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South Africa eyes AGOA forum for manufacturing gain

The International Marketing Council of South Africa (IMC-SA) Wednesday called on the South African delegation to the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) 2011 forum to use the opportunity to promote the country's manufacturing and beneficiation sectors.Established by the U. S. government in 2000, AGOA's central purpose is to strengthen trade between Washington and 37 sub- Saharan African countries.It provides African countries with trade preferences, which in turn makes it easier to export African products to the U.S..The 2011 forum,...

09 June 2011

African countries seek AGOA extension, export diversification, more US investment in 2011 Forum

The 2011 African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) forum takes place on Thursday and Friday in Lusaka, Zambia under the theme "Enhanced Trade Through Increased Competitiveness, Value addition and Deeper regional Integration."The 2011 forum also marks the 10th year that government officials, business leaders and civil society from African countries and the United States will convene to promote trade, business and investment opportunities that sustain economic development in Africa.AGOA, the centerpiece of the U.S. government's trade policy...

09 June 2011

US seeks greater economic role in Africa

U.S. officials and business leaders have gathered here for a bout of soul-searching on how to lift trade and investment in Africa, underlining a broad recognition that American companies are trailing those from China and India in tapping the continent's economic opportunities.The meeting in Zambia has drawn one of the largest U.S. delegations to Africa in years. It includes U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who arrives in the capital Lusaka on Friday. She is the first U.S. secretary of state to...

09 June 2011

USADF promotes grassroots development at AGOA Forum

USADF will engage in the 10th annual African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum in Lusaka today. USADF President/CEO Lloyd Pierson plans to participate in the 2011 AGOA Forum where government officials and business and civil society leaders will convene to promote trade, business, and investment opportunities throughout Africa.Across the continent USADF investments provide direct support to local community producer groups and small enterprises to create jobs, raise incomes and take advantage of local, regional and export market...

08 June 2011

Rwanda: Reforms could help Rwanda to tap AGOA opportunity

African countries grouped under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) must invest in energy to attract more industries that are able to add value to agricultural products that can meet US market standards.AGOA, which is expected to expire by 2015, is aimed at increasing access to U.S. market for over 41 Sub-Saharan African countries."We want Africa to invest in energy to attract investors who can build industries that are able to add value to agricultural products from Africa," says Connie Hamilton, Deputy Assistant United States...

06 June 2011

South Africa: AGOA could be used to leverage regional integration

The African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), which is regarded as a favourable trade and investment policy introduced unilaterally by the US a decade ago, should be extend beyond its current 2015 deadline, but could also be enhanced, South Africa's Minister of Trade and Industry Dr Rob Davies said on Monday.He indicated that the legislation could also play a role in improving regional integration on the continent, which remained a “fundamental challenge”.Agoa, which was introduced a decade ago, aims to reduce barriers to trade,...

06 June 2011

AGOA pre-forum event in Lusaka, with videoconference

The US Department of State and the World Bank Institute are convening a knowledge exchange videoconference on the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) on June 7, 2011. The event will bring together business professionals and young African entrepreneurs to discuss how AGOA can support sustainable development, youth employment and help enhance investment in Africa through the enactment of responsible business practices.The United States Congress passed AGOA in 2000 to strengthen trade between the United States and sub-Saharan Africa...

05 June 2011

Guest Column: The 2011 AGOA Forum - Is this the year that Africa is ready?

From June 8-10, U.S. and African stakeholders will attend the 2011 U.S.-Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum, better known as the AGOA Forum, in Lusaka, Zambia. This event comes at a very opportune time, as both sides are looking to advance the U.S.-Africa trade relationship.*The United States is increasingly seeing its market share erode and commercial presence recede throughout Africa at the expense of industry expansion and investment from Brazil, China, India, and others. These countries are also increasingly becoming a favored...

04 June 2011

BUSA calls for extension of AGOA beyond 2015

The extension of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) beyond 2015 would greatly benefit the South African economy and would further enhance trade relations with the US, Business Unity South Africa (Busa) said this week.Busa will lead a business delegation from the automotive, agricultural and clothing sectors to Zambia next week for the tenth Agoa summit. Many African countries are expected to call for the scheme to roll over.Agoa currently offers preferential market access on 7 000 African product lines.In 2010, the US exported...

02 June 2011

Zimbabwe: Local business people to meet Hillary Clinton

Local businesspeople under the auspices of the American Business Association of Zimbabwe (ABAZ) will this month meet United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to pave the way for the southern African country to participate in the US's African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).Sources told businessdigest this week that the businesspeople would meet Clinton in Lusaka, Zambia, when she attends the four-day 2011 AGOA Forum, which commences in Lusaka next Tuesday."We are going to Lusaka to pave the way for Zimbabwe to participate in the...

02 June 2011

US sees hope for Africa in AGOA

The AGOA Forum that will be held in Lusaka next week will provide policymakers and business leaders an ideal opportunity to join forces and plan for the economic revolution in Africa, says US Ambassador to Namibia Wanda Nesbitt.Commenting on next Monday’s African Growth and Opportunity Act Forum that Zambia, Ambassador Nesbitt yesterday said the United States was ready to support African countries develop their economies through increased regional and international trade.US secretary of state Hillary Clinton, assistant secretary of state...

01 June 2011

Clinton to tour Africa to discuss trade, development

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will travel to Zambia, Tanzania and Ethiopia next month to discuss trade, development and other issues, a spokesman said Tuesday.Clinton, following a trip to the United Arab Emirates, will visit Zambia's capital Lusaka on June 10 for the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Ministerial Forum, Clinton's deputy spokesman Mark Toner said."She will showcase this centerpiece of our trade policy with Africa and engage with government, private sector and civil society representatives from 37 different...

01 June 2011

AGOA Forum 2011 - media note issued by US Dept. of State

The 2011 U.S.-sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum (“AGOA Forum”) will take place on June 9-10, 2011, in Lusaka, Zambia. The theme is “Enhanced Trade through Increased Competitiveness, Value Addition and Deeper Regional Integration.” Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will attend the Ministerial Forum on June 10th, where she will engage with government, private sector, and civil society representatives from 37 African countries.AGOA has succeeded in helping sub-Saharan Africa become further integrated into...

01 June 2011

USTR briefing on upcoming AGOA Forum

The following transcript covers the special briefing by Johnni Carson, United States Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, which took place in Washington D.C. on 01 June 2011.MS. FULTON: Good afternoon, and welcome to the State Department. I’m very pleased that you could join us for a special press brief this afternoon on the 2011 U.S. Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum, known as the AGOA Forum. We’re very fortunate today to have with us Ambassador Demetrios Marantis, who’s the deputy U.S. trade representative,...

01 June 2011

Nigeria and America’s trade policy with Africa

Eleven years ago, the government of the United States of America signed the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) to help the continent export some goods to the U.S. under certain concessions. Six years later, a report showed Nigeria fared badly in taking advantage of the U.S. initiative. A few days ago, a U.S. official spoke of an expanded initiative the Obama administration is working out with governments in Africa, of which Nigeria may benefit if it gets its acts right.U.S. Deputy Trade Representative, Ambassador Demetrius Marantis,...

31 May 2011

EX-IM bank could spend $1.5billion this year on infrastructure in AGOA countries

The United States Export-Import Bank could this year spend more than US$1.5 billion on infrastructure development in 37 African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) eligible countries.US Eximbank executive vice-president and chief operating officer Alice Albright said they were keen to engage in dialogue with the public and private sectorswith emphasis on infrastructure development, mining, aviation and transport.'As a bank, we have the mandate to assist Sub-Saharan Africa. We will be happy to open discussions with the private sector, to discuss...

31 May 2011

AGOA: The Centrepiece of US-Africa trade and investment

AGOA is the foremost trade and investment agreement between the United States and sub-Saharan Africa. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of African Affairs Johnnie Carson and US Trade Representative Ambassador Ron Kirk and other senior officials from the US government are scheduled to attend. The American delegation looks forward to learning more about African needs and discussing ways to advance the US-Africa relationship on trade and investment. The United States Congress passed AGOA in 2000 to...

31 May 2011

AGOA must be revitalised, says African cotton body

The Africa Growth and Opportunity Act must be revitalised to remain viable, says the African Cotton and Textile Industries Federation.In a paper submitted for next week’s AGOA Forum that will be held in Lusaka, the African Cotton and Textile Industries Federation (ACTIF) stated that the Act needs to be reformed for mutual benefits.ACTIF’s membership represents the entire cotton-textile-apparel value chain from across Africa consisting of cotton farmers, ginners, spinners, fabric manufacturers and garment producers.The Federation said...

30 May 2011

Hillary Clinton to visit Zambia for AGOA next month

Zambia will from 8-10 June host the 10th annual African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum, at which a strong showing from the US and African private sectors, as well as representatives from civil society organizations is anticipated.Passed by the US Congress in 2000, AGOA is the foremost trade and investment agreement between the US and sub-Saharan Africa.In a statement, released through the US Embassy Thursday, US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Johnnie Carson, said that after more than 10 years, AGOA remained the centerpiece...

27 May 2011

10 years on, Nigeria fails to tap into AGOA export

The nation’s economy experts say they fear Nigeria will remain a mono-culture economy since it has failed to tap into the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) launched by the United States since year 2000.The much touted AGOA, launched by the US aims at facilitating a two-way trade arrangement between US and sub-Sahara Africa and by extension, allow for economic growth in the continent.Nigeria, stakeholders and experts lament, has continued to lose so much in terms of the huge revenue it should have earned from export of non-oil...

27 May 2011

Nearly all booths taken for AGOA Forum trade fair

The Zambia Association of Manufactures (ZAM) has said 98 per cent of the booths in the Showgrounds pavilion have been taken up for exhibition during the forthcoming African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum.ZAM chief executive officer Roseta Mwape said about 25 companies and three associations had so far registered for the exhibitions, which would run alongside the Forum.In an interview in Lusaka yesterday, Ms Mwape said among the companies taking part in the exhibitions at Lusaka's Showgrounds were commercial banks, manufacturing,...

26 May 2011

Explore Southern Africa’s Textile & Apparel manufacturing industry

USAID Southern Africa Trade Hub (SATH) will hold an invitation-only textile and apparel buyer-seller meeting on June 20-21, 2011 at the Cape Town International Convention Center. The event will match regional textile and clothing producers with international and regional garment retailers, brands, and wholesalers. CCA is recruiting members to attend and participate in a series of pre-arranged 30 minute meetings between international apparel buyers, Southern African retailers, regional apparel manufacturers, and regional textile and garment...

25 May 2011

Zambia: Regional integration important for trade, says CCA

The Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) has said regional integration is an important tool that can be used to further integrate goods and services and increase trade in the Africa Growth and opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum.CCA vice-president in charge of business development Timothy McCoy said for the American private sector, regional integration was important because it could be used as a foundation to determine the level of goods being traded in the region and internationally."A number of companies have taken keen interest in the progress of...

24 May 2011

AGOA Forum to focus on infrastructure for trade

Trade-facilitating infrastructure development is set to emerge as a central theme of the upcoming African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) Forum that will take place in Lusaka, Zambia, next month.The forum, which is assembling for the tenth time, could attract up to 800 African and US government, business and civil society leaders, including US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Trade Representative Ron Kirk.Convening under the theme ‘Enhanced trade through increased competitiveness, value addition and deeper regional integration’,...

24 May 2011

Kenya: End of AGOA could destroy textile sector

Export Processing Zones Authority is considering other market alternatives should the Agoa window close.According to the African Growth and Opportunities Act (Agoa IV) provisions, eligible sub-Saharan African countries are required to start using local materials or source from developing countries from September 2012 to qualify for the preferential treatment of its textile products.Currently, there are no restrictions of where countries get raw materials, with many relying on China and India.Kenya is expected to request for an extension next...

23 May 2011

USTDA continues to forge partnerships within the AGOA Forum

United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) will continue to forge partnerships within the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) forum and help develop infrastructure in sub-Saharan Africa.The agency will also help diversify the agriculture support programme, which started last year.USTDA director Leocadia Zak said the agriculture programme, which was started last year under AGOA, was a success.Addressing African journalists through telephonic briefing at the American Embassy in Lusaka, Ms Zak said one of the biggest constraints of...

23 May 2011

Zimbabwe: No progress in improving human rights - US official situation

Zimbabwe is still not eligible for benefits under the Africa Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) because it has not made any progress in promoting the rule of law and political reforms, a senior United States official said last week.Responding to a question during a teleconference on Tuesday, deputy assistant US trade representative for Africa Constance Hamilton said America would not remove economic sanctions against Zimbabwe until there was a definite move towards democracy.“State department officials said that as long as human rights...

22 May 2011

Obama Administration wants Africa Extension Act extended to 2025

The Obama administration wants to reauthorize the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which is set to expire in 2015, through 2025, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson says, citing the measure’s success in enhancing trade levels between the United States and the African continent.Speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington May 13, Carson said AGOA “remains the centerpiece of our trade and investment policy with Africa,” and has “made progress in creating jobs,...

19 May 2011

US government discusses AGOA extension

The United States (US) government is discussing with members of Congress on the proposed extension of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), the third country fabric clause and the admission of Africa's youngest country, southern Sudan.And the AGOA eligible countries have been advised to ensure regional economic integration approach since national markets were too narrow for the US investments and exports.Deputy assistant US trade representative for Africa, Constance Hamilton said the US office of African affairs took the calls for...

19 May 2011

AGOA: Experts want AGOA clause extended

Experts at the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) mid-term review meeting have recommended for the extension of third-country fabric clause for 10 years and called on America to support Africa on matters of Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary (PSP). During the meeting on Wednesday, the technocrats said the third country clause in the AGOA which is scheduled to expire in 2012 should be extended because without it would have devastating effects on the African counties. The officials said this during a meeting held at the Mulungushi...

17 May 2011

Kenya seeks new market for EPZA goods

Kenya will be seeking an alternative market for its apparel products should the US Government fail to extend African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) provisions next year, the newly appointed CEO at the Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA), Dr Richard Mutule Kilonzo, has said.The present provision that allows lesser-developed AGOA countries to import textiles from outside the AGOA group to make clothing destined for the US is set to expire in September next year."Even though we are going to lobby to have the provisions extended, we must...

17 May 2011

Oil still dominates African trade, with talks ahead

A womens' sewing project in Liberia, craftsmen in Ghana carving wooden stools and specialty food exports from Swaziland are perfect examples of the Obama administration’s efforts to bolster trade ties with African nations, says deputy U.S. Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis.But despite a decade of trade and investment under the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act, the real driver of trade between the U.S. and sub-Saharan economies, which surged 32% between 2009 and 2010, remains oil.The U.S. has struggled to catalyze economic growth in...

14 May 2011

Sub Saharan agri exports low

Agro related Exports from Sub-Saharan Africa to the United States under the African Growth Opportunity Act -AGOA - only accounts for one percent.Acting Commerce Permanent Secretary, Lubasi Sakwiba has attributed the poor performance of agricultural products export into the United States market to stringent and lengthy Pest Risk Assessment which is complicated.Mr. Sakwiba says this has discouraged a number of African Small Scale Farmers in taking advantage of the AGOA initiative.He says in order for Africa to benefit from the AGOA process,...

12 May 2011

Zambia: AGOA Ministers push for better deal with US

African countries yesterday called for a better deal with the US over the 10-year-old Africa Ministers conference on the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA).They felt the trade preference pact should benefit Sub-Saharan countries better.Speaking at the opening of the AGOA commerce ministers' mid-term review meeting in Lusaka yesterday, the African Union (AU), Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and host Zambia said the preference trade deal needed...

12 May 2011

Botswana: Batswana entrepreneurs fail to use AGOA

The inability of Batswana entrepreneurs to take advantage of African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) despite incentives provided in the textile and clothing industry was a focus point of a debate at a discussion form for women entrepreneurs Thursday.“Although lack of access to credit poses a major challenge to many entrepreneurs to grow their businesses, a more fundamental problem has been their lack of exposure to business planning tools and models which would strengthen their case for credit,” said Banny Molosiwa, Permanent Secretary...

11 May 2011

Botswana: Women entrepreneurs sharpen AGOA readiness

More than 60 Botswana women entrepreneurs convened on Thursday to sharpen their competitive offerings and better access export markets such as those provided by the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA). Organised by the American Embassy through the Southern Africa Trade Hub in conjunction with Women in Business Association, the seminar encouraged entrepreneurs to network and use each other's skills in order to better prep their products for the American market.Entrepreneurs from sectors such as textiles, agribusiness and handicraft...

10 May 2011

Tough US quality checks lock out Kenya flowers

High cost of transport and stringent quality standards have locked out most of Kenya's fresh produce from the American market in spite of the decade old preferential export window extended to African countries, market players say. Flowers, vegetables, and fruits are allowed duty-free access to the US market under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), but market players said high cost of getting their goods to the market has confined them to Europe. Kenyan exporters said the US was a “volumes” (mass) market whose buyers place...

09 May 2011

Africa needs own narrative on future relations with US

The Africa policy community in Washington is abuzz with debate over the future of trade relations between the US and sub-Saharan Africa.Early in June, the US and African Trade ministers and business leaders will be meeting in Lusaka at the 10th summit of The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) forum.Agoa is a law enacted under President Bill Clinton in 2000 and enhanced by President George Bush in 2005 to increase US trade with, and investment into, sub-Saharan Africa. This law is set to lapse in 2015.Agoa has allowed for some...

09 May 2011

'Real changes needed in policy and implementation'

Zambia has enjoyed economic growth of around six percent per year over the past decade, says Patrick Mucheleka, but the government is failing to translate this into social and economic development for the majority of citizens. The upcoming conference on least developed countries in Turkey offers an opportunity to recalibrate the country's approach to development.Mucheleka, who heads Civil Society for Poverty Reduction, a network of more than 140 pro-poor develompent organisations in Zambia, says the economic growth figures have to be...

05 May 2011

Ghana's governance credentials lauded

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), Mr. Daniel W. Yohannes, has lauded Ghana for meeting the benchmark on good governance to qualify for a second compact under the Millennium Challenge Accounts (MCA).Ghana has already benefited from $547 million from the US government under the MCA for some development projects, including the ongoing dual NI highway that connects the Tetteh Quarshie Interchange to the Mallam Junction in Accra.The compact deadline for Ghana is scheduled for February 2012, but Mr....

05 May 2011

AGOA: Glimmer of hope is not always a life boat for any stressful situation

There seems to be a great tendency to grasp at straws in times of economic stress; to laud anything that appears, on the basis of superficial analysis, to provide a glimmer of hope.And when the hope collapses in the face of reality, little more is heard of the source of the initial optimism.The government and most of the trade union leaderships have, all too frequently, been guilty of behaving in this way.Not that there is probably any malice involved, just wishful thinking, perhaps a genuinely mistaken belief or some self-serving and...

03 May 2011

Kenya: New input rule threatens textile exports to US

Uncertainty has engulfed the future of Kenya’s preferential exports window to the US as the market entry rules are set to change.The ‘third country rule’ of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), which allowed countries such as Kenya to export goods made of raw materials from outside national borders is set to expire in September next year, locking out Kenya’s textile from the US market.Agoa allows the export of about 6,500 products from Africa into the US without paying duty or being subjected to quota restriction.“Lapse...

30 April 2011

AGOA to build capacities for Africa

An expert in Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) has said the export of non-petroleum products to the US under the Act is rising and efforts are underway to help build capacities of African countries in coming up with exports from various sectors.Daniel Yohannes from US said although the oil export to USA under AGOA has continued to dominate at about 90 per cent, other products are recording increasing levels.He said there was progress in exports of goods outside oil which was good for Africa in penetrating the vast USA market.Mr...

29 April 2011

Zambia increases agriculture exports to United States

A senior Zambian government official said African countries should increase agricultural exports to the United States if the countries were to benefit from the market preference under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), the Zambia Daily Mail reported on Friday.Felix Mutati, the Zambian Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, said that meeting the huge demand in the U.S. market was a challenge for many countries, adding that the agro-producing countries should consider consolidating their products.“Countries need to put their...

29 April 2011

Assistant Trade Representative dispels myths about AGOA

There are many myths and misconceptions about the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), says Florizelle Liser, the assistant U.S. trade representative for Africa.On April 15 Liser was among a panel of experts at the Brookings Institution in Washington looking ahead to the 10th annual U.S.-Sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Forum (the AGOA Forum), scheduled for early June in Lusaka, Zambia. Other panelists included Stephen Hayes, president of the Corporate Council on Africa, and Felix Mutati, Zambia's minister of commerce, trade and...

26 April 2011

AGOA envoys should consider investing in Africa

The more than 300 investors from the United States of America (USA) who will be in Zambia for the Africa Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) forum this year should consider investing in Africa.Commerce, Trade and Industry Minister Felix Mutati said the American investors should be lured into investing in Africa as the continent offered a bigger market.Mutati, who is the 10th AGOA forum chairperson, said AGOA should not only be seen as an opportunity for African investors to penetrate the American market but as an opportunity for American companies...

26 April 2011

Zambia: Rethinking AGOA summit

As Zambia awaits to host the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) Forum this year on June 8 and 9, it is hoped it would rejuvenate trade between Zambia and the US under AGOA.Trade between Zambia and the US has increased to about US$1.4 million in 2010 from $121,000 as recorded in 2009.Consequently AGOA to mostZambian businesspersons has been interpreted as a commodity export stimulus package for Africa, giving it an opportunity and gate way to earn US dollars by trading with the US.Hence AGOA has been cast as a commodity based...

25 April 2011

Zambia: 'AGOA flaws redeemable'

The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) structure has flaws which eligible African countries intend to address so that the continent gets more benefits, Commerce, Trade and Industries Minister Felix Mutati has saidMr Mutati, who is 2011 AGOA forum chairperson said African countries had decided to come together to put across their grievances.He said some of the bottlenecks surrounding the AGOA were presented to the USA Congress during the meeting last week in the US.He said African countries would next month meet in Lusaka to come up...

22 April 2011
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