may be better for Africa

US trade policy with Africa has been a peripheral issue in this presidential campaign, making it unclear if South Africans should be rooting for Barack Obama or John McCain as Americans go to the polls today.The US has grown into this country’s largest customer during George Bush’s presidency, thanks to the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) — meaning the outcome of this election may have huge repercussions for our economy.Imports from SA have cracked $9-billion a year, according to US government statistics. The Department of...

04 November 2008

Ghana: Realising the potential of cashew production

Cashew has become an important agricultural commodity in its purest industrial sense and though this fact is highly esteemed in many countries the world over, Ghana is yet to tap into the rich potentials of this cash crop which has great benefits for the individual and the country as a whole. Agriculture accounts for over 60% of Ghana's economic success which is more than half of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and also, agricultural products form a large chunk of commodities for export. The country concentrates mainly on cocoa,...

03 November 2008


Johannesburg - Zackie Achmat, South Africa's best-known HIV/AIDS campaigner, makes no bones about who he'd like to see become US president on November 4.Achmat met Senator Barack Obama when he visited South Africa as part of his four-country Africa tour in 2006 - a trip best remembered elsewhere for the rapturous reception he received in Kenya, homeland of his father.'I fell in love,' Achmat confesses in a telephone interview.Such is his admiration for Obama that Achmat's Treatment Action Campaign, an organization that lobbies for improved...

30 October 2008

Africa: Continent needs infrastructure

Last week, the leaders from COMESA, SADC and East African Community (EAC) blocs converged in Uganda and agreed to expedite the formation of a free trade area. They also want to form a single customs union stretching from South Africa to Egypt. In their wisdom, it was the absence of such an arrangement that is frustrating trade among their countries.Economic blocs and integration are very good for business, but African countries appear to be jumping the gun here.The same countries aspiring to become part of a 26-member bloc have failed to...

30 October 2008

US imports from Tanzania declines by $57.2m in 2008

Trade between Tanzania and the United States declined by 57.2 million dollars over the last eight months, a fall of about 10 million dollars recorded a similar period last year, APA learnt here Sunday.Statistics obtained at the US foreign trade division here, said the 2008 exports were lower than that of 2007, although there was a fall of imports from the United States.During the eight months of 2008, Tanzania exported goods and services worth 97.7 million dollars down from 100.5 million dollars recorded in 2007.The US exports to Tanzania...

27 October 2008

Africa: Bush Showcases international development progress

The United States has ushered in a new era of international development, says President Bush, by empowering a new generation of leaders to lift their citizens from poverty, fight disease and increase educational and economic opportunities."People in the developing world have the capacity to improve their own lives, and they will rise to meet high expectations," Bush said October 21 in his keynote address to the White House Summit on International Development.Bush, along with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, U.S. Agency for International...

22 October 2008

Africa: Obama presidency would bring new dimension to Africa policy

Electing Barack Obama the next president of the United States would bring a new dimension to U.S. foreign policy, particularly with regard to Africa, according to Howard Wolpe, director of the Africa program and the Project on Leadership and Building State Capacity at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars in Washington."Obama's ascendancy to the presidency will have enormous symbolic political power throughout the African continent," Wolpe told "The fact that someone of African ancestry can be the president of the...

22 October 2008

Is African dream in Obama or McCain?

President Obama. It doesn’t quite roll off the tongue yet the way “Senator Obama” or simply “Barack Obama” now does. Nevertheless, there is a very good possibility that one year from now, we will be talking about “President Obama” and “the Obama administration” as if his election had always been inevitable. Perhaps never before has a U.S. presidential candidate captured the hearts and minds of so many people who cannot even vote for him – entrepreneurial Kampalans are now even making copycat Obama t-shirts, pins, bumper...

20 October 2008

Mauritius: New AGOA amendment gives textile sector a breather

The third-country fabric derogation granted by the USA to Mauritius is not only excellent news for enterprises and employees in the export sector but also for government and the country as a whole. It is also an opportunity to review the history of our EPZ especially in the current crisis.Our export-oriented enterprises – especially textile and clothing – will become increasingly vulnerable to fierce international competition.Our export-oriented enterprises – especially textile and clothing – will become increasingly vulnerable to...

15 October 2008

Africa: Infrastructure is crucial to development

This was the overriding theme expressed by a variety of specialists and experts attending the 2008 U.S.-Africa Infrastructure Conference, entitled "Connecting the Continent," which took place in Washington October 6-8. The event was sponsored by the Corporate Council on Africa.Addressing the conference were U.S. Department of Transportation Deputy Secretary and retired Vice Admiral Thomas J. Barrett and retired U.S. Marine Corps General Anthony Zinni, who has worked in more than 70 countries worldwide and now serves as an executive vice...

15 October 2008

Ghana: Non-traditional exports exceed target

Exports of Non-Traditional crops in the country has exceeded its target of US$1billion, marked by the Ghana Export Promotion Council (GEPC), reaching an all time high of US$ 1.2 billion for the 2007 season.This remarkable achievement represents a 30.5% growth over the 2006 figure of US$ 892 million, and also contributing 27% to the total export earnings of the country for the 2007 season.Factors attributable to this performance, according to the Executive Secretary of GEPC, Mr. Edward Collins Boateng, at the 19th National Awards for Export...

14 October 2008

Sierra Leone: Building on an export-sector-led economy

Export sector development has become one of the most discussed issues in Sierra Leone’s development politics. The previous administration of Tejan Kabbah introduced some credible initiatives to promote Sierra Leone’s export trade worth pointing out. The investment code enacted in 2004 could actually increase visibility for Sierra Leone’s progress in creating an environment conducive to investment and poverty reduction if properly utilized. Empowering SLEDIC (Sierra Leone Export Development and Investment Corporation) as a...

04 October 2008

American Congress votes for derogation bill for Mauritian textiles

The American Congress has on Friday voted the Omnibus Bill, which includes a clause that will allow Mauritius to use raw materials coming from third countries which are not members of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) to manufacture textile and clothing for export to the United States, APA learns here.The bill, which gives Mauritius the same privileges as less advanced countries had already been approved by the Senate.In a communiqué issued on Saturday in the capital Port Louis, the Prime Minister, Dr Navin Chandra Ramgoolam...

04 October 2008

Western financial crisis to affect Africa's economic growth

The current financial crisis affecting western countries is likely to affect Africa's economic growth if the continent does not look for alternative markets, a top financial official warned here on Tuesday.Ugandan Finance Minister Ezra Suruma told his counterparts from the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) members that Africa's exports to the United States and Europe are likely to be affected because the people there will have low purchasing power."We have to find alternative markets for our products," said the minister....

01 October 2008

Apparel exporters assured of US Market

On September 25, the Kenya Association of Manufacturers hosted the United States Trade Representative (USTR) Director for Africa, Mr. Patrick Dean Coleman to a breakfast meeting to discuss Kenya-US trade issues.During the meeting, KAM apparel exporters to the US raised concern over the expiry of safeguard measures imposed on China in December this year, saying they are likely to lose their share of the US market.Following the elimination of the multi-fibre agreement in January 2005, WTO imposed certain restrictions on China’s exports to...

01 October 2008

Changes to AGOA passed by US House of Representatives

Earlier today, the U.S. House of Representatives approved, by unanimous consent, critical trade legislation to extend trade expiring trade preference programs that have played an important role in the nation’s trade and development efforts for decades. The legislation, H.R. 7222, would extend the Generalized System of Preferences and the Andean Trade Preferences Act for one year. The bill makes important changes to the U.S. trade preference program with the African countries (the African Growth and Opportunity Act). H.R. 7222 also...

30 September 2008

Nigeria-US trade hits US$35 billion, Nigeria-America chamber of commerce discloses

The Nigeria-America Chamber of Commerce (NACC) says the total bilateral trade between Nigeria and the United States in 2007 was US$35 billion.Speaking on Thursday at the annual general meeting of the NACC in Lagos, the President of the Chamber, Mr Olaolu Akinkugbe, said Nigeria occupied the 20th position in the US trade partner list.He said that the US primary exports to Nigeria, included grains, oil and gas equipment, machinery, vehicles and aircraft and that the US export to Nigeria in 2007 increased by 25 percent over the previous...

29 September 2008

São Tomé hold major investment opportunities for Portuguese firms, says president

President Fradique de Menezes of São Tomé and Principe has said that "Portuguese investments have a wellspring of opportunities" in his country, where the government is working to develop a service sector catering to the oil-rich Gulf of Guinea region. Addressing company chiefs, academics and investment specialist at “The Investor’s Guide to STP,” jointly organised by Colombia University and the STP government, at the Lisbon headquarters of Portugal’s AICEP export promotion agency, de Menezes noted the success of Portugal’s...

27 September 2008

Botswana: Exporters told to prepare for global competition

Local exporters have been urged to roll up their sleeves in readiness for stiff competition that will come with trade liberalisation characterised by tariff reduction.Opening the annual general meeting of the Botswana Exporters and Manufacturers Association (BEMA) last Thursday, Trade and Industry Assistant Minister Duke Lefhoko said these developments meant more intensified competition."It is therefore absolutely vital that our companies position themselves strategically to face this global competition," Lefhoko said. "For a long time, our...

23 September 2008

Tanzanians in America urged to bridge trade links

Tanzania’s Ambassador to the United States, Hon. Ombeni Sefue has challenged Tanzanians living in the US to “become a bridge” in promoting trade and investment ties between their country and the US. Addressing Tanzanians resident in Minnesota in North Minneapolis on Saturday, September 13; the envoy said Tanzanians have to rise to the challenge of exporting to the US some 6,000 assorted products designated duty-free under the AGOA protocol.He lamented that since AGOA was introduced by the US administration to boost exports to the US...

19 September 2008

Kenya: UN attributes export lag to high wages

High production cost, particularly in the form of wages, is cited in a new UN report as a key reason for Kenya’s failure to claim a larger share of the world garment market.A study released on Monday by the UN Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad) found that “technical efficiency does not seem to be the main determinant of the difference in competitiveness between Africa and other developing countries, particularly those in Asia.”The Unctad report on trade liberalisation in Africa noted that wage costs in the clothing export...

18 September 2008

US president lauds Ghana

US President George Bush on Monday accorded President J.A. Kufuor a warm welcome to the White House, saying Ghana was showing Africa that democracy was not a challenge to be feared but a sure path to prosperity and peace.At an impressive ceremony to usher President Kufuor and his wife, Madam Theresa, to the White House in Washington, President Bush said, "Ghana and America stand as one in our work to promote free elections.Ghana is now in the middle of a lively election season, marked by spirited debate and close-fought contests - which...

16 September 2008

New report urges Africa to diversify exports to fight poverty

Most recent report by Debt, AIDS, and Trade in Africa (DATA) has yet again reminded Africa to diversify its exports further than over-reliance on raw agricultural products as the surest means of increasing its share of global trade.It is DATA's 2008 report which categorically states that value-added products such as processed foods, apparels, footwear and other labour-intensive agricultural and manufactured goods are vitally important in boosting Africa's trade in global markets and help uplift the continent from the shackles of poverty.For...

16 September 2008

International textile groups urge US government to monitor chinese apparel exports

Textile and apparel groups from 17 countries sent letters on Friday urging Congressional leaders to support, and the Bush Administration to extend, the Textile Monitoring Program (TMP) to China once the remaining textile and apparel safeguards are removed on January 1st, 2009.The trade association groups which signed the letters represent over one million textile and apparel workers in Africa, Asia and South and North America whose livelihoods are threatened by the removal of the safeguards and a likely surge of dumped Chinese apparel...

15 September 2008

Uganda: Inquiry into former AGOA factory

State House and Trade Ministry officials face fresh Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee scrutiny, following reports that Agoa employees were drawing double salaries.During Committee scrutiny of the 2003/04 Auditor General's report on Wednesday, it emerged that although Agoa project was technically under Trade Ministry, State House Comptroller, Mr Richard Muhinda ordered that the Agoa employees be paid allowances equal to that of State House staff."State House had no power to instruct another ministry in matters of public funds," Mr...

12 September 2008

Profile: SACU’s exports to the US up 15% year on year

SACU’s* exports to the United States were up 15% year on year during the first six months of 2008, an analysis of recently released trade data shows. 2008 exports were worth $5,58 billion against $4,86 billion over the same period last year. Commodity-type exports lead the way, with platinum the region’s most valuable export category ($1,78bn so far in 2008). However, this product line has seen a year on year decline of almost 7% with US-bound exports. Diamonds, at $690mn is the next largest category with a 9% rise. Ferroalloys, the...

02 September 2008

South African jewelry manufacturing facility to benefit from AGOA

A R100 million ($13 million) broad-based black economic empowerment (BEE) jewelry manufacturing company has been established in Kimberley, South Africa. Gold Chain Technology will manufacture solid and hollow gold and silver chains, fish-hooks, clasps and tags, predominantly for export. The facility, which was enabled in part by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) with R14.5 million ($1.88 million) in development finance, is a joint venture between Italian-owned Q-Quality International, BEE investment company Solandra Investments...

01 September 2008

US certification move worries local exporters

Local fresh produce exporters are concerned about the US plan to ditch the European Good Agricultural Practices Certification body (EUREP-GAP) and come up with its own `American-GAP`.American-GAP regulations which will come into force any time from now, entail setting up a product information and registration system to make it possible to trace the origin of a food product. It covers all stages of production, processing and distribution.It may, under certain conditions, require that there be no trace of pesticide residue in fruits,...

31 August 2008

Ethiopia: Textile turnaround spins in $9.7m from exports

For Nazareth Garment Factory, located in Adama town 100Km east of Addis Abeba, the just ended Ethiopian fiscal year [2007/08] has been a period of recovery and optimism. The factory managed to export 4,000 pieces of uniforms to the U.S. based company, Fair Glory, thus generating a monthly revenue of 100,000 dollars.This means quite a lot for a company that had been wallowing in a debt of 6.3 million Br, when it was sold to a private company two years ago. One of four bidders, SBACo paid 8.5 million Br to the government in order to acquire...

26 August 2008

Ethiopia: Exports under AGOA excel

Ethiopian exports under African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) has more than doubled in first six months of year 2008 as compared to first six months of 2007, reports from United States have confirmed.According to US report, from January-June 2008, Ethiopia's AGOA exports reached US$ 9.7 million, topping US$ 8.9 million achieved during the entire 2007 calendar year. The country's AGOA exports from January-June 2007 totaled US$4.4 million."The first six months of 2008, total Ethiopian exports to US also rose 89 percent, to US$ $70 million...

22 August 2008

Swaziland: Textile industry recovers 70 percent of international orders

The local textile industry could be going back to its ‘hey-day’ as it has managed to recover over 70 percent of orders they lost through the mass strike action that was staged early this year.The industry is just recovering from the strike that resulted in about 16 000 workers downing their tools, in an effort to coerce their employers to improve their salaries, amongst other demands.This mass action, that lasted for over two weeks, resulted in the companies losing some of their major orders from the United States of America (USA) and...

21 August 2008

US elections: Party platfoms offer insight into candidates' views on AGOA

Over the next few weeks, millions of people around the world will be watching the conventions of the two main political parties in the United States. At each convention, delegates will vote on the party's platform, or set of principles, that shows voters where the party stands on issues. Reporter William Eagle looks at the platforms and what they may mean for developing countries.Platforms reflect party positions on political issues like reproductive rights, health care, the economy and globalization. The platforms are created by committees...

21 August 2008

Ghana: Manufacturers urged to increase exports to benefit from AGOA

Dr. Tom Herlely, Chief of Party, West Africa Trade Hub (WATH), has called on businesses to increase their exports to enable thembenefit from the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) initiative.Dr Herlely, who was speaking at the 527th monthly meeting of the Accra Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Wednesday in Accra said there was the need for African economies to diversify their export commodities if they were to reap the full benefits of AGOA.He said currently, while Ghana had cocoa as the leading export commodity, oil dominated the...

20 August 2008

United States New Partnership for Development Act: views from Asia

Passage of New Partnership for Development Act (NPDA), with proposed changes of exclusion of Bangladesh and Cambodia made trousers, knit and non-knit shirts from the duty free entry in the US market, will bring no benefit for Bangladesh as more than 70 per cent of readymade garment export depends on the three items, stakeholders say."If the NPDA passes excluding Bangladesh made trousers, knit and non-knit shirts, there will be no benefit of us. Our 70 per cent RMG export depends on those," president of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and...

02 August 2008

Nigeria: Optimising gains from AGOA

The successful shipment of Nigeria's first consignment of garments and food products to the United States (US) under the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) signed by former President Bill Clinton of the US on May 18, 2000 is a bold start after a long wait. The Act was signed into law as Title 1 of the US Trade and Development Act of 2000 and was to be in force until September 30, 2012. Nevertheless, the lifespan of the Act has been extended to September 30, 2015 by subsequent amendments signed by President George Bush, incumbent US...

30 July 2008

Namibia: Govt hunts for new investors for Ramatex

Government intends to resuscitate the defunct Ramatex textile factory and the hunt for new investors is on, said Dr Hage Geingob, Minister of Trade and Industry.“We have had problems and are addressing them. We are hard at work to bring in new investors to start the textile industry again,” Geingob told the Corporate Council on Africa and Namibia Business Forum.Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) is a US-based organisation that is at the forefront of strengthening and facilitating the commercial relationship between the United States and...

28 July 2008

Uganda: President urges farmers to tap US, EU and Asia markets

President Yoweri Museveni has urged Ugandan farmers to modernize agricultural production for higher yields that attract both local and international markets.The President was addressing exhibitors at the 16th Source of the Nile National Agricultural and Trade Show in Jinja.The show was organized by the Uganda National Farmers Federation and has attracted over 300 exhibitors.The six day event is running under the theme “Targeting increased Agricultural Production as the Engine of Economic Growth”.Museveni re-affirmed government commitment...

26 July 2008

Aiding Africa through trade

“Trade, Not Aid!” is a cry heard frequently in international affairs, the notion that helping those in the developing world can be done best by helping them to help themselves through expanding commerce in locally produced goods and services. In 2000, the United States heeded the call in a bid to boost development in the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. Since then, trade between the two regions has grown dramatically, and a recent conference of U.S. and African leaders in Washington assessed the progress of this trade and paved the way...

23 July 2008

Deputy AU chairperson says AGOA requires some changes to fully benefit Africa

The Deputy Chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission has said all Sub-Saharan African countries should be eligible to export to the United States under the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). First enacted into law in 2000, AGOA is the U.S. trade and investment policy that provides trade preferences to designated African countries that are making progress in the areas of economic, political and human rights.Deputy AU Chairperson Erastus Mwencha also said Africa would like for AGOA to be made more permanent and the criteria for...

17 July 2008

US signs TIFA with SACU and EAC

The US has signed two separate agreements with the Southern African and the Eastern African states to deepen US trade ties with the two regions as well as lead efforts to attract American investments into the regions. US trade representative, Ambassador Susan Schwab, and her counterparts from east and southern Africa signed the two trade and investment agreements that will further deepen and expand US trade ties with those regions, the US embassy here said. At the ceremony, Schwab signed a trade and investment framework agreement (TIFA)...

17 July 2008

AGOA Forum ends today

THE seventh United States sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum - the African Growth and- Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum - which began on Monday ends today in Washignton DC.The forum, with the theme 'Mobilising Private Investment for Trade and Growth' focused on the linkages between private investment and economic growth in Africa as well as highlighted ways in which African countries could best take advantage of trade opportunities under AGOA.A statement released by the American embassy said this event brought together...

16 July 2008

US Agency supports African business

The United States African Foundation has invited local business partner in Zambia, Likando Mukumbuta, president of Zambia Agribusiness Technical Assistance Center (ZATAC), to partake in the 2008 AGOA Forum.During his presentation at the Civil Society Forum on Capitol Hill this afternoon, Mr. Mukumbuta stated “In 50 years when we speak about development in Africa, it will be those invested in the continent today who will be present at the table to continue talks.”USADF will most certainly be at that table.USADF is an independent U.S....

15 July 2008

Kenya asks US to improve textiles deal

Kenya’s Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta said in Washington on Monday that the United States should enhance the Agoa trade initiative by helping Kenya’s exports reach world markets more efficiently.“We would like to see more investments in our infrastructure,” Mr Kenyatta said on the opening day of a forum on the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act. “We hope the US will address our inability to get our products to markets in a cost-effective manner.”Mr Kenyatta, who also serves as trade minister, is leading the Kenyan...

15 July 2008

Remarks at the AGOA Forum by Condoleza Rice (incl. VIDEO)

Transcripts of remarks by Secretary of State Condoleza Rice:SECRETARY RICE: Thank you. Well, thank you, Jendayi, for that wonderful introduction. And I also want to thank you for your extraordinary service in the Administration. Yes, in fact, this President has had a great focus on Africa. He has cared about the issues that affect Africans. He’s believed in partnership with Africans. He has believed in the potential of the continent and worked hard to help the continent realize it. But one of the reasons that he’s been so focused is that...

15 July 2008

US courts Africa before Doha round meeting

US Trade Representative Susan Schwab urged sub-Saharan African countries on Tuesday to join the United States in pushing for a world trade deal that requires India, Brazil, China and other major developing countries to further open their markets.A breakthrough next week in the long-running Doha round depends on how many new export opportunities that major developing nations provide for other countries, Schwab said at an annual meeting with sub-Saharan African countries.Success also depends on how much rich countries like the United States...

15 July 2008

Cameroon: AGOA Forum - PM lobbies for investment assistance

Cameroon's Prime Minister, Head of Government, Ephraim Inoni is expected to use the 7th edition of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) in Washington DC to lobby for technical assistance to private investment in Cameroon. World leaders are gathered for the forum that runs from 14 to 16 July 2008 under the theme, "Mobilising Private Investment for Trade and Growth".Information from AGOA website states that it is a progressive U.S. trade and investment policy toward the continent that is reducing barriers to trade, increasing...

15 July 2008

South African miner’s fate hangs on US decision

Manganese Metal Corporation (MMC), a Nelspruit-based subsidiary of BHP Billiton, is pinning its hopes on a US government exemption from import duties for electrolyte manganese metal powder , a key South African export , in a bid to retain its position in the US.The firm, which supplies 19% of the US market, expected a decision in the first half of this year, but none came.Securing duty-free status is critical for MMC . The US consumes as much as four-fifths of the product, used to add toughness and abrasion resistance to metal alloy...

14 July 2008
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