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Botswana: Textile sector eyes P500 million bailout

The ailing textile sector is keeping its fingers crossed as the trade ministry prepares a strategy that will accompany the re-tabling of a bailout request to Cabinet for P500 million over five years. Last year, Cabinet coolly received the initial tabling by the ministry, questioning where the funds would be sourced from in a time of fiscal consolidation and asking for further justification of the request. The new bailout request follows a P38 million rescue package government pumped into the sector between 2009 and 2011, which ultimately...

15 February 2013

Uganda: AGOA SMEs ask for tax reduction

Businesses operating in northern Uganda have asked the Government to consider granting tax incentives on local products so as to boost the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). AGOA is an initiative that allows products from Sub-Saharan African countries into the US market, duty and quota free. The business people, mainly small and medium scale entrepreneurs (SMEs) expressed their concerns during a meeting with Suzan Muhwezi, the senior presidential advisor on AGOA. Jared White, one of the entrepreneurs making crafts for export, said...

12 February 2013 | New Vision (Uganda)

Mercedes-Benz optimistic about South Africa

The C-Class is an icon in the South African luxury vehicle market. It has been two decades since the first C-Class was manufactured locally and next year Mercedes-Benz South Africa (MBSA) will start production on the latest C-Class model, the W205. Last year MBSA manufactured more than 60 000 units of the W204 C-Class – of which three out of every four units was exported to the United States – under the existing African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa). Agoa was extended from end of 2008 until 2015, but long-term concerns about South...

12 February 2013 | MoneyWeb (South Africa)

AGOA initiative expands to northern Uganda

The African Growth and Opportunity Act initiative is trickling down to the grassroots with a number of companies producing products for the US market. In the once war-ravaged northern Uganda, several companies are setting up businesses in the region where they produce bags, hats, necklaces and bangles for the lucrative US market. Agoa offers a huge market for African products duty free and quota free into the US market. Gulu District vice chairman, Mr Jara Mapenduzi, said the enterprises involved in the trade have socially and financially...

11 February 2013 | Daily Monitor (Uganda)

Unleashing the US investor in Africa: A critique of US policy toward the continent

At a May 2011 conference on the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) held at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Assistant Secretary of State Johnnie Carson spoke about ways to increase trade between the U.S. and Africa. His take on AGOA was characteristically interesting and thoughtful. One point he made, however, exposed a fundamental problem with U.S. government thinking about African development. Ambassador Carson stated that it was important to raise the incentives under AGOA (and only under AGOA) for overly...

04 February 2013 | Peter Hansen

Sierra Leone: Four products certified for US export

The Africa Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) has certified four made in Sierra Leone products to be sold in the United States of America and Europe after meeting the required standards. According to the Chairperson of the Sierra Leone National Committee for the Africa Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) of the Sierra Leone Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture Ms AyodeleWak Williams, the four products to be sold in the United States and Europe have been tested by the Sierra Leone Standards Bureau and other certifying agencies...

01 February 2013 | Awoko (Sierra Leone)

South Africa: Car exporters reassured on Agoa

Tariff-free car exports from South Africa to the US were likely to continue unimpeded under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), according to an official from the office of the US trade representative. Due to the volume of cars and components exported from South Africa to the US, South Africa’s continuation within Agoa is vital to certain elements in the local industry. Agoa permits tariff-free access from eligible African countries into the US market for a large number of products. There are constant concerns that South...

31 January 2013 | Business Day (South Africa)

Walmart adopts zero tolerance policy for global sourcing

Global retail giant Walmart Stores Inc has adopted a zero tolerance policy towards suppliers and it would soon end contracts with the suppliers who are subcontracting work to factories without any intimation to the retailer. The new policy, which would become effective from March 1, 2013, was devised after Walmart clothing was traced at a garment factory in Bangladesh, where 112 workers lost their lives in a fire in November last year. Walmart has informed its suppliers about the new stringent policy through a 10-page note. Vice President...

23 January 2013 | Fibre2Fashion

US proposes (flexibility in) sourcing of 'scarce' textiles outside TPP-bloc

The United States Government has put forward a proposal that allows procurement of scarce yarn, textiles and apparels from countries that are not signatories to the planned Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement.   Addressing the 24th annual Textile and Apparel Importer Trade and Transportation Conference organized by the United States Association of Importers of Textiles and Apparel (USA-ITA) in New York, US Department of Commerce’s deputy assistant secretary for textiles and apparels, Kim Glas, said the US Government has...

23 January 2013

Hagel, Kerry, and Brennan Senate confirmation hearings: US policy on Sub-Saharan Africa

Following President Obama's inauguration, the Senate will hold confirmation hearings for three key Administration positions: Senator John Kerry (D-MA) for Secretary of State, former Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE) for Secretary of Defense, and White House chief counterterrorism advisor John Brennan for director of the CIA. These nominees have strongly supported President Obama's foreign and defense policy, suggesting little policy deviation from President Obama's first term. Confirmations hearings provide an important opportunity for Senators...

18 January 2013 | Morgan Lorraine Roach and Brett D. Schaefer

Behind the times: Washington's slow changing attitude to Africa

Africa's international relationships are increasingly hinged on trade and investment rather than strategic security and aid, but attitudes in Washington are slow to change. While many Africans were celebrating President Barack Obama's re-election victory, arguably a more important leadership shift was taking place across the Indian Ocean. Xi Jinping, chosen by the Beijing elite to lead China for the next decade, may not be a household name outside of his home country, but he will be presiding over what may be Africa’s single most...

16 January 2013 | This is Africa

Where next? US-Africa relations under a second term

While Barack Obama's re-election has been met with enthusiasm across Africa, many are frustrated about a lack of delivery on past promises. If there was one place outside Barack Obama's hometown of Chicago more excited by his November re-election, it was Kogelo. Since Mr Obama's first election, this small market town in western Kenya - the birthplace of the US president’s father - has seen a paved road, electricity, several water wells, and two hotels built. As residents celebrated his victory with Swahili gospel songs, many hoped their...

16 January 2013

Ghana: Pan-African Business Forum calls on Obama to strengthen MCA

The Pan-African Business Forum (PABF) has called on President Barak Obama to strengthen the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) which was initiated by George Bush administration. The call was made at a press conference held in Accra over the weekend by the PABF. Speaking to this reporter, the President of the Forum, Prince Prosper Agbesi lauded the contribution of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and the Millennium Challenge Account to the economic growth of Africa. He however noted that, “when we do our own analysis in terms...

07 January 2013

Madagascar's exclusion from AGOA to continue for now

The United States will not restore trade privileges to Madagascar this year, according to a statement received Saturday that cited human rights concerns and the failure to restore democracy in the Indian Ocean nation. Madagascar has been excluded from the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) programme since 2009 when then president Marc Ravalomanana was overthrown in a coup that left Andry Rajoelina in charge of a transitional, non-elected government. "We continue to be alarmed by the current regime's lack of respect for some of the...

06 January 2013 | AFP

The future of AGOA and US-Africa trade

At a time when the US was struggling to stay on its two feet in the heat of a looming economic meltdown in 2008, were hopes of better trade deals with Africa unrealistic when President Barack Obama was elected into office? Despite the domestic problems in which Obama's administration was embroiled, the criticisms and questions came from many African quarters: Why did Obama wait for nine months after he'd been sworn in before naming his Ambassador to the African Union? Why is China doing better on the continent in terms of trade? With its...

05 January 2013 | The Africa Report

Ethiopia: Preparation underway to successfully host 2013 AGOA forum

Preparation is well underway to successfully host the 2013 African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) forum, according to the Ministry of Trade (MoT). Ministry Corporate Communication Directorate Director, Amakele Yimam, told WIC today committees that will coordinate the preparation process were created at all levels. He said efforts are also underway to draw experiences from two of the six African countries that had got the chance to host the forum, namely from Kenya and Zambia. “The forum will be a good opportunity for Ethiopia to...

04 January 2013 | Ethiosports (Ethiopia)

Obama withdraws AGOA preferences from Mali and Guinea-Bissau, confirms addition of South Sudan

US President Barack Obama on Thursday stripped Mali and Guinea-Bissau of their US trade privileges, citing backtracking from democracy in the two countries. In an annual assessment of benefits conferred by the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) programme, Obama added the fledgling nation of South Sudan to the list of African nations enjoying preferential trade treatment. Both Mali and Guinea-Bissau were hit by coups in the last year. US officials said Guinea-Bissau suffers from systemic corruption, and is an epicentre for drugs and...

21 December 2012 | (South Africa)

Text of presidential proclamation regarding Mali and Guinea-Bissau losing AGOA preferences

Presidential Proclamation - African Growth and Opportunity Act TO TAKE CERTAIN ACTIONS UNDER THE AFRICAN GROWTH AND OPPORTUNITY ACT AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES     BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION 1. Section 506A(a)(1) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (the "1974 Act") (19 U.S.C. 2466a(a)(1)), as added by section 111(a) of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (title I of Public Law 106-200) (AGOA), authorizes the President to designate a country listed in section 107 of the AGOA (19 U.S.C....

20 December 2012 | The White House

US official rebuts Africa trade criticism

The Africa Growth and Opportunity Act, a US law passed in 2000, was geared to enable African countries to export over 4,000 products quota-free and duty-free to the US. But a recent paper published by the Centre for the Study of African Economies at Oxford University claimed the AGOA had been inadvertently allowing Chinese apparel producers to send products to the US through Africa, gaining free access but with minimal assembly and value-added for the African countries they operated in. Florie Liser (pictured), assistant US trade...

18 December 2012 | Financial Times

Africa: The perfect storm for an enhanced AGOA

In September 2012, just as the 3rd Country Fabric was about to expire, a series of events conspired to create the perfect storm for an enhanced AGOA: The non controversial AGOA provision was, in a surprise turn of events, unanimously approved by the US Congress. The bill had, due to partisan gridlock, languished for over a year, and in the process, both American and African businesses suffered loss from the uncertainty of renewal. But the manner in which 3rd Country eventually passed gave hope to the then despondent stakeholders that...

11 December 2012 | Steven Lande

Obama and Africa

US President Barack Obama has been criticised for having had too little engagement with Africa during his first term. Arguably because of his African heritage, there was much excitement when he was first elected in 2008. However, many Africans have felt let down and left out and the celebrations were, therefore, far more subdued after Obama’s 2012 re-election. There are some signs, though, that Africa could possibly feature more prominently during Obama’s second term. One of these is the fact that his administration has followed up on...

07 December 2012 | Engineering News (SA)

East Africa: New US plan to boost business

Uganda's business sector is set to get a significant boost, following the launch of the "Doing Business in Africa" campaign, a US initiative aimed at helping American businesses identify and seize opportunities on the African continent. The campaign, which was launched on Nov.30, is an important element of President Barack Obama’s new strategy toward Sub-Saharan Africa, according to Dr. Rebecca Blank, the acting US Secretary of Commerce. In a briefing from South Africa to journalists across the continent via conference call, Blank, who...

07 December 2012 | The Independent (Uganda)

'Obama eager to extend AGOA'

US President Barack Obama has made it clear that he supports the "reauthorization" of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) beyond its expiry in 2015, but it also requires a congressional green light, according to US undersecretary of commerce for international trade Francisco Sánchez (pictured). Speaking on the sidelines of a trade promotion event by the Western Cape agency Wesgro this weekend, Sánchez said the House of Representatives and Senate “have a lot of discretion” and it would be “nice and neat” to provide a new...

03 December 2012 | Business Report (Independent Newspapers, SA)

South Africa 'must be part of AGOA for sake of neighbours'

South Africa needed to continue to benefit from the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) not only for its own sake, but also for that of neighbouring African countries, which supplied South African manufacturers exporting to the US, head of the Western Cape Growth Organisation (Wesgro) Nils Flataen said on Friday. AGOA was introduced into law in the US in 2000 to give African exporters tariff and quota-free access to the US market. The act expires in 2015 and Mr Flatten said there were rumblings in the US Senate and Congress that South...

03 December 2012 | Business Day (South Africa)

US hints at renewing AGOA after 2015 expiration

The US government has hinted of renewing the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). AGOA comes to an end in 2015 after Obama signed a continuation of the agreements last year. According to the Acting US Secretary of Commerce, Dr. Rebecca Blank, the government supports an extension of AGOA. "Looking forward, the Administration will work with Congress to ensure that AGOA is renewed in 2015", Dr Blank told journalists via a teleconference November 28, 2012 during the launch of "Doing Business in Africa" campaign. “The administration has...

03 December 2012 | Ekow Quandzie

Zambia: Extend AGOA facility, says Sichinga

Government has called for an extension of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) facility because most Zambian entrepreneurs have not reaped from its benefits due to lack of capacity. Commerce, Trade and Industry Minister Bob Sichinga (pictured) said the extension of AGOA would allow Zambian entrepreneurs to benefit greatly from it in terms of capacity building. Mr Sichinga was speaking in Lusaka when he met visiting United States (US) under secretary in the Department of Commerce, Francisco Sanchez, who is leading a trade mission...

28 November 2012 | Times of Zambia

Obama follows up Africa strategy with 'doing business' campaign

Newly re-elected US President Barack Obama, who has been criticised for having had too little engagement with Africa during his first term, has followed up on the June release of his administration’s 'US Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa' with a new Department of Commerce-led campaign, dubbed 'Doing Business in Africa' (DBIA). The campaign was officially launched in Johannesburg on Wednesday by Acting Commerce Secretary Dr Rebecca Blank, who hosted a continent-wide briefing on DBIA after having first unveiled it to South African business...

28 November 2012 | Engineering News (SA)

Expiring provision extended, but little to 'strengthen' the law

Barack Obama came to the White House promising to "strengthen the African Growth and Opportunity Act to ensure that African producers can access the U.S. market and will encourage more American companies to invest on the continent." As we approach the end of his first term, he did achieve a legislative victory -- but it was largely to keep the status quo, rather than expanding the law. The African Growth and Opportunity Act, signed by President Bill Clinton in 2000, allows several dozen sub-Saharan African countries to export to the U.S....

20 November 2012 |

Africa: Could President Obama's re-election signal an opportunity to deepen economic ties and boost job creation in US and Africa?

Given the United States' pivotal role in geo-politics, the world was closely watching the returns from the U.S. presidential election on Nov. 6 almost as intently as most Americans. And when one of the presidential candidates is a "son of Africa"--President Barack Obama's father was from Kenya-- interest from the African continent immensely peaks. After a hard-fought campaign, the re-election of President Barack Obama could present a real opportunity for the United States to increase its economic engagement with Africa, potentially...

15 November 2012 | Africa-America Institute (New York)

What will four more years of Barack Obama mean for Africa?

Taken at face value, a Barack Obama presidency should be a big deal for Africa. On Election Day I attended an all-nighter organized in Lagos by the U.S. Diplomatic Mission to celebrate America's democracy. Two large screens relayed CNN's coverage while a succession of speakers -- including a recently re-elected Nigerian governor -- took to the stage to reflect on America and its democratic ideals. Outside the hall sat a mock polling booth, where guests filled a ballot paper and dropped it in a box, watched over by life-size cardboard...

12 November 2012 | Tolu Ogunlesi

Analysis: So now what for Obama?

When the results of the US presidential election became available on early Wednesday morning South African time, it was clear that Obama had won majorities in the vital swing states, and therefore obtained the 270 votes in the electoral college needed to assure him of four more years in the White House.Although he will only be inaugurated for his second term on 20 January next year , he has several urgent issues to deal with immediately. Most critical of these is avoidance of the so-called fiscal cliff which, if not dealt with by joint...

11 November 2012

Africa seeks deeper relations with Obama after election victory

A senior African Union official says the group looks forward to deepening relations with Washington following Barack Obama’s re-election as U.S. president.Erastus Mwencha, deputy chairperson of the African Union Commission says the AU seeks a strong partnership with Washington to combat terrorism and find solutions to ending hunger.“We celebrated his victory for two reasons. First, we saw it as an opportunity for us to strengthen the relationship that we have started with the United States,” said Mwencha.“The U.S. is a significant...

07 November 2012

Africa: Hidden in plain sight - a bipartisan trade strategy that works

It's Election Day and we are still being bombarded as usual by diverging claims on how to consolidate and strengthen America as a global economic power.Yet, beyond the rhetoric on proposed remedies for America's trade and foreign policy, there is a way forward that has consistently garnered bipartisan support and which has already led to US job growth, bolstered national security, and helped maintain US economic leadership globally. That strategy rests on aggressively increasing America's trade, business and investment ties with...

06 November 2012

Rising costs in Asia makes AGOA countries attractive

The textile and apparel sector from around 40 African countries, which make up for the African Growth Opportunities Act (AGOA), expects to attract investment from local as well as overseas entrepreneurs, but mainly from the Asian continent.Confidence stems from the US extending the third-country fabric clause in garment exports from these countries to the US till Sept 2015, which entails duty-free apparel exports to the US and makes them even more attractive destinations. Secondly, production costs in Asian countries like China are rising,...

03 November 2012

Visiting US Secretary commends Uganda on AGOA

Visiting United States Under Secretary of State of Political affairs has commended Uganda for taking advantage of the African Growth Opportunity Act, a move that has benefited the country by accelerating development.According to Wendy R. Sherman, Uganda is singled out as one of the countries that have managed to bolster export trade courtesy of the AGOA market.“I am pleased to see that Ugandans are increasingly able to take advantage of AGOA, and export these wonderful products to the United States. Trade boosts incomes, creates jobs, and...

02 November 2012

Africa mulls Obama's presidency

Four years ago Africa greeted Barack Obama's election with rapture, predicting America's first black president would smother the continent with attention. But instead of warm hand-holding, Africa got hard-headed, security-first policies.Africa's response to Obama's election in November 2008 was nothing short of ecstatic. A Nigerian foreign minister wept, Nelson Mandela hailed it as proof that people should "dare to dream", and Kenya declared a national holiday.The fawning was quickly reciprocated, with Obama visiting Ghana just five months...

01 November 2012

US Trade Ambassador Marantis to visit apparel factory UAL in Kenya

Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Demetrios Marantis will visit the United Aryan Ltd. (UAL) factory in Nairobi, Kenya on today, October 22, 2012. The visit will highlight the recent passage by the US Government of a bill that extends the third country fabric provision under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The third country fabric provision of AGOA allows AGOA-eligible African countries to use imported fabric from anywhere in the world for their U.S. destined apparel exports without losing their duty free AGOA...

22 October 2012 | Fibre2Fashion

EAC and US take 'important steps' toward trade partnership

Ministers from East African Community member states and officials from US government agencies jointly announced on Saturday that they have taken "important steps" to advance a trade and investment partnership. The EAC and the US said they will hold technical talks "at the soonest possible date" regarding negotiations on a proposed investment treaty and trade-facilitation agreement. In talks held in Nairobi on Friday, the two sides also established a framework for a "commercial dialogue" that will formally get underway late next...

22 October 2012

Zambia: Manufacturing sector records growth

Zambia’s manufacturing sector has recorded positive growth following the increase in the number of new entrants on the market, especially companies from the United States of America.Zambia Association of Manufacturers (ZAM) president Chance Kabaghe said that from the time the country hosted the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) forum there has been an increase in number of American companies coming to invest in the sector.“From the time we hosted AGOA we have seen a number of big American companies coming to set up here which is...

22 October 2012

When a success isn't: Africa's clothing export numbers, debunked

The 2000 African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) was something of a landmark bill in terms of US-African relations. Signed by then-President Bill Clinton, it was meant to jumpstart the economies of eligible African countries while at the same time nudging them toward the glories of free market liberalism and multi-party democracy. AGOA is the Unites States’ umbrella trade policy act for sub-Saharan Africa, offering preferential agreements to countries “making progress in economic and political reforms.” The act functions as a $10...

16 October 2012

US: Walmart, South Africa Citrus Growers celebrate benefits of export program

In celebration of a long-term relationship that brings delicious South African Citrus to U.S. consumers, Walmart has kicked off a week-long celebration of South Africa for consumers at Walmart stores throughout the northeast region. Walmart executives and leaders of South Africa’s Western Cape Citrus Producers Forum (WCCPF) are hosting consumers to a “Taste of South Africa” beginning Friday, October 12, at the Walmart Supercenter, Levittown, Pa. “Walmart is among the largest importers of South African Summer Citrus to the U.S.,”...

16 October 2012

Trade and Technologies: Africa in the Year 2022

Ten years from now Africa might be the only remaining developing region in the global race for economic growth. Amy Calfas goes in-depth in her winning essay for Fletcher School's “Africa's Turn?” conference.Few scholars have envisioned a day in which African security and economic prosperity were no longer dependent on a constant flow of blue helmets and aid packages. While exceptionally belated, the day has finally arrived in which African private investment has finally surpassed aid exchanges. Today, it is impossible to ignore the...

15 October 2012

US Trade Ambassador Marantis begins three-country East Africa visit in Burundi

Today, Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis began his three country East Africa visit in Burundi where he met with senior government officials and members of the private sector. Ambassador Marantis met with Second Vice President Gervais Rufyikiri, Commerce Minister Victoire Ndikumana, and other officials who were participating in a conference focused on rooting out corruption in Burundi. The officials discussed the Burundian government's reform agenda and its policies to increase economic growth and reduce poverty,...

15 October 2012 | Newsroom America

Zambia: Food exporter gains US FDA export license

Sylvia Professional Catering Services Limited has acquired a Food and Drug Administration export certificate that will allow the company to export over 6, 000 products to the United States market under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).Company managing director Sylva Banda said that the certificate would allow her company to export as many products as it could to the US market without trade barriers and for as long as they meet the market standards.Ms Banda said that the acquiring of The FDA certificate was a plus for her company...

10 October 2012

The United States' partnership with Africa (by Hillary Clinton)

[Opinion] Last month, I went on a nine-country trip that took me from West Africa, to East Africa and the Horn, to Southern Africa. At every stop, I saw how America is working with our African partners-governments, the private sector, and civil society-to deliver concrete benefits for people. This work doesn't always draw headlines, and too few Africans and Americans are aware of what we're doing together. So it's worth taking a closer look at what we can accomplish when we build sustainable relationships that empower rather than...

28 September 2012

Johnnie Carson: America's Mr Africa

The chief American diplomat for Africa participated in an Internet press conference with reporters across the continent earlier this week. American Assistant Secretary of State Johnnie Carson has had one of those special careers for a diplomat. He has glided between promotion-enhancing, interesting, challenging jobs on Capitol Hill to get an insight into the ways of Congress, at the National Intelligence Council, in increasingly senior positions within the State Department and with stints as US ambassador to Kenya, Zimbabwe and Uganda once...

21 September 2012

Mozambique hopes to rebuild clothing sector

The Mozambican textile and clothing industries are beginning to re-emerge after a near total collapse in the 1990s. The sector now has about 20 factories but many are operating below capacity, and producing only when they receive orders, reports Mozambican news agency AIM. At the end of the 1980s there were 78 textile and clothing factories - but they closed, partly due to the obsolescence of their machinery, and partly because the liberalisation of the market meant that Mozambique was inundated by cheap textiles from Asia and second hand...

20 September 2012
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