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Report: Ethiopia to host next year's 2013 AGOA Forum

Ethiopia is to host the 2013 African Growth and Opportunity Act Forum. Ethiopia is to host the event after senior government lobbied for the opportunity for the last four years.Hosting the upcoming AGOA forum is an important opportunity for Ethiopia to create a platform to promote the country said Addis Alemayehu, ex-Chief of party of VEGA Ethiopia which assists Ethiopian exporters to the AGOA market under the auspices of USAID.Ethiopia has invested more than any other African country in the AGOA sector as a result of which it has been...

30 April 2012

Botswana: Textile factory to shed part of workforce next month

Carapparel Botswana, a textile firm employing 1,500 workers, says it will have to shed a third of its workforce next month owing to a cocktail of adverse trading conditions that are affecting the industry at large. Carapparel Botswana is currently the sole exporter of textile products to the US, utilising the AGOA market access arrangement.The textile industry went from 6,000 jobs to 2,000 at the height of the recession in 2009, forcing government to initiate a two-year P38 million rescue package, primarily designed to preserve citizen jobs...

27 April 2012

Botswana: Exporters pin hopes on AGOA revival

Local exporters particularly those in the textile sector, are hoping this year's African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) forum in Washington will extend their favourable trade terms with the United States.Under AGOA, local companies exported US$15.5 million (P115 million) to the US in goods last year. The 12-year-old AGOA allows certain goods produced in Botswana and other African countries, duty and quota free access to the US which is the world's single biggest market.Local manufacturers exported goods worth US$11.6 million (P86 million)...

26 April 2012

United States concludes review of model Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT)

Today, the US Department of State and the Office of the United States Trade Representative announced the conclusion of the Administration's review of the United States' model bilateral investment treaty (BIT) and the release of the revised 2012 model BIT. International investment is a significant driver of America’s economic growth, job creation, and exports. The 2012 U.S. model BIT text will help achieve several important goals of the Obama Administration ensuring that U.S. companies benefit from a level playing field in foreign markets,...

21 April 2012 | Office of the Spokesperson

Kenya: Country looking to diversify US exports

The government is looking to diversify products in Kenya's export portfolio to the United States under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).Trade Permanent Secretary (PS) Abdulrazaq Adan Ali said the country's exports to the U.S. remain very narrow, only having exported less than a hundred of the 6,500 eligible products in the AGOA framework, however, he added that the government is in the process of implementing Special Economic Zones (SEZ) to expand the range."These Special Economic Zones will allow corporations or enterprises...

19 April 2012

Maputo conference promotes USA / Mozambique economic relations

A business development conference with the theme topic of "Let's Do Business: US-Mozambique 2012" is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, organised by the United States embassy together with the USA-Mozambique Chamber of Commerce (CCMUSA). An official source contacted on Tuesday by Macauhub in Maputo said the United States was not among the top ten foreign investors in Mozambique and that the most visible investment by companies from that country was carried out by the Anadarko Petroleum group. Bilateral trade from October 2010 to October...

18 April 2012

Kenya: Power outage forces closure of EPZ firms

Business at the country's largest AGOA garment exporter in Athi River came to standstill yesterday after a major two-day power blackout hit the area.The more than 20 garment exporters were yesterday grappling on what action to take after Kenya Power and Lighting Company failed to explain the anomally in both Athi River and Kitengela.The General Manager of Newwide Garments Exporters, Rudolf Isinga, said he was forced to close business after it emerged that KPLC had failed to provide power.Isinga said he attempted to contact local KPLC...

18 April 2012

Africa: US government, businesses strengthen trade ties with Africa

U.S. government officials and business leaders are working to strengthen ties with their African counterparts to enhance trade, investment and economic partnerships with countries across the continent, says Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson."Africa represents the next global economic frontier," Carson said in testimony April 17 before the House Foreign Affairs Committee's Subcommittee on African Affairs. He said the World Bank projects economic growth rates between 5 percent and 6 percent for Africa during the...

18 April 2012

Testimony of Florizelle Liser, Assistant USTR for Africa, on Obama Administration's trade policy to increase US exports to Africa

Statement of Florizelle Liser, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Africa, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, before the House Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health and Human Rights:   Introduction Chairman Smith, Ranking Member Bass, and other distinguished members of the subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today about the Obama Administration's trade policy to increase U.S. exports to Africa. I welcome your interest in this timely topic. We agree with the stated premise of the proposed...

17 April 2012

Nigeria: NEPC worries over dominance of raw commodities in exports

The Nigeria Export Promotion Council (NEPC) has expressed it worry over the domination of raw commodities in the country's non-oil exports with just few products with value addition.The Executive Director of NEPC, David Adulugba, made the remarks over the weekend in Abuja at an interactive session with the media.He said that there is the need to step-up the value chain, diversify from commodities and empower the SMEs through entrepreneurship development as they constitute the bulk of the actors in non-oil export sector.Represented by the...

17 April 2012

South Africa: Automotive sector gears up for record

Although the global economic crisis has left its mark, the local vehicle and component industry is still geared up to test a record export level of R100bn.Dr Norman Lamprecht, managing executive for the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers (Naamsa) and the Automobile Industry Export Council (AIEC), said he remains positive that the industry will be able to export more than 300 000 vehicles this year. Component exports could rise by 10%.Last year the motor industry contributed 6.8% to the gross domestic product (GDP), compared...

15 April 2012

Africa: US Congress calls on Obama to engage African markets

Brother, can you spare a dime?This sentiment from one of the most famous American songs of the Great Depression largely characterized the donor-recipient relationship between the United States and Africa throughout much of the Cold War and its aftermath.Last month, Senator Dick Durbin (Democrat-Illinois) and his colleagues in the House, Chris Smith (Republican-New Jersey) and Bobby Rush (Democrat-Illinois), introduced "The Increasing American Jobs through Greater Exports to Africa Act" that seeks to put trade and investment at the center of...

11 April 2012

Mozambicans eager to do business with Swazis

Mozambicans are ready to do joint ventures with Swazi businesspeople in different sectors.Investment Promotion Centre (CPI) Coordinator of Information and Marketing Nuno Maposse said Swazis must, therefore, discuss with their counterparts in Mozambique to forge partnerships.He said areas where joint ventures were possible would be energy, agriculture, trade and others. Maposse said besides the joint ventures, Swazis could also export a number of products to Mozambique and these would be sugar, poultry, fruits and vegetables, among others.He...

10 April 2012

Seizing opportunities from a transforming Africa

This year’s AGOA Forum in Washington, scheduled for June, will focus on improving the provision of infrastructure as a critical requirement for a growing trade relationship. We will then host a follow-on business conference in Cincinnati that will continue these themes in the context of concrete activities aimed at facilitating trade. We expect robust participation from the US and African private sectors, as well as government officials, where we will underscore the priority of addressing Africa’s infrastructure and energy needs.Through...

05 April 2012

Cote d'Ivoire: Prime Minister Ahoussou and Ambassador Carter hold talks on US bilateral relations

A report in Fraternite Matin (p. 5) says that U.S assistance programs in Cote d'Ivoire were high on the agenda Monday during a meeting between Prime Minister Jeannot Ahoussou Kouadio and Ambassador Phillip Carter III. "We evaluated the assistance program in Cote d'Ivoire," the paper quotes Ambassador Carter as saying to reporters after the meeting.According to the paper, Ambassador Carter also reaffirmed the USG's commitment to continue its assistance programs in various domains including health through the PEPFAR."This year, we'll...

03 April 2012

AGOA exports surpass US$44 billion

The Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) currently provides 40 African countries with duty-free access to the US market for 6000 diverse product lines. AGOA is an act promulgated in the US that significantly enhances US market access for over 40 sub-Saharan (SSA) countries. The Act originally covered the eight-year period from October 2000 to September 2008, but amendments signed into law by then US president George W. Bush in July 2004 further extended AGOA to 2015.Since its enactment in 2000, two-way trade has grown to US$82.1...

30 March 2012

Horticultural produce lifts Kenya exports to US

A strong demand for flowers, canned fruits and vegetables as well as textiles helped grow Kenya’s 2011 exports to the US with industry players projecting a better performance this year owing to a new range of products allowed to enter the key market.Exports to America, both under the ordinary trade and the preferential African Growth Opportunity Act (Agoa) initiative, totalled Sh31.6 billion last year compared to Sh28.5 billion in 2010 mainly supported by shipments of agricultural produce and textiles, new data by the US International...

28 March 2012

South Sudan runs out of time for oil transit alternatives

Ongoing border and oil disputes and the halting of oil production by South Sudan has led to renewed clashes between Khartoum and Juba, the specter of another war and the buckling of South Sudan’s underdeveloped economy. On 26 March, clashes erupted between the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) of South Sudan and the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) in a number of border-area hotspots. Fighting is ongoing in the states of Kordofan and Unity, the latter home to the main oil field in Heglig, inside South Sudan but claimed by both sides. The...

28 March 2012

US extends trade benefit programme to South Sudan

President Barack Obama on Monday added oil exporter South Sudan to a US trade programme for developing countries, allowing the newly independent nation to ship oil and thousands of other goods to the United States without paying US import duties. “The GSP (Generalised System of Preferences) programme is an important tool for helping developing countries to grow their economies through increased trade,” US Trade Representative Ron Kirk said in a statement. Kirk urged the young country to use the GSP programme “to continue needed...

27 March 2012

USTR Ron Kirk comments on presidential actions related to the GSP

United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk issued the following statement on today’s presidential proclamation that designates the Republic of South Sudan as a new beneficiary of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program and suspends the GSP eligibility of Argentina:“The GSP program is an important tool for helping developing countries to grow their economies through increased trade,” said Ambassador Kirk. “The President’s designation of the Republic of South Sudan as a GSP beneficiary country provides an opportunity for...

27 March 2012

New textile unit to be operational in Ethiopia this month

Saygin Dima Textiles would begin operations at its new textile manufacturing unit in Ethiopia by the end of March 2012. The new factory would produce fibres, yarns and fabrics for both the domestic and export markets, Turan Ahmet Turan, General Manager of Saygin Dima, said. The unit will also produce acrylic, cotton, wool, linen and other textile fibres. In addition, it also plans to focus on weaving and other items like linens, sweaters and socks. The items manufactured at the new unit will be primarily meant for exports to EU and the...

27 March 2012

Africa: US focuses on energy, infrastructure on continent

"American influence and dominance in Africa has been significantly eroded by China, Brazil, India and others," Mwangi S. Kimenyi, director of the Africa Growth Initiative at The Brookings Institution, wrote in a recent article that took a generally positive view of Africa policy under President Barack Obama. One area where commentators say American endeavors are lagging is economic engagement. In the third and final part of an AllAfrica interview, the chief U.S. Africa policymaker, Assistant Secretary of State Johnnie Carson, described the...

21 March 2012

'Shift US mentality from aid to trade' - US Senator

U.S. Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL), John Boozman (R-AR) and Chris Coons (D-DE) introduced legislation today that will help create American jobs by dramatically increasing the number of U.S. exports to Africa.The bill also aims to improve America's competiveness throughout the continent by forcing better coordination between U.S. government agencies and departments, establishing comprehensive strategic goals, and marshaling private investments to improve U.S.-Africa business activities."Increasingly I am hearing: 'the U.S. has given up on...

20 March 2012

Swaziland's AGOA exports decline by E200m

Swaziland's exports to the United States (US) under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) decreased by over E200 million last year. Swaziland Investment Promotion Authority (SIPA) Chief Executive Officer Phiwayinkhosi Ginindza said last year exports were at about E539.7 million ($77.1 m) compared to E777.7 million ($111) in 2010. He said US exports to Swaziland last year were E121.8 million ($17.4). Ginindza associated the decline in exports to the difficult market conditions including the strengthening of the Lilangeni against the...

13 March 2012

AGOA boosts African apparel sector, exports grow

The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) has been successful in increasing jobs in garment sector and in boosting apparel exports of African countries to the US.During the first decade of implementation of AGOA (2000-10), more than 300,000 new employment opportunities were created in 40 African countries, a majority of them being in the apparel and textile sectors, Cosmas Mamhunze, Southern Africa Trade Hub (SATH)/ AGOA Trade Specialist, said during an AGOA training session.He said AGOA exports can be enhanced by increasing diversity in...

13 March 2012

Congressman Don Payne - A trailblazer for peace, development and justice in Africa

press release: For those who work on Africa, and indeed for all those who live in the region, it is difficult to imagine a world without Donald Payne.He pioneered so many trailblazing initiatives such as the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA), the President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the Millennium Challenge Account and Debt Relief for Africa that have helped to transform lives and the landscape of Africa. He made the cause of Africa's poor his own, and devoted his life to supporting people in their God-given right to...

08 March 2012

Has Lesotho lost its way?

It is an impoverished backwater and a byword for poverty and squalor. It ranks among the world's least developed countries. Its two million population is ravaged by Aids and has the third highest prevalence rate in the world after South Africa and Botswana. Life expectancy has plummeted from 48 to 39 years, largely as a result of Aids. More than 40 percent of its population can’t find work. An alarming 70-plus percent live below the poverty datum threshold of a dollar a day. Its capital, Maseru, is mostly a wide expanse of slums and...

08 March 2012

Trucks impounded in Nairobi for smuggling nuts

Two trucks were on Monday impounded at Embakasi in Nairobi on suspicion that they were being used to smuggle Macadamia nuts in breach of an export ban imposed on the commodity two years ago.The trucks were each loaded with a twenty-foot container were intercepted by police as they left a godown located behind the Inland Container Depot in Nairobi.The cargo was suspected to be destined for China but the contents could not be verified after the police declined to open the containers in the presence of the media.A Chinese national believed to...

06 March 2012

Tanzania: Firms earmark $23.2m to export investment

Three companies are set to invest Tsh36 billion (US$23.2 million) in the Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA). The EPZA's director general, Dr Adelhelm Meru said, "The progress means that Tanzania would be able to earn over US$76 million in export per year." Dr Meru added that the investment will boost potentials in the EPZA industry due to the fact that Tanzania will export lime products and garments around the world. A Chinese based firm, Tanzania Tooku Garments Ltd and the Pakistan based firm, Maptex Limited will invest in the...

04 March 2012

US president’s 2012 trade policy agenda sets ambitious course to support American jobs

United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk issued a statement today upon the delivery to Congress of President Obama's 2012 Trade Policy Agenda and 2011 Annual Report. “Building on last year’s significant trade achievements, the Obama Administration is moving full speed ahead in 2012 with ambitious initiatives to secure job-supporting trade opportunities and a level playing field for U.S. firms of every size selling products and services around the world,” said Ambassador Kirk. “We are successfully pursuing President Obama’s...

02 March 2012

Swaziland: Cross border traders happy with Time Release Study

Hardly a month after the World Bank Time Release Study (TRS) was commissioned, the Swaziland Revenue Authority has already identified an improvement in the internal processes of clearing vehicles, textiles and other goods. This was an observation made by Cyprian Lukhele, Station Manager at the Africa Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) office. “Preliminary reviews of the completed data collection forms revealed some areas of opportunity for improvement in our internal processes on the clearing of vehicles, textiles and other goods,” he...

01 March 2012

Liberia’s growing mineral water industry

Liberia’s mineral water industry has begun to take center stage as the sector moves to increase the country’s export. Enjoying government’s subsidy in the form of tax incentives, the country’s mineral water industry continues to boom on all fronts.Made-in-Liberia mineral water is found in all supermarkets, neighborhood shops, restaurants, and street corners in major cities and towns in Liberia and elsewhere. It may recalled that few years ago, the government of Liberia increased duty or tariff on imported mineral water and reduced...

29 February 2012

Nigeria: How non-oil exports drive economy

At a time when the country’s earnings from its major revenue source, oil, is dipping as a result of instability in the world market occasioned by oscilating prices, there is a consensus of opinion that the non-oil export sector holds a lot of promise as a ready cash cow. But the irony, however, is that the sector, promising as it is, has suffered serious setbacks, chief among which is the inconsistency in government policies. Potentials of non-oil sectorFrom available information, the Nigerian non-oil export sector has deep agro-allied...

25 February 2012

Former CBC Chair, trade diplomat honoured by international affairs group

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), who once chaired the Congressional Black Caucus, and Rosa Whitaker, former assistant U.S. trade representative for Africa, were honored for their contributions to civil rights, social, global and economic justice and African development by a group of international affairs advocates Feb. 16.The United Nations Association of Washington D.C., (UNA-NCA) in partnership with Africare, an international non-governmental organization, singled out the veteran House member and former trade diplomate in a focus on...

17 February 2012

Madagascar textile sector posts 20% growth in 2011

The textile industry in Madagascar, an island country located in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of Africa, has recorded 20 percent growth last year, the Group of Free Enterprises and Partners (GEFP or Groupement des entreprises franches et partenaires) has said. The increase in the sector's performance is mainly owing to a rise in exports of Malagasy products to the European markets, said Charles Giblin, President of GEFP. Mr. Giblin said while the year 2011 was good for the country’s textile sector, the performance in 2012...

16 February 2012

Why China’s engagement with Africa is on the rise

To say that geostrategic interests between China and Africa are on a mindboggling rise is to state the obvious. Thought leaders such as Dambisa Moyo in Dead Aid, Stephen Hayes of the US think tank Corporate Council for Africa and Deborah Brautigam, author of The Dragon’s Gift have given in-depth reasons for China’s influence in Africa is not only rising but is actually appreciated by African leaders.Indeed from a situation of criticism a few years ago, many scholars are beginning to take a favourable view of China’s engagement with...

10 February 2012

Trade barriers costing Africa billions of dollars, says World Bank study

African countries are losing billions of dollars in trade opportunities within the continent due to trade barriers, a new study by the World Bank says.It warns that most African countries, especially those relying on traditional trade partners in Europe, could experience a further drop in earnings from trade because of the Eurozone debt crisis.“While uncertainty surrounds the global economy and stagnation is likely to continue in traditional markets in Europe and North America, enormous opportunities for cross border trade within Africa in...

08 February 2012

Kenya textile firms fear losses amid uncertainty over AGOA fate

Textile and apparel firms operating under the Africa Growth and Opportunities Act (Agoa) that allows free access to the American market for designated goods are uncertain about the future of the arrangement.As the September 2012 deadline by which they should locally source raw materials approaches, the US government is yet to react to the industry appeal to push the date back to September 2015.As a result, the textile manufacturers say, their clients abroad are “nervous” about their ability to guarantee continued supply, threatening to...

30 January 2012

Kenya: Firms see rise in exports to US despite hurdles

Kenyan firms are expressing confidence in the US market even as their exports stagnate in the wake of protection policies forced on President Barack Obama's administration by domestic economic problems over the past three years.Government and private sector players said low demand had hit exports to the US but there were strong prospects for growth."We enjoy greater market access now but the slow export growth reflects economic calculations by individual exporters", said Dr Stephen Mbithi, chief executive of the Fresh Produce Exporters...

30 January 2012

Kenya: Exporters reap record pay from weakening shilling

Exporters who earn revenues in hard currencies have started to report big gains from a mix of a weak shilling and high global commodity prices that prevailed for most of last year.Just days after the tea industry reported a record Sh109 billion in annual earnings, key foreign exchange earners are gearing up for big leaps in revenues from their 2011 operations.“A weak shilling and high commodity prices gave the textile industry its best earnings ever from the US market,” Kenya Association of Manufacturers chairman Jes Bedi said on Friday....

29 January 2012

US, Mauritius hold TIFA consultations

Deputy United States Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis has led a US delegation to Mauritius for talks with the local government under the US-Mauritius Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA), to discuss a broad range of issues relating to their bilateral trade and investment relationship. This was the fifth TIFA Council meeting with Mauritius, and the discussions included the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), the on-going US-Mauritius Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) discussions, intellectual property rights (IPR),...

23 January 2012

Lesotho’s economy catches flu - from South Africa’s sneeze

For decades the mountain kingdom of Lesotho has relied heavily on South Africa to advance - until now. South Africa's economic difficulties are placing Lesotho’s economy at a crossroads, as the government struggles to push big rocks up the mountain to balance the national budget. South Africa employs thousands of Basothos (nationals of Lesotho) as migrant labour, buys water from a project that in turn generates enough electricity to meet Lesotho’s needs and generously shares revenue from a customs union that contributes significantly to...

22 January 2012

USTR Ambassador Marantis visits Mauritius

Following yesterday's consultations under the US - Mauritius Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA), Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis met with Mauritius Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam. During their lengthy meeting, they discussed a number of issues regarding the U.S. economic relationship with Mauritius and the broader sub-Saharan region, including the extension of the African Growth and Opportunity Act’s (AGOA) third country fabric provision, the U.S.-Mauritius Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT), regional...

19 January 2012

Sri Lanka urged to use Senegal duty free market access

Sri Lankan apparel exporters can use duty free trade deals and cheap labour in the West African state of Senegal to gain access to markets in North America, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce said.A statement quoted Amadou Moustapha, newly appointed Ambassador of Senegal to Sri Lanka, as saying his country could be used as a production base by Sri Lankan apparel exporters.“Sri Lankan apparel manufacturers can use Senegal as a production base to reach the North American markets easily and can perform back-end operations in Senegal,"...

18 January 2012

Mozambique and the United States negotiate new trade and investment framework agreement

A delegation of the United States government is visiting Maputo until Friday in order to carry out the revision of the United States-Mozambique Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA), according to a report in Mozambican newspaper Notícias. Known as TIFA, the agreement that is currently in place between the US and Mozambique was signed in June, 2005. Notícias said that ambassador Demetrios Marantis, the assistant United States Trade Representative, will be working with the Mozambican Ministry for Industry and Trade and with the...

18 January 2012

Cote d'Ivoire: Remarks from meeting between Sec Hillary Clinton and President Alassane Ouattara

PRESIDENT OUATTARA: (Via interpreter) Madam Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, first of all, on behalf of the Government and the people of Cote d’Ivoire, and also on my own behalf and on behalf of Mrs. Ouattara, which – who admires the Secretary of State, who would like and to wish you a warm welcome, like we say in Cote d’Ivoire, “Akwaaba.”We’re very happy to welcome you here in Cote d’Ivoire, more than 20 years after the visit of the high-ranking authority, Mr. George Shultz, who was Secretary of State. He came to Abidjan in...

17 January 2012

'Take advantage of AGOA' says Zambia's minister of tradeSichinga

Zambia's Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Bob Sichinga has observed that Zambia has not taken full advantage of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) facility.Speaking in an interview on Wednesday, Mr Sichinga said the problem is that Zambia has little to export to the US market, unlike other African countries.“We need to create opportunities and capacity, by producing more goods for export to the US market,’’Mr Sichinga said.He says it is important to promote the exportation of traditional goods such as sugar, beans,...

13 January 2012

Namibia: What impact will an Obama re-election have on Namibia as well as Africa?

With the American Presidential elections expected in November 2012, New Era spoke to local political analysts to find out what impact the re-election or, alternatively loss of power of the incumbent President Barack Obama, will mean for Namibia and Africa. The Executive Director at the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), Graham Hopwood, believes that Obama mainly focused on the severe domestic economic challenges the US faces, limiting his foreign policy, particularly in Africa. "I think he has also been aware that if he had...

11 January 2012

US government keeps AGOA eligible sub-Saharan African countries at 40

The US government has kept the number of sub-Saharan African countries eligible to trade under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) at 40.As of June 2011, there were 37 countries, but on October 25, 2011, President Barack Obama signed a presidential proclamation designating Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea and Niger as eligible for AGOA benefits.AGOA was signed into law by President Bill Clinton in May 2000 with the objectives of expanding US trade and investment with sub-Saharan Africa.According to information available on the AGOA...

08 January 2012
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