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Sub-Saharan Africa enjoying benefits of AGOA

The Saharan region of Africa is still struggling to get a strong foot hold in the global arena. But with the aid of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), opportunities would be showing a silver lining. The AGOA Act was approved by the U.S. Congress to assist the Sub Saharan economies and augment relations between the concerned region and the US. Under the administration of Presidents George W. Bush and William J. Clinton, Rosa Whitaker developed and implemented the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). Currently 39 African...

06 May 2010

Ethiopia: Large textile factory opens near Addis Ababa

A giant textile factory, established with an investment of over 100 million dollars, was inaugurated on Friday, April 30, reports Capital. The Prime Minster, other Ministers and government officials attended the event in Alem Gena, which is around 20 kilometres west of Addis Ababa. During the inaugural ceremony, Girma Birru, Minister of Trade and Industry, said that the beginning of production by the factory will play a major role in strengthening the country's textile manufacturing value chain. The factory in Alem Gena is expected to...

04 May 2010

Collier warns against expanding AGOA-like trade preferences

Eminent development economist Dr. Paul Collier, Director of the Center for the Study of African Economies at Oxford University, warned on Monday that expanding the trade preferences currently reserved for eligible African nations by the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) to all Least Developed Countries (LDCs) would be disastrous for African economic development.Speaking at the Leaders Forum on the 10-Year Anniversary of AGOA in Washington , DC , Dr. Collier described how proposed legislation in the US Congress to extend duty-free and...

03 May 2010

South Africa: Exports to US grow as trade revives

South Africa's exports to the US are on the rise again after falling sharply last year, according to the US International Trade Commission. In the first two months of the year the value of local exports to the US rose 18 percent, compared with the same period in 2009, to $975.5 million (R7.2 billion). See link to data here.In the whole of last year, exports to the US fell to $5.9bn, from nearly $10bn in 2008.The major export was in the category minerals and metals, worth $3bn last year from more than $6bn the previous year.The sharp dip...

29 April 2010

Kenya: Prime Minister issues order on textile purchases

In a move designed to contribute to the revival of the cotton industry, Prime Minister Raila Odinga has directed government ministries and institutions to buy textile for staff uniforms from local industries.While pointing to the thousands of jobs that used to be generated by the local textile industries before the collapse of the sector, Mr Odinga expressed the government’s commitment to ensure that the industry thrives again.“We need to revive this industry which in the past offered jobs to thousands of Kenyans in the manufacturing of...

28 April 2010

Swaziland struggling to reap full benefits from AGOA

A decade after the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA), a preferential US trade agreement, became law on 18 May 2000, there are questions over the benefits, if any, derived from the initiative.AGOA was touted by the US government as offering "tangible incentives for African countries to continue their efforts to open their economies and build free markets"; in return, selected countries could access US markets without restrictive quotas or import taxes.Neither Swaziland nor Lesotho had a textile sector before the advent of AGOA, but...

28 April 2010

Swaziland: US trade act a mixed bag for Swazis

A decade has passed since the US trade initiative, the African Growth and Opportunities Act (Agoa), expanded some countries’ economies like a balloon, bringing the largest manufacturing investments of any single time and tens of thousands of jobs, only to later deflate when the party seemed to be overAgoa offers duty-free access into the US market for African manufactured exports but Lesotho, Madagascar and Swaziland found the treaty has enticed mostly Asian-owned textile firms to invest in their countries. When the fortunes of these...

20 April 2010

Nigeria, US sign MoU on market promotion

The Federal Government and the United States International Trade Commission (USITC), on Friday, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to promote trade under the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Senator Jubril Martins-Kuye, signed the MOU on behalf of the (Nigerian) Federal Government, while the President of ITC, Mr. Wea Lee, signed on behalf of the Commission.The agreement came at the end of a two-day U.S.-Nigeria Business forum.The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the MoU would enhance...

19 April 2010

The new scramble for Africa

For the past decade there has been a new scramble for Africa. Scrambling for Africa is nothing new. It reached its apogee in 1884 when 13 European powers and the United States convened at the palace of German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck to carve up the continent into spheres of influence. No African attended and decisions were announced as though the African people mattered not at all. Now things have changed a great deal. Europe and the USA no longer dominate the world and the new scramble involves fewer players as well as different...

14 April 2010

South Africa: Grant plan for motor industry publicised

Guidelines for grants that will be available to vehicle and component manufacturers through the Automotive Investment Scheme (AIS), which forms part of the government's new Automotive Production and Development Programme (APDP), have been completed.The scheme is meant to deepen the domestic automotive manufacturing industry.The South African government has also proposed to the US government that it roll over the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) for "a reasonable period of time".Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies confirmed this...

12 April 2010

Gambia designers storm the United States

Thirty Gambian fashion designers and apparel producers are planning on attending a major textile expo in the United States of America in May.The delegation of Textile and sewn products Industry week (TASPIW) in Atlanta, Georgia would be in The Gambia, led by a representative of the US Embassy and an official of the ministry of Trade and Employment.The show will expose visitors to the latest equipment and technology in textile making and apparel production as well as to the high quality fabrics in the United States.The visit to the expo in...

12 April 2010

AGOA dollars elude Uganda

When Kumar Dewapura, a renowned textile guru and the chairman of the Sri Lanka-based Tri-Star Group, landed in Uganda in 2002, two years after the US government unveiled the AGOA initiative, he was given the nation’s dream of exporting its first textile products to the mighty US market but most importantly, he was expected to help the country benefit from a fully-integrated textile industrial model.Dewapura traversed the country with the hope of buying into the existing textile factories of Lira Spinning Mill or the Mbale-based African...

11 April 2010

300 Gambian fashion designers to attend textile expo in US

A delegation comprising 300 Gambian fashion designers and apparel producers are currently planning to attend a major textile expo in the United States of America in May. The delegation to the Textile and Sewn Products Industry (TaSPIW) in Atlanta, Georgia, will be led by officials from the Trade and Employment ministry.Speaking at a press conference held at the US Embassy Thursday, Barry Wells, the United States ambassador to The Gambia disclosed that the visit is part of the efforts of the US Embassy and the Ministry of Trade to help...

08 April 2010

Botswana Parliament adopts national trade policy

Parliament has adopted the 2009 National Trade Policy for Botswana.The policy intends to facilitate access to markets for Botswanas export of goods and services and enable consumers access to a wider choice of international goods and services on the best possible terms.Presenting the motion, Minister of Trade and Industry, Ms Dorcus Makgato-Malesu said Botswana had never had a national trade policy document to guide her trade relations with other countries.She stated that trade policy positions had been based on various pieces of...

07 April 2010

Nigeria: Harnessing the gains of President Jonathan's visit to Washington

Acting President Goodluck Jonathan is to have a one-on -one meeting with United States while in Washington for the nuclear security summit. Ikechukwu Eze and Alex Chiejina write that the Presidency should leverage the opportunity to not only deepen the diplomatic ties between both countries but also harness probable business opportunitiesFor most foreign leaders getting an audience with an American President is always a highly coveted quest. It is always considered a great privilege to either get the world's most powerful leader to visit...

07 April 2010

South Africa has requested rollover of Agoa – Minister Davies

Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies said on Thursday that the South African government had put forward a proposal to the US government to roll over the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) "for a reasonable period of time".Agoa was to come to an end in 2015.Agoa allowed for the duty-free and quota-free entry of around 7 000 product lines into the US from 37 designated sub-Saharan countries. These product lines included vehicle and component exports, such as the Mercedes-Benz C-Class, produced in East London.Automotive exports to the...

07 April 2010

US and Nigeria aim to improve ties through broad-based accord

The US and Nigeria would be attempting to upgrade its diplomatic ties through a historic comprehensive commission pact to be signed on Wednesday in New York. The bi-national commission agreement comes barely days after the US lifted enhanced airport screening measures against Nigeria and other 13 countries, which was imposed following failed terror attempt by a Nigerian in a US flight on Christmas day last year.The Secretary to the Nigerian Government of the Federation, Alhaji Ahmed Yayale is leading a delegation comprising of top government...

05 April 2010

South Africa's vehicle exports plummet, but USA exports under AGOA remain buoyant

The value of vehicles and vehicle components exported by South African manufacturers in 2009 was R33.2bn less than in the previous year.This decline brings the value of last year's exports by the motor industry to R61bn, some 35% less than the record R94.2bn worth of exports in 2008.Norman Lamprecht, managing executive for the Automotive Industry Export Council and the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa, says the negative effect of the financial crisis on the motor industry's top export markets had far-reaching...

04 April 2010

Column: 'The truth as Madagascar goes downhill'

Lagos - The political crisis in the Indian Ocean island of Madagascar has been rumbling on for more than a year. The genesis of the current problems may be traced to sometime in 2008, when opposition protesters, loyal to the former Mayor of Antananarivo, the national capital, started what turned out to be weeks and weeks of random rallies against the elected government of President Marc Ravalomanana, in an effort to bring it down. The leader of the protests happened to be one Andre Rajuoline, a thirty-three-year-old former disc...

04 April 2010

Remarks by Chairman Donald Payne at 'An Overview of US Policy in Africa' hearing

The following remarks were issued by Chairman Donald M. Payne at a hearing of the Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health titled 'An Overvìew of U.S. Polícy ín Africa'.As the title suggests, the purpose of this hearing is to discuss the Administration's policy on the continent of Africa - to gain an understanding of both the overall policy towards the region and the United States' position on key and pressing issues of the day. To that end we have two distinguished panels which I will introduce following Members' opening statements. Let...

24 March 2010

Policy Statement: Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs discusses US policy in Sub-Saharan Africa

In a statement prepared for the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, March 24, 2010, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson discussed challenges facing sub-Saharan African nations and how the United States plans to work with African governments and the international community to address these challenges. Carson emphasized the importance of strengthening democratic institutions, promoting economic development, and preventing and resolving conflicts as key elements to Africa's transformation. "The Obama Administration...

24 March 2010

Madagascar sanctions

Madagascar's coup leader Andry Rajoelina has reacted angrily to the sanctions imposed against his regime by the African Union (AU) and trade partners, threatening to attack the opposition. This is a sign sanctions have an impact, ex-leaders say.The AU last week imposed sanctions against Madagascar's ruling elite, which came to power in a military coup in March 2009. The AU sanctions follow the decision by the United States to suspend Madagascar's involvement in the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) and the European Union has also...

23 March 2010

East Africa: Why the US has joined the rush for East Africa

The recent visit of Deputy United States Trade Representative, Ambassador Demetrios Merantis, marked a re-energising of US-East African Community trade relations. Observers at a formal event that Demetrios addressed in Kampala say his visit signals the US waking up to the reality that there is an emerging strong economic bloc not to be ignored - the East African Community.Demetrios visit was different in that it was a visit from an official of the US state department in charge of trade and not a privately led initiative of American lobbyists...

22 March 2010

Madagascar crisis puts thousands out of work

One year after the overthrow of Madagascar's president, the Indian Ocean island is facing stiffer political penalties and economic sanctions that are plunging thousands into poverty.A deserted garment factory in the capital Antananarivo is one of the recent victims of the forcible power change that prompted the United States to halt a scheme allowing some African countries preferential access to its markets.Since the US suspended the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) in December, factory manager Richard Hurnungee has been struggling...

21 March 2010

Perspectives from Bangladesh on the proposed US trade legislation

The New Partnership for Trade Development Act (NPTDA), 2009 would help Bangladesh to boost its exports to the USA if appropriate measures and careful strategies are undertaken, observes an expert committee commissioned by the government.The committee, which has submitted its report to the Ministry of Commerce (MoC) last week, has put forward 12-point suggestions tothe government to reap the maximum possible benefit out of the NPTDA Bill.The Public-Private seven-member committee was formed in December 2009 headed by Professor Mustafizur...

20 March 2010

Tanzania: US markets invite local produce

The African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA), that allows countries in the continent to fully access the US market, has not been fully utilized and Tanzania can do more in so many areas in the quest to capture the markets.The US Ambassador to Tanzania, Mr Alfonso Lenhardt, said today that it was true that the export-import ratio between the two countries was still imbalanced, but this is the challenge that the country has to take in order to overcome the difference."The top leadership including the president, prime minister and vice- president...

05 March 2010

Nigeria goes trading in America

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has concluded arrangements to showcase the investment potential in the different sectors of the Nigerian economy, in the United States market. This will be achieved through the 1st Nigeria-US business forum scheduled to hold on April 2010 in Atlanta, Houston and Chicago. The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Achike Udenwa, while briefing newsmen in Abuja on Monday, disclosed that the forum will give a boost to trade relations between Nigeria and the United States. He added that the business forum is a...

04 March 2010

Gambia, US urged to deepen business ties

Textile vendors have called for the deepening of ties between The Gambia and the United States so that there could be direct benefits to The Gambia’s business sector. Speaking in an interview with TODAY Newspaper at the conclusion of a two day apparel export training workshop jointly organized by the US embassy and the West Africa Trade Hub (WATH), held at the Sheraton Hotel in Brufut, Mariama Demba, a tie & dye specialist and craft vendor at the Sunbeach craft market said the strengthening of bilateral relationship between Banjul and...

02 March 2010

Regional players cry foul over unfair trade with the US market

The East African Community is not reaping maximum benefits from the African Growth and Opportunity Act, as the value of exports to the US market diminishes.This has been blamed on agricultural subsidies in the US as well as inadequate trade facilitation, ballooning production and flight costs.Last year, for instance, $1.4 billion worth of goods was traded between the regional bloc and the US, with revenue from EAC exports standing at $191.8 million — which is just a fragment of the billions the region garners from trade with the Common...

02 March 2010

Madagascar: Textile industry unravels

Tensions between street traders and the city authorities in Madagascar's capital, Antananarivo, are mounting as hundreds of recently unemployed textile industry workers compete with established informal traders; textile factories have been closing since the country was suspended from a preferential trade agreement with the US."Before, there were just a few stalls here - now there is someone selling something, every step you take," Naina Ravaoarinirina, a cosmetics vendor, told IRIN, hiding her goods from sight as a municipal patrol passed...

25 February 2010

The Gambia: State reaffirms commitment to promoting trade

Hon. Babucarr H.M. Jallow, The Gambia's minister of Trade and Employment has said the government would continue to sustain efforts aimed at strengthening the export sector in the country. He made the affirmation yesterday at the Sheraton Hotel at a training workshop on apparel export, jointly organized by the United States Embassy in Banjul and the West Africa Trade Hub (WATH).According to the Trade minister, the ministry is working tirelessly to ensure that Gambian exports to the US market increase substantially. He said the AGOA initiative...

23 February 2010

Global recovery renews interest in Kenya’s EPZs

Investor interest in Kenya’s Export Processing Zones has nearly doubled in the past six months, brightening growth prospects for the country’s nascent exports sector and promising new jobs for the ever rising number of unemployed youth.Latest data from Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) indicates that the number of foreign firms applying to set up operations in the special industrial zones rose to 12 since August last year double the annual average of six in the preceding period.Investor interest in EPZs is in tandem with recent...

23 February 2010

Gambia’s trade minister re-affirms importance of entreprenuer training

The Gambian Minister of Trade and Employment, Mr. Baboucarr Jallow has re-echoed the importance of the training under the United States Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which the US embassy in Banjul is providing to Gambian entrepreneurs on Monday and Tuesday.Speaking at the opening ceremony of the two-day training at the Sheraton hotel in Brufut, about 17 kilometres fromBanjul, he said “the nature of today’s training is highly commendable and in the right direction that would enhance practical expertise”.According to him, The...

23 February 2010

US business to Africa: Stop the blame game (interview)

Stephen Hayes, president of the Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) in this interview with Mshale Correspondent Williams Ekanem in Washington D.C says African leaders should reflect on why things are working out in other continents but not in Africa. He is of the opinion that there is nothing outsiders can do about the high level corruption on the continent. The Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) had a very successful outing in September during the 7th U.S. Africa business summit, although early, but what would say are the gains of the...

20 February 2010

US-Africa trade under AGOA stands at $104 billion

In the past eight years, U.S. trade with sub-Saharan Africa has more than doubled as Africans improve their lives and livelihoods while exporting an ever-expanding list of goods to the United States, says Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis.“At the same time, American companies and workers have found new opportunities to do business in Africa — providing inputs and expertise to aspiring African entrepreneurs, participating in joint-venture partnerships, and increasing American exports and investments,” Marantis said in...

19 February 2010

Sierra Leone's preferential market access to key markets for sugar & palm oil

Sierra Leone is a Least Developed Country in Africa and this has given us the opportunity to export varieties of goods to the United States under the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). Producers in these areas will be permitted to export products to the US duty-free. At the current time, all cane products - sugar, molasses, ethanol, etc. and oil-palm products (palm oil, palm kernel oil, oilcake from palm, palmitic acid, etc.) are classified as eligible products, although the US can change the list of products unilaterally and does so...

17 February 2010

East Africa: First EAC-USA Council on Trade and Investment meeting

The EAC-USA Trade and Investment Council will hold its inaugural meeting on 15 February 2010 in Kampala, Uganda, with discussions on various areas of cooperation forming the agenda. The EAC region will be represented by the Ministers for Trade from the five EAC Partner States headed by Hon. Dr. Mary M. Nagu, Minister for Industry, Trade and Marketing of the United Republic of Tanzania, who is the current Chairperson of the Sectoral Council on Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment. The United States will be represented by the United States...

15 February 2010

Cotton sub-sector in dire straits as production declines

Cotton growing has now been left to small holder farms thereby reducing the production capacity of the country, analysts say amid concerns that the declining production is jeopardising Kenya’s ability to utilise the platform offered by Africa Growths Opportunities Act (Agoa) to export locally manufactured apparel to American markets duty and quota free.Attempts to grow cotton in more than 30,000 hectares have flopped after a 2005 attempt by the Cotton Development Authority to encourage cotton farming and return Kenya to the export...

15 February 2010

Botswana: Locals must be part of economic transformation

Contributing to the 2010/11 budget proposals in Parliament on Wednesday, Shoshong MP, Mr Philip Makgalemele, said he appreciated why public service salaries were not increased, arguing the 15 per cent government contribution towards public officers pensions fund was a great assistance.Regarding the value added tax (VAT) which has been increased by two to 12 per cent, MP Makgalemele said it was of grave concern even though he appreciated that government revenues had declined.He said it would take apt work ethics to transform the countrys...

12 February 2010

Africa: EU to peg development assistance on governance

The European Union plans to tighten the rules for beneficiaries of its budget support fund, placing governance at the centre of a programme that has been pivotal to infrastructure financing in countries like Kenya.Under the proposed rules governance will get a higher weighting when countries are being assessed for financing from the European Development Fund (EDF), signalling that political stability and the fight against corruption might become the deciding factors.Stringent levelsThe move is expected to place developing nations with...

10 February 2010

Nigeria: The changing face of the Shea butter industry

On a recent sunny afternoon in Minna, Nigeria, Thompson Ogunsanmi had a list of new developments in the area’s shea sector to share. It was a long list.Activity in the shea business has increased rapidly in the last year, thanks at least partly to the industry’s 2009 annual conference. With “Global Shea 2010: Maximizing Quality, Expanding Markets” set for March 16-19 in Bamako, Mali, many are expecting it to increase even more.“Shea 2009 allowed Nigerians to see what was happening in Ghana and Burkina Faso and elsewhere,” said...

10 February 2010

Madagascar’s economy reels as EU also mulls sanctions

Madagascar’s economy, already reeling from the effects of a yearlong political crisis, faces a new threat this week when European Union officials meet to discuss possible sanctions against the Indian Ocean island nation.What measures the EU should take against the government of Andry Rajoelina, a 35-year-old former disc-jockey who seized power with the help of the army last year, will be on the agenda when the EU’s Africa Working Group gathers in Brussels on Feb. 10, Maria Becerril-Perez, chargé d’affaires of the EU delegation in...

08 February 2010

US-Nigeria Trade: Federal Government targets increased FDI, market access

Minister of Commerce and Industry, Chief Achike Udenwa yesterday said that the purpose of the first ever United States of America (USA) and Nigeria Business Forum is to attract more Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into the economy and also to open up Nigeria’s market opportunities to the American market which largely has remain untapped for several years.The idea for the business forum, according to the minister was conceived last year March. He said the United States and Nigeria officials held the sixth meeting under the US-Nigeria...

03 February 2010

Kenya: Production at EPZs on a decline

The Government’s plan to establish Special Economic Zones (SER) may suffer a setback, due to declining productivity at the Athi River-based industrial enclave.A new report by the Institute of Policy Analysis and Research (IPAR) says Kenya’s labour productivity at the Export Promotion Zones (EPZs) has been declining by four per cent every year.This means that unless investment in skilled labour is shored up in the next few years, production at the EPZs could dip, making the country lose competitiveness in its exports through the Africa...

25 January 2010

One year later: President Obama and US policy in Africa

The election of President Barack Obama resonated loudly throughout Africa. His victory raised expectations that Africa would assume a more prominent place in U.S. foreign policy. This was not in 2009 to be the case.To its credit, the Obama Administration has in its first year done a good job reminding Africans of the challenges they face. In July, the President spent a day in Ghana and delivered strong messages in his Africa policy speech. He talked about importance of good governance, stronger institutions, and ending festering conflicts....

20 January 2010

Forget the World Cup, 2010 could be a difficult trade year for Africa

Despite all the positives surrounding the coming World Cup in South Africa this year, there are a number of developments that could restrict or even derail any positive developments in 2010. First, looking at Nigeria and the attempted Christmas Day attack by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, without a functioning President (or even a capable interim) or an Ambassador in the United States, or a respectable lobbying/legal presence to communicate with the Obama Administration and the U.S. Congress, Nigeria made it very easy for the U.S. government to...

19 January 2010

Africa weighs Obama's first year

Barack Obama’s inauguration was greeted with euphoria in Africa,perhaps nowhere more than here in Kenya, the country where Obama’s father was born and raised. The response was emotional — a black man, an African, was leader of one of the world's most powerful countries — and there were expectations that his kinship would mean a more attentive approach to the continent.Yet troop deployments to Afghanistan, domestic health reform and the economic crisis have meant that a year down the line Obama’s Africa policy is just coming into...

19 January 2010

Has Obama been good to Africa?

US President Barack Obama's record on Africa during his first year in the White House is drawing mixed reviews from analysts in Washington and Nairobi.There is general agreement in Washington that Kenyans and other Africans held exaggerated hopes for a US president of African descent that could not possibly be fulfilled.In Nairobi, the government downplayed Mr Obama's failure to visit Kenya during his tour of Africa, instead saying that the country had gained a lot during the US president's first year in office.Foreign Affairs minister Moses...

19 January 2010

Madagascar: Post-AGOA reflections

Madagascar’s government expects the economy to grow 2.6 percent this year, a forecast that some analysts say is unrealistic as donors continue to withhold aid and the country’s year-long political crisis drags on.The economy has suffered a series of “hard blows” since political unrest erupted last year, Minister of Economy and Industry Richard Fienena said in an interview in the capital, Antananarivo, on Jan. 15. The economy only expanded 0.6 percent last year, he said, calling on donors to resume aid.Growth had been forecast to...

19 January 2010
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