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US export window has failed in Nigeria’

The impact of the United States' export window through the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act, AGOA, is not being felt as expected in Nigeria. This is because Nigeria has not produced high quality goods and services that will compete favourably in the international market.The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Achike Udenwa, told journalists in Abuja on Tuesday that Nigeria has not done well in exploiting opportunities provided by AGOA to turn around its fortunes, as other countries signatory to it have done."We have not done very well in...

14 January 2010

Nigeria: AGOA - Chamber of commerce to assist businessmen

The Kaduna state chapter of Nigerian-American Chamber of Commerce has promised to help credible businessmen to access the window which the African Growth And Opportunity Act (AGOA) provides for African goods in the United States, Dr Musa Bawa, the president has promised.Dr Bawa who made this known when the new EXCO paid a courtesy call on the Kaduna bureau of Daily Trust, also said that the chamber will help genuine businessmen to secure visas for business trips to the US. According to him, the chamber aims to promote business and cultural...

14 January 2010

Support Kenya cotton sector, group pleads

Extension of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) will not make any major impact in Kenya if the government continues to ignore cotton growing. The sector will help provide the much needed raw materials for garment makers.The government has, therefore, been urged to support the cotton sector locally to enable the country reap full benefits of the market deal.The chairman of the Garments Manufacturers Association, Mombasa chapter, Mr Thomas Puthoor, said that if they continue importing raw materials, access to American markets under...

12 January 2010

Nigeria, US walk diplomatic straining path

Until recently when a Nigerian, Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab, attempted to blow up a United States of America North West aircraft, relations between Nigeria and the US was on a good footing. The ensuing diplomatic strain between the two countries followed the decision by the American government toinclude Nigeria in the list of terrorism-prone countries. The Nigerian government and various interest groups in the country have criticised the action of the United States of America, with the Federal Government threatening to severe relations with...

12 January 2010

Good governance for Africa

The United States Government is suspending trade benefits granted under the African Growth and Opportunity Act [AGOA] for Guinea, Niger and Madagascar. President Barack Obama administration announced the decision on December 24, citing a lack of progress in democracy-building, a primary criterion for eligibility in the program. At the same time, the U.S. is reinstating Mauritania in recognition of 2009 elections that followed a 2008 military coup."The main point of AGOA is to reward countries that perform well," said Anthony Newton, director...

10 January 2010

MCC, AGOA : two powerful US cooperation levers in Africa

Over the past decade, the United States of America has been seeking to redefine its support and establishment terms in Africa, for economic and geostrategic concerns, with the year 2009 being marked by the strengthening of the opportunities offered to African countries by two US cooperation instruments, the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).The AGOA, the law on growth and markets in Africa, was officially signed in May 2000 to encourage African countries to develop markets based on...

10 January 2010

Southern African ministers prepare report on regional crises - AGOA implications

Southern African ministers are meeting in Mozambique to prepare for next month's summit of the African Union. Madagascar, Zimbabwe and Democratic Republic of Congo are major topics of discussion.Foreign ministers of the Southern African Development Community met in Maputo to prepare a report on the region's political crises. It is to be presented to African leaders at their upcoming summit in Ethiopia.SADC's Political and Diplomatic Committee has been mediating three major crises in the region.SADC officials said the ministers are pleased...

08 January 2010

Three countries suspended from AGOA

The Obama administration has decided to suspend trade benefits granted under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) for Guinea, Niger and Madagascar, citing a lack of democratic progress, which is a primary criterion for eligibility in the program.At the same time, it is reinstating Mauritania in recognition of democratic elections that replaced a government which came to power through a 2008 military coup."The main point of AGOA is to reward countries that perform well," Anthony Newton, the director of the economic policy staff in...

24 December 2009

Obama ends benefits for Guinea, Madagascar, Niger

President Barack Obama said on Wednesday he has terminated trade benefits for Guinea, Madagascar and Niger, three African countries where democratic progress is threatened by political turmoil.In a statement, Obama said the three countries had failed to make "continual progress" in meeting U.S. requirements for the African Growth and Opportunity Act."Each of these countries has experienced an undemocratic transfer of power, which is incompatible with making progress toward establishing the rule of law or political pluralism," said a White...

24 December 2009

Niger: US suspends Niger aid over democracy concerns

The United States on Wednesday froze most aid to Niger and imposed travel bans on some officials in response to President Mamadou Tandja's moves to extend his rule over the impoverished West African nation."In response to President Tandja's refusal to relinquish his mandate, the United States is suspending its non-humanitarian assistance to the Government of Niger," the U.S. State Department said in a statement.The United States contributes about $30 million annually to development in Niger, one of the world's poorest countries.The State...

23 December 2009

Kenya: Trade zones to inject life into local firms

Local firms that have remained largely shut out of the Export Processing Zones will receive a major boost when special economic zones are rolled out next year.The zones set up in 1990s, mainly to tap into the huge market provided under the African Growth and Opportunities Act have largely been a preserve of foreign companies.Agoa provides duty and quota free access to most of the products from Africa but local firms which lack access to capital, market knowledge and appropriate technology have had little to show for it.“Kenya owned...

19 December 2009

Nigera: More US investors coming to country

Nigeria's Federal Government said that arrangements had been concluded to promote inflow of foreign direct investment in Nigeria by wooing American investors to set up companies.The decision is a fallout of the signing of trade and investment framework agreement between Nigeria and the United States of America (USA) in Washington DC recently.Chairman, Strategic Agenda and consultant to the Federal Government on U.S.-Nigeria Trade and Investment Framework, Funso Abiri explained that the move was initiated by the government as a result of poor...

15 December 2009

Kenya to roll out special trade zones in six months

Special economic zones will be rolled out in six months to replace export processing zones which have been facing hitches.The new areas will offer greater incentives to investors while addressing the weaknesses found in the EPZ which were set up in the 1990s to accelerate industrialisation.Trade Assistant minister Omingo Magara said the government intends to conclude the process of setting up the zones in the shortest time possible.“We want to give the commitment that the government wants the new economic zones launched in six months,”...

15 December 2009

Madagascar eligibility: US Dept of State press release

Madagascar has been a leader in the utilization of the trade benefits under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) since becoming eligible in October 2000. The Act requires the President to annually designate countries as eligible to receive the benefits of AGOA if they have established, or are making continual progress in certain criteria, including the rule of law and political pluralism. The March 2009 undemocratic transfer of power and the inability to establish a return to democracy have violated one of the vital criteria for...

10 December 2009

Kenya: Experts fault tax incentives for EPZ companies

Tax experts are calling on the government to scrap the generous tariff breaks given to firms under the Export Processing Zones, saying they did not serve any purpose.Instead of attracting the intended foreign direct investment (FDI), the gesture was one of the ways the government was losing revenue, they said.“The government needs to eliminate all tax exemptions, holidays and other forms of special treatment to achieve equal treatment,” said Steve Okello, the head of Tax Services at PricewaterhouseCoopers.Mr Okello said the failure of...

08 December 2009

Ethiopia - TPLF Owned textile factory begins exporting product to US

Almeda textile factory, which is owned by the ruling party in Ethiopia, announced that it has begun exporting its products to Europe and the United States. The State-run Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) reported that a team led by Trade and Industry State Minister Tadesse Haile has visited the factory.Briefing the team, Factory Manager, Razvan Tonele said the factory has started exporting its products to Germany, Italy and the USA.The manager said the factory produces more than 40,000 jeans, T-shirts and other products a day. Established 14 years...

27 November 2009

Madagascar: Further AGOA eligibility depends on political change

Madagascar's fate in the setting of the AGOA, the business opportunity agreement to the advantage of African countries, is up to the evolution of the political situation. According to the United States' ambassador, the time to a final decision is running out .The United States of America gave a reprieve to Madagascar, one last opportunity to preserve the country's eligibility to the AGOA. "Washington is day after day and hour after hour very concerned about the events in Madagascar", explained the ambassador Niels Marquardt. The diplomat had...

19 November 2009

Bill H.R. 4101 - New Partnership for Trade Development Act of 2009

Note: This Bill was not passed by Congress in its current form. On 18 November 2009, Senator Bill McDermott, one of the architects of the AGOA legislation and a leading sponsor of US Trade Bills, introduced Bill H.R. 4101. More formally known as the "New Partnership for Trade Development Act of 2009", the proposed legislation is geared towards harmonising US trade policy and development efforts. It follows on from comments McDermott made during the annual AGOA Forum held most recently in Nairobi, Kenya, seeking to extend the current...

18 November 2009 | Eckart Naumann

Botswana: 5000 workers lose jobs as textile factory closes down

Around 5 000 workers employed by Caratex Botswana, a textile company, will lose their jobs when it closes for good in December. Mr. Craig Chow, Managing Director of Caratex Botswana, said last week in an interview that the company was set to close its factories as conditions have become difficult to continue production. Chow said the last workday will be 10th December 2009. “The recession has hit the industry very hard and competition is now very strong and buyers are becoming realistic and opting for cheaper goods.” Chow lamented the...

18 November 2009

Nigeria: Federal government set to revive textile sector

At the peak of its boom in the 1970s through to the 1980s, the Nigerian textile sub-sector gave direct employment to some 250,000 workers.Those who indirectly depended on the sub-sector -- ginneries, textile dealers, tailors, cotton farmers, haulage companies, etc -- were in their millions.Statistics show that currently, the few surviving textile factories in Nigeria employ less than 24,000 workers.This has contributed immensely to the battalions of unemployed youths, some of whom have taken to anti-social activities and are disturbing the...

18 November 2009

The Gambia: AGOA business forum opens in Gambian capital

The Gambia’s minister of Trade, Industry and Employment, Yusupha Kah, and the US ambassador to The Gambia, Barry L. Wells on Tuesday presided over the opening of a two-day business forum aimed at promoting trade and investment between the US and Gambia.The forum held at 20km from Banjul the capital is sponsored and organised by the US embassy in Banjul in collaboration with the Trade ministry.The forum is on the theme « Doing business with the US ».According to a release from the embassy, the forum also aims to foster entrepreneurship...

17 November 2009

East Africa: EPZ investors push for a larger local market

With the expansion of the East African market taking shape at the end of the month when the Common Market Protocol is signed, the Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) is pushing for investors in the sector to be allowed to sell 70 per cent of their products locally.Currently EPZs are allowed to dispose only 20 per cent of their products in the local market. After the adoption of the common market protocol, this means that all the five countries will constitute a local market."The region has a combined population of over 200 million...

11 November 2009

Gambia: US embassy, government to host international trade forum

The United States of America embassy in Banjul in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade, will hold a business forum on November 17th to 18th 2009 at the Coconut Residence Hotel in Senegambia.This forum which will be on the theme: "Doing business with the US", is intended to promote trade and investment network between the United States of America and The Gambia, foster entrepreneurship, and expand trade opportunities under the Agriculture Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).In view of this, the US embassy has invited several distinguished...

10 November 2009

Nigeria, ECOWAS partner to boost bilateral trade

To ensure proper articulation and harmonisation of Nigeria's position on bilateral trade negotiations as well as promote the country's interest in the World Trade Organisation, an Enlarged National Focal Point (ENFP) committee has been re-inaugurated. The inauguration was done on Friday by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the EU-ECOWAS Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The committee will be responsible for reflecting, brainstorming and advising the...

09 November 2009

Development Bank president set to discuss cooperation and IT during official visit

The African Development Bank (AfDB) Group President, Donald Kaberuka, will be on an official visit to India from November 9-11, 2009. While in India, Mr. Kaberuka will meet with Indian government officials and businesspeople with whom he will discuss how India and Africa could cooperate in the railway and information technology domains.India has established a reputation in the information technology sector and its experience in the railway domain could be of great significance to the continent. Africa had once had a vibrant working railway...

09 November 2009

Kenya asked to work closely with trade negotiators

Development experts in Kenya are proposing ways to benefit from China’s growing interest in Africa even as latest trade figures show widening trade gap in favour of the Asian nation.China is primed to experience the fastest economic growth in the post-recession world with the International Monetary Fund’s latest figures predicting her 2010 rate at nine per cent.Legal expertsThis week, a team of government and business leaders joins delegates from other African countries at a Chinese investment forum in Egypt to bargain for the...

04 November 2009

USTR leads trade and investment talks with largest African regional economic community

US trade and development officials held in-depth discussions today with officials from the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) to review progress on their work together under the U.S.-COMESA Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA). This was the sixth high-level meeting under the TIFA, which provides a forum for advancing cooperation on trade and investment issues between the United States and COMESA.Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Africa Florizelle Liser and COMESA Secretary-General Sindiso Ngwenya...

03 November 2009

US lobby pushes for Kenya, Madagascar to be retained as AGOA beneficiary

An influential US lobby is pushing for Kenya to remain in the list of countries eligible for trade benefits under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa).The deal comes up for review next year, even as Kenya faces relentless pressure from the US to peg the trade regime on good governance.The United States Association of Importers of Textiles and Apparel (USA-ITA) has strongly supported Kenya and three other African countries— Lesotho, Madagascar and Swaziland —which they want retained when their eligibility comes up for review in...

02 November 2009

Recovering US economy presents hope for Kenya

A rebounding US economy presents an opportunity for Kenya’s policy makers to craft new investment policies to reverse the decline that has come to characterise the country’s textile and apparel industry and boost the country’s Agoa exports, industry players say.Kenya, which adopted a niche market approach to the US market when the Agoa policy was enacted a decade ago, has mainly concentrated on promoting the production and sale of textile and apparel to the American market.Kenya’s textile industry is the most advanced in the region...

02 November 2009

US market still open to Africa - Rosa Whitaker

Ms Rosa Whitaker, the President and CEO of the Whitaker Group (TWG) of USA has assured African exporters that despite the economic downturn, the $11-trillion US market still offered many opportunities to African entrepreneurs willing to stay abreast of the dynamic marketing environment of the United States and market their products to meet consumer demand.“Despite the global recession, there are still many opportunities for African exporters to sell their products in the American market under the African Growth and Opportunity Act...

30 October 2009

Kenya warned of trade ban risk in reforms row with US

Kenya risks being thrown out of a list of countries that will next year trade with the US on concessionary terms contained in the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), analysts warned, citing a raging diplomatic row between the two countries over the pace of reforms.Review of countries that qualify to benefit from Agoa as provided for in the pact is going on and exporters are worried that persistent friction over the pace of political reforms may draw the Obama administration’s attention to Kenya’s presence in the list posing the...

29 October 2009

Turkish textile firm invests in Ethiopia

Turkish textile producer and exporter Saygın Textile has finalized preparations to shift its factory operations to the Oromia region of Ethiopia, according to an Oct. 17 story by The Reporter, an Ethiopia-based daily.Saygın has secured 17 hectares of land in a central Ethiopia town called Sebeta, where it will build an integrated textile factory, Oromia Investment Commissioner Ismail Yassin told the publication.The company has entered into a joint venture with the Ethiopian government, called Saygın Dima Textile, which will...

20 October 2009

Nigeria: Investors urged to take advantage of AGOA, TIFA

The Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Humphrey Abah has urged Nigerian businessmen to take advantage of trade and investment opportunities available in the Unites State of America's African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) as well the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) and exports goods to the US market. The Minister said this at a sensitization workshop in Kano over the weekend on opportunities and challenges available in doing business in the USA. He said the workshop is one of the ways through which members of...

19 October 2009

South Africa: New East London motor plant to fuel exports and jobs

The announcement that a new greenfield vehicle manufacturing plant is on the cards for the East London industrial development zone is an exciting development. The facility, to be operated by an outsourced assembler, will have the capacity to produce 50 000 vehicles a year for several newer entrants to the local market.It will be the first original equipment manufacturer (OEM) automotive facility set up in South Africa in the past four decades, and will boost foreign investment, create jobs and bolster exports.OEMs apparently interested in...

13 October 2009

Exporting goods? Adhere to the rules

The U.S. government provides reduced or duty-free privileges on thousands of goods made in developing nations around the world. Likewise, the U.S. has entered more than a dozen free-trade agreements with trading partners of various sizes. Trade preference programs and FTAs can offer substantial savings to companies importing or selling covered products in the U.S. market, a benefit that's even more notable in today's uncertain economic climate. But there are specific rules for taking advantage of these preferences, and a recent court...

12 October 2009

Nigeria’s AGOA Challenge

The African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA), a United States Trade Act meant to enhance U.S. market access for Sub-Saharan African countries, is a special economic growth and development initiative. It was predicated on the understanding of the US that African nations are at a comparative disadvantage in global trade because of their lack of capital, poor infrastructure, corruption, political and economic mismanagement.The Act, which presently allows 39 sub-Saharan African countries including Nigeria access to US market, was in operation for...

11 October 2009

South Africa: "Extend AGOA" - Minister Davies

South Africa has proposed that the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) between the US and African countries be extended for a longer period of time to allow for investment in capacity building that would allow more countries and industries to take advantage of the benefits of the Act, Trade and Industry Minister Dr Rob Davies said on Monday.The Act, which provided preferential access for imports from beneficiary African countries, would expire in 2015, while the third-country fabric provision under the Act would expire in 2012, said...

07 October 2009

Nigeria: AGOA - an untapped opportunity

When in the year 2000, under the presidency of Bill Clinton, the United States government promulgated the African Growth & Opportunity Act (AGOA) which was to enable some 41 selected African countries export about 6400 different goods into the United States of America under very relaxed and convenient trade conditions, it was seen as a wide escape route from the abject poverty that had continued to ravage the very existence of the African states. However, almost a decade now, it is been realized that Nigeria has not optimally utilized this...

07 October 2009

Remarks by Secretary of State Clinton at the CCA meeting in Washington

Thank you. Well, thank you very much, Stephen, and it is a real pleasure for me to join you today and be part of what has already been a very substantive program. I thank you and the Corporate Council on Africa for your tireless efforts to develop stronger business and trade ties between the United States and the countries of Africa. And I want to also recognize my colleague in the cabinet, the U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Ron Kirk, who is a great advocate of increasing economic and trade opportunities as well. (Applause.)Well, as...

07 October 2009

South Africa urges the US to extend its duty-free trade law

South Africa is pushing the US to extend the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), which enables sub-Saharan African countries to export more than 6400 items duty-free to that country.If extended indefinitely, as SA would like, Agoa would boost SA’s and the continent’s trade with the US significantly.SA is clearly benefiting from the trade deal. The value of SA- US trade has increased steadily, from 923m in 2001 to 8,9bn last year, and SA is keen to grow this trade even more. SA’s exports to the US this year were R19,1bn to June...

06 October 2009

Uganda: Government renews support for local textile industry

Government has pledged full support for the development of the textile industry.Industry and Technology State Minister Rev Simon Lokodo and his Trade counterpart Gagawala Wambuzi said on September 24 the country’s textile industry has the potential to grow and create numerous job opportunities for Ugandans as well as satisfy the domestic apparel demand.The two, who officiated the opening of an event at the Textile Development Agency (Texda) in Kampala, reiterated the need for scaling up production in the cotton sub-industry to support the...

29 September 2009

Nigeria: Federal government worried over poor Nigeria/US trade

Nigeria's Federal Government yesterday expressed worries over the low volume of trade in non-oil products between Nigeria and the United States of America.Minister of Commerce and Industry, Chief Achike Udenwa, said this at a sensitisation workshop on "opportunities and challenges available in doing business in USA," in Lagos.Udenwa, represented by Deputy Director, Trade, in his Ministry, Mr. David Adejuwon, said the fact that Nigeria had not leveraged on trade opportunity in the 6,400 products made available by the Africa Growth and...

20 September 2009

Africa: Obama Administration committed to partnering with Africa - Johnnie Carson

A month after accompanying Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to seven African countries, Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Johnnie Carson, in a major policy presentation has reiterated the Obama administration's commitment to engage with Africa and its problems."We remain optimistic and hopeful about the continent," in spite of "very serious and well-known challenges," he said during an hour-long presentation and question-and-answer session at the Center for American Progress in Washington, DC.The visits to Africa by President Obama,...

17 September 2009

Growth opportunity is not well utilised in Nigeria

International trade experts have decried the fact of Nigeria not taking full advantage of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which is meant to increase non-oil exports from the continent to the United States of America.Despite the increase recorded in Nigeria's non-oil export to the US in 2008, there are still concerns that Nigeria is not making good use of the AGOA initiative.A specialist in international trade and logistics, Obiora Madu, said Nigerians are not effectively tapping into the opportunity given to them by the US to...

08 September 2009

Trade talk: Debunking myths about AGOA

In the aftermath of the annual AGOA Forum held last month in Nairobi, there has been a chorus of pessimists placing AGOA in the Hall of Shame of failed policy initiatives. They could not be more wrong.In fact, AGOA is among the most successful US policies towards Africa—especially in terms of a return-on-investment ratio. According to the OECD, over the past 50 years the US has spent well over $325 billion dollars in foreign aid to Africa – yet Africa remains the only region of the world getting poorer. The returns on investments from...

05 September 2009

Africa: Reforming African economies continue to reap benefits

Although total U.S. trade with sub-Saharan Africa (exports plus imports) declined in the first four months of 2009 compared with the same period in 2008, largely as a result of the global economic crisis, many sub-Saharan African countries continue to reap benefits from changes to their economic policies, improved governance and investments in key social sectors undertaken during the past decade.Holly Vineyard, deputy assistant secretary for Africa, the Middle East and South Asia in the Commerce Department's International Trade...

04 September 2009

East Africa: Exporters struggle to meet criteria for AGOA products

During the recently concluded AGOA Forum in Kenya, it was pointed out that Africa still takes too little advantage of the trade facility. That is also the case in Rwanda. Under the AGOA initiative, some 6,400 products can be exported by 41 African countries, but since the launch of the Act in 2000, they export less than 50%, and petroleum products alone account for more than 90% of the $81.4 billion earned from exports to the US. In the EAC, Kenya was the biggest earner with US$ 343.5 million, whereas Rwanda only got US$ 13.7...

01 September 2009

Four ways to help Africa

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently concluded her maiden trip to sub-Saharan Africa carrying in her words "a tough message lovingly delivered." Simultaneously, U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk visited Kenya, Ethiopia and Senegal also touting, in his words, "a tough love" message for Africans.But U.S. policy in Africa is not about love. It's about advancing America's core interests: promoting economic growth and development, combating terrorism, and fostering well-governed, stable countries. Did Mrs. Clinton's trip advance those...

26 August 2009

AGOA and Africa's prosperity

In 2000 when the Clinton Administration enacted the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) to enhance trade between Africa and the US, many thought it would end the economic and financial woes of sub-Saharan Africa.However, that never happened; Africa is still in want. Africa, over the years, has had its growth and development dependent on other forces or nations, for which reason Africa went out for a tea party when the AGOA was enacted.In fact, AGOA marked a fundamental shift in US policy towards Africa. For the first time, the US...

18 August 2009
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