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Uganda’s AGOA earnings drop by 33%

While Uganda has been on a downward spiral, Kenya earned $353 million from exports under AGOA in 2006, writes Benon Oluka.Uganda has failed to exploit the opportunities provided by the Africa Growth and Opportunities Act (Agoa) initiative, according to an internal government assessment. A confidential report prepared in July for the Minister of Tourism, Trade and Industry, Janat Mukwaya, offers a candid assessment of the country’s export performance under Agoa. “Exports to the US (Agoa) market have not had such a progressive growth trend...

27 August 2007

Platinum prices boost SA exports to US

The US bought $4.4 billion (R32 billion) worth of South African goods in the first half of the year, according to figures from the US International Trade Commission, an increase of about 20 percent over the first six months of last year. The figures were published on the African Growth and Opportunity Act ( website this week.The growth can be attributed largely to higher prices of platinum group metals (PGMs), a major component of local exports to the US, according to Peter Draper, a research fellow at the SA Institute of...

24 August 2007

Namibia: Scramble on for African resources - experts

Both the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and the fast-tracked Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) seem to reflect less a genuine desire in fairer trade for the true benefits of the African economies than securing access to relevant markets and mainly the exploitation of relevant natural resources in the interest of the European Union (EU) and the USA, said Executive Director of the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, Dr Henning Melber."It is not in the interest for Africa to enter in the current EPA negotiations," maintained Melber.AGOA...

19 August 2007

Botswana's performance under AGOA

Botswana generated US$ 252 million (about P1.6 billion) from exports to the United States through the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) last year.Brett Johnson, the AGOA Trade and Business Manager in Botswana said this at a workshop of the Botswana Exporters and Manufacturers Association (BEMA) on joint ventures held at Thapama Lodge in Francistown last Thursday.He said from the total amount the textile and apparel sector generated made in its exports to the US US$28 million. AGOA also facilitated US$3.2 billion (about P19.9 billion) in...

15 August 2007

US and African businesses to convene in Cape Town

The Corporate Council on Africa (CCA), with the support of leading U.S. corporations, African businesses, and global leaders from the private and public sectors, will host its 2007 U.S.-Africa Business Summit in Cape Town, South Africa, November 14-16, 2007.Hosted every two years, this is CCA's sixth Summit, but the first-ever to be held in Africa. More than 1,500 participants are expected to attend.As CCA's flagship event, the Summit provides a forum for some of the world's top global business leaders to discuss trade and investment...

13 August 2007

Africa: Development Through Trade

High-ranking officials, including US Trade Representative Susan Schwab, and representatives from African countries that are beneficiaries of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), descended on the Ghanaian capital Accra to attend the Sixth Agoa Forum on July 18-19.Agoa is a non-reciprocal preferential trade scheme whereby the US offers the 38 eligible countries (including all Southern Africa Customs Union member states) duty and quota-free access to its market. The scheme covers more than 6000 products.The forum is meant to celebrate...

07 August 2007

West African companies gain export markets

Ghanaian crafters of wooden furniture and other home accessories wanted to increase sales so they could expand their small businesses.But they lacked the business know-how and funds to do that.Now, with help from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) West African Trade Hub (WATH) - a competitiveness assistance center - Ghana-based Premium Ex-Im Company is getting its products into thousands of homes in the United States by selling to the major U.S. retailers Target and Cost Plus World Market.WATH taught Premium's owners how...

07 August 2007

East Africa: Dashed Dreams

(Opinion)By now Ugandans have understood their perennial President. Whenever he wants something very badly he makes a denial statement.In 1985 he made a statement broadcast on BBC that he did not want to be President of Uganda. What is being President of Uganda, he asked? It is not even equal to being Mayor of London, he said. Then he proceeded to become President a few months later.When he wants more aid, he says that he does not want aid but trade. Then the Americans took him seriously and Congress passed AGOA. But Uganda's trade with...

04 August 2007

Kenya drops down list of top US trade partners

Trade between Kenya and the United States dipped in the past year even as sub-Saharan Africa’s exports to the world’s largest economy continued to grow.The decline saw Kenya lose its position among America’s top trading partners in Africa. The Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mauritius and Cameroon remain in the top league. US exports to Africa leaped by 14 per cent in South Africa, 38 per cent in Nigeria, 67 per cent in Angola and 96 per cent in Equatorial Guinea.“Exports to Kenya declined by 17 per cent, mainly...

30 July 2007

AGOA has 'failed' to achieve anti-poverty goal

The trade programme that gives preferential access to the US market for African exports has proved disappointing in several respects, critics charged as a conference reviewing the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) took place in mid-July in Ghana.“When Agoa was initially crafted, there was a great debate as to whether it would be a tool for real, broad, sustained growth and poverty reduction for all of Africa,” commented Congressman Donald Payne, an African-American Democrat. “I must say seven years later, Agoa has not lived up...

30 July 2007

AGOA Forum proves networking success

The expansion of export trade in Africa is leading to more jobs and prosperity. This is happening, in part, because of the networking program created by U.S. legislation passed seven years ago to replace aid with trade as the engine for economic growth on the continent, a State Department official says.The Sixth Annual African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum, held in Accra July 18-19, was "very positive and a success," says Assistant Secretary of State Jendayi Frazer, because "it brought together the business sector, the NGO...

24 July 2007

AGOA Forum 2007: Outcomes of the African Ministerial Consultative Group

A meeting of the African Ministerial Consultative Group on AGOA took place on the sidelines of the AGOA Forum in Accra, and was the second such meeting to be held. In attendance were 34 of a possible 38 AGOA beneficiary countries, as well as various regional institutions such as COMESA, SADC, SACU, ECOWAS, NEPAD and the Africa Development Bank. The meeting was chaired by Hon. Alan Kyerematen, Ghana’s Minister of Trade and Industries. In his opening remarks, he emphasised the need for the Forum to focus on the practical implementation of...

23 July 2007

AGOA Forum 2007: Taking stock

As trade grows, Africa prospers. This was the theme of the recently concluded annual AGOA Forum, held this year in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. It attracted representatives from all 38 AGOA beneficiary countries, including many trade and industry ministers, as well as a 140-strong US government delegation, representatives of the private sector and civil society, and forms the key annual event in United States / Sub-Saharan Africa trade relations and economic co-operation.Now in its 6th edition, the annual AGOA Forum is provided for in...

22 July 2007

AGOA Forum 2007: Where to for textiles?

While the 2007 AGOA forum did not need to focus almost exclusively on the pending expiry of a key provision (the third country fabric rule), textiles were again in the spot light as delegates grappled with the implications of an interesting new provision enacted late last year by the US. The reasons for the high level of interest were the new regulations pertaining to the sourcing of fabrics, as contained in the African Investment Incentive Act (otherwise known as AGOA IV. AGOA, originally passed into law in 2000 by former US President Bill...

22 July 2007

African agricultural exports focus of capacity-building program

The Sixth Annual African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum was capped July 19 with the announcement by top U.S. government officials of initiatives to strengthen the export-boosting trade measure first passed by Congress in 2000.A new faculty exchange program will try to build the capacity of agricultural institutions in Africa, a continent overly dependent on oil and gas exports, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in a video link with the more than 1,000 officials, businessmen and civil society representatives meeting July 18-19...

20 July 2007

Sub-Saharan Africa benefits from expanded international trade

The United States will continue pursuing a growing economic partnership dedicated to promoting prosperity through expanded trade with some of Africa's poorest countries, according to America's top trade official."We will not stop until every sub-Saharan African country and the continent's 700 million citizens are part of and benefiting" from expanded international trade, U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Susan Schwab told the Sixth Annual African Growth and Opportunity (AGOA) Forum in Accra July 18.Schwab, who led the U.S. delegation of 139...

20 July 2007

US Secretary Rice's remarks for the Agoa Forum

The following are United States Secretary of State's Condoleezza Rice's remarks as prepared for her address to the AGOA Forum in Accra, Ghana, on July 18, 2007. Hello everyone. It is a pleasure to have this opportunity to talk with you today. I have participated in the previous two AGOA Forums, and I really regret that I am not able to be with you in person today in Accra. I know the U.S. delegation is being ably headed by our Trade Representative, Susan Schwab, and I want to thank her for her leadership and for her leadership and for her...

19 July 2007

Go beyond oil extraction in Africa - Kufuor

President J.A. Kufuor has called on private sector operators in the United States to increase their investments in Africa beyond the extractive industries of oil and precious minerals.He identified agriculture, processing, manufacturing and tourism as some key areas they could put their money to assist in technology transfer and build the continent's capacity to become more competitive and effective partners in trade.Additionally, they should also look at the re-location of industries and outsourcing Information Communication Technology...

19 July 2007

AGOA Forum highlights US-African trade

The theme of the sixth forum on the African Growth and Opportunity Act that opens Wednesday Ghana's capital, is "As trade grows, Africa prospers." The U.S. initiative allows allows African countries that undertake economic reforms to gain duty free access to the U.S. market. But Naomi Schwarz reports from VOA's regional bureau in Dakar, some say the agreement has changed little in the trade relationship between the U.S. and Africa.AGOA Forum 2007U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Africa, Middle East and South Asia Holly Vineyard...

18 July 2007

Doha round can succeed but question is when - USTR

The faltering Doha round of global trade talks can still succeed, but it remains to be seen whether a deal can be clinched soon or take several years, U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab said on Wednesday."I believe the Doha round can be successful, the question is one of time," she told reporters in Ghana during a trade forum."We will know more in the next several weeks or months as to whether it is a near-term focus or whether we will see the Doha round slip for several years and then come back."Hopes for a deal in the so-called Doha...

18 July 2007

African trade forum makes opportunities possible

An African textile designer hoping to sell more apparel and fabrics in the United States may see her dream realized because of a landmark American trade initiative begun in 2000 designed to spur export-led growth in sub-Saharan Africa.“I send a few things to the U.S.,” says Eva Yebuah owner of Naa Dee Designs, but “my great dream is to expand fabric exports there and acquaint Americans with African fashion.”In addition to dresses and shirts, Naa Dee Designs also makes cushion covers and table cloths using original designs. “These...

17 July 2007

US-Africa trade increases as AGOA forum opens in Ghana

The Sixth Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum will be held this week in the Ghanaian capital Accra from July 18 to the 19. AGOA, which was passed by the U.S. Congress in 2000, is the cornerstone of the United States’ trade and investment policy with sub-Saharan African countries. Ahead of the Sixth AGOA Forum, the U.S. Trade Representative recently submitted a comprehensive report to Congress on U.S. trade and investment policy with sub-Saharan Africa. Florie Liser is Assistant US Trade Representative for Africa. She told VOA...

16 July 2007

US trade act seen as mixed blessing for Africa

ACCRA - Nora Bannerman checks the pristine white uniforms made for American pharmacist Walgreens in her factory in the humid heart of the Ghanaian capital Accra.Her Sleek Garments company exports shirts, pants and uniforms under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), a 2000 U.S. law that allows nearly 40 African countries to export some goods free of duties and quotas into the United States."AGOA has exposed us to the American buyer," said Bannerman, as fans whirred overhead and sewing machines clicked and buzzed."But we are still...

16 July 2007

Trade ministers to meet in Ghana for AGOA forum

More than 20 African trade ministers will attend this week's African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) forum in Ghana with Condoleeza Rice, the US secretary of state, opening the forum. They will be discussing whether there have been any benefits due to the act and whether it's time to re-negotiate a better deal for Africa.It's been seven years since the inception of the AGOA - a US Trade Act. Under AGOA, 38 sub-Saharan countries are able to export goods to the US duty free. It is estimated that two way trade between the US and Africa...

15 July 2007

US lawmakers hear expert panel on eve of AGOA Forum

Trade under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) continues to create tens of thousands of jobs that better the lives of countless Africans, a panel of trade experts told U.S. lawmakers at a congressional hearing.Seven years after the law was passed by Congress, AGOA's trade benefits continue to spur African economies through export-led growth. The result is improved living standards on a continent that, while blessed with abundant natural resources, has lagged behind global trade expansion because of a lack of investment and poor...

12 July 2007

US Foundation to participate in AGOA Forum

The US African Development Foundation is participating in the AGOA Forum in Accra next week as part of a concerted effort to increase its visibility and promote its development model.It focuses on investing in African small and medium enterprises (SMEs).USADF is an independent public corporation founded in 1980 by the US Congress with a mandate to reduce poverty in Africa. USADF fills a unique niche in the spectrum of federally funded development agencies.A statement issued in Accra on Wednesday said instead of top down, state-driven policy...

12 July 2007

Quota free access to markets criticised

A textile lobby has criticised the move by African Union heads of government for proposing measures that would see fabric manufacturers in the continent edged out of the global trade by Asian competitors.During last week’s AU meeting in Accra, the heads of state called for all textile traders from the least developed countries (LDCs) to be accorded duty free and quota free access to foreign markets.African countries already enjoy the preferential status in the lucrative American market through the African Growth and Opportunity Act...

12 July 2007

Lesotho: An industry fraying at the seams

There is scarcely a blade of grass in sight over Lesotho now, with only the faintest flecks of green visible from the aircraft coming in to King Moshoeshoe I International Airport. The effects of the worst drought in 30 years are plain to see. Economic hardship raises the risk of political upheaval . But what might the mountain kingdom make and sell to offer employment to its 2-million citizens? Two decades ago, the export-driven growth route successfully pursued throughout east Asia was the obvious one to emulate. But today, does not...

11 July 2007

USA, Africa prepare for sixth annual AGOA forum in Ghana

The sixth annual African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) forum is scheduled to be held in Accra, Ghana, from July 18-19, with the aim of strengthening the partnership for economic reforms and development between the United States and 38 African nations.Signed into law in May 2000 by the former US President Bill Clinton, AGOA provides duty-free access to American markets for a range of 6,000 African products. Its aim is to spur export-led growth in nations that agree to liberalize their economies.US President George Bush extended trade...

10 July 2007

Condoleesza Rice to visit Ghana for AGOA summit

United States Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, is expected in Accra to attend a regional forum of the nearly 40 sub-Saharan African countries receiving U.S. trade benefits under AGOA, the African Growth and Opportunity Act approved by the U.S. Congress in 2000.Rice is scheduled to visit Israel and the West Bank during a July 16-20 trip that will include a stop in Ghana, for talks on African trade, according to the State Department.Administration officials say the measure, which lowered U.S. trade barriers to African goods, has helped to...

07 July 2007

Ghana: Country ready for upcoming AGOA conference?

This beautiful country of Osagyefo, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah hosted the just ended and much-touted 9th Africa Heads of States and Governments' Summit of the African Union (AU) in Accra. ( Editorial from the Ghanaian Chronicle, Accra )It was a feather to our political history that while our sitting President, John Agyekum Kufuor presides over this West African country of ours, he can acclaim to be the Father of Africa, being the present Chairman of the AU.The country's current position on the international scene is something we, as Ghanaians should...

06 July 2007

African countries can benefit from more trade

African countries have much to gain from a global trade liberalization accord if they are willing to open up their economies to trade and investment and press other developing countries to do the same, according to a U.S. trade official.Such an accord, negotiated under auspices of the World Trade Organization (WTO), “will open up tremendous opportunities for less-developed countries to expand their exports,” said Florizelle Liser, assistant U.S. trade representative for Africa.But how much African nations can gain from trade...

06 July 2007

Ethiopia: Exports to the US poor

Ethiopia has not done enough to penetrate the US market although that was possible under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), a new study revealed on Wednesday.Introduced five years ago to support developing countries to sell their products to the USA market, AGOA gives 38 sub Sahara African countries, including Ethiopia a duty -free access to USA markets for more than 6,000 products.The study showed despite huge potential to export a host of products to the US, Ethiopia, out of out of the 38 countries, fared poor in capitalization...

28 June 2007

Malawi: Clothing becoming unstiched?

Following the liberalisation of the global trade in textiles and clothing between 1994 and 2005, Malawi has seen an influx of second-hand clothing on the local market. But while consumers have been happily buying cheap items on almost every street corner, the country's textile industry has been steadily collapsing.Despite Malawi being among the developing states allowed to export textiles and garments to the US market under the preferential access provided by the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), the country's textile industry is...

20 June 2007

Botswana: manufacturers bemoan high interest rates

The encore of the familiar refrain of the almost-prohibitive costs of doing business in Botswana resulting from high finance costs and serious constraints in the local supply of raw materials was the order of the day at a BEDIA-sponsored seminar for manufacturers yesterday.Participants used the occasion at Boipuso Hall in Gaborone to tell the Botswana Export Development and Investment Authority that high interest rates and the importation of raw materials were two factors responsible for pushing costs up."There is no fabric factory in...

19 June 2007

Malawi: Clothing and textiles become unstitched

Following the liberalization of the global trade in textiles and clothing between 1994 and 2005, Malawi has seen an influx of second-hand clothing on the local market. But while consumers have been happily buying cheap items on almost every street corner, the country's textile industry has been steadily collapsing.Despite Malawi being among the developing states allowed to export textiles and garments to the US market under the preferential access provided by the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), the country's textile industry is...

15 June 2007

Zoellick's term is good news for East Africa

The expected appointment of Robert Zoellick as president of the World Bank will likely result in few policy changes affecting East Africa. And that could be interpreted as good news for Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, each of which has recently received substantial amounts of assistance from the giant lender.African officials commenting on President George W. Bush’s nomination of Mr Zoellick have generally spoken in positive terms.Concerns continue to be expressed, however, in regard to the bank’s governance structure. Controversies...

11 June 2007

Angola close to signing economic deal with US

Angola and the United States are close to signing an agreement that would strengthen commercial ties between the former Cold War foes, Angola's ambassador to the U.S. was quoted saying on Monday. The deal will be signed "shortly" and form the basis of increased trade and economic exchanges between the oil-rich African nation and the world's economic powerhouse, the ambassador Josefina Diakite told state-run news agency ANGOP. "It will be a very general agreement, similar to those already enjoyed by other African nations," she said in the...

11 June 2007

Angola and US to sign general cooperation accord

A general accord for the expansion of trade relations between Angola and the United States of America (USA) will be signed soon, said Sunday in Luanda, Angolan ambassador, Josefina Pitra Diakité, before leaving for Washington. Speaking to Angop, the head of Angolan diplomatic mission to the USA, said that the accord was not signed earlier on because the two countries' governments decided there was need to mature ideas. However, in view of the current level of development of political and diplomatic relations, Josefina Diakité believes...

10 June 2007

Ghana wants more US starch experts

Ghana has put in a request to the United States Government for additional expertise in the production and branding of quality starch to meet the US market under the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act.This is in addition to the few experts already in town assisting the Ghana Government and other starch producers under the President's Special Initiatives to produce quality starch to meet the US market.Trade, Industry, Private Sector Development and President"s Special Initiative Minister Alan Kyerematen on the sidelines of the launch of the 6th...

01 June 2007

Cameroon opens up to business with America

A handful of Cameroonian businessmen and senior managers of para-public and private sector industries recently participated in a business forum in the US.The "cut and dry" businessmen met at the Marriot Hotel in North Bethesda, Washington DC, at the invitation of the US Embassy in Cameroon for the investment forum on projects and finance, running through April 23 to 27.The team led by Jean Paul Yana and Christopher Ekom of the Commercial Department of the US Embassy in Cameroon, with Strategy Manager, Daniel Anagho, liaising from Washington...

01 June 2007

Proposed World Bank chief has experience with AGOA

Many in Africa expressed disappointment at Wednesday's news former U.S. trade envoy Robert Zoellick was to replace Paul Wolfowitz at the World Bank, saying the job should have gone to a developing country.But there was also hope that Zoellick's experience on African trade issues could bring benefits.After decades of Americans heading the international lender, many on the world's poorest continent felt their time had come to play a key role -- and then been snatched away."Look at the United Nations. When Africans had one of their own leading...

30 May 2007

Horticulture, tourism to gain from direct Kenya-US flights

Trade between Kenya and the US is set to increase with the expansion and upgrading of JKI Airport to category A status. The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Trade and Industry, David Nalo, said the airport’s new status, expected as early as 2009, will allow direct horticulture exports and increase the flow of tourists. This will follow compliance with security requirements.The official said this presents the country with the opportunity to diversify its export base away from textiles and apparels under the Africa Growth and...

28 May 2007

Kenya: exports fall despite AGOA

Kenya`s textile and apparel exports to the United States have declined by more than 13 per cent so far this year despite efforts to bolster this sector through changes in the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa).New U.S. trade data shows that Kenyan sales of cloth and garments to the U.S. market amounted to $56.8 million for the first three months of this year compared to $65.6 million for the same period last year. The drop continues a trend that saw Kenyan clothing exports to the U.S. fall from $271 million in 2005 to $263.8 million...

22 May 2007

USTR submits African trade policy progress report to Congress

The US Trade Representative on Friday submitted a comprehensive report to Congress on the results of US trade and investment policy with regard to sub-Saharan Africa.The 2007 Comprehensive Report on US Trade and Investment Policy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa and Implementation of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) noted that two-way trade between the United States and sub-Saharan African countries increased 17% in 2006 over 2005, reaching almost $71.3 billion, with both US exports to and imports from the region growing.The report...

22 May 2007

AGOA Forum 2007: US-Africa forum expanding beyond trade issues

Trade facilitation will share the stage with finance, infrastructure development, product quality standards and a host of other economic issues at the Sixth African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum, U.S. officials say. [Download the draft programme on at this link].The forum, which annually brings together high-level officials from the United States and representatives of the 38 AGOA-eligible countries, will take place in Accra, Ghana, July 18-19. U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Mike...

18 May 2007

Malawi: Textile sector fails to meet global demand

Local textile and garments producers are failing to meet the demand on the global market especially under African Growth Opportunity Act (Agoa) due to lack of capacity.Chairperson of Garments and Textile Manufacturers Association of Malawi Kantilal Desai said this Friday during a trade consultative meeting in Blantyre.Agoa, a United of States America trade initiative allows least developing counties (LDCs) like Malawi to export textiles and garments duty free on the USA market.But Desai noted that despite Agoa favourable conditions Malawi...

16 May 2007

US firm eyes Ugandan coffee

Top executives of Starbucks Coffee Company, the world's leading coffee processing firm, have arrived in the country to find ways of involving their company in the Ugandan coffee sector. A press statement from the Media Centre in Kampala on Monday said Mr Alain Poncelet, Starbucks' Vice President for Coffee, and Mr Peter Torrebiarte, General Manager for Farmer Support Center in Costa Rica, will discuss strategies to enhance the quality of Ugandan coffee exports with senior line ministers. They will also hold discussions with officials from...

09 May 2007

Ghana: Increased exports to the US

Data from the US Department of Commerce reveal that Ghana's exports to the US went up by 21.5% last year.From US$158m in 2005, total exports from Ghana to the U.S. recorded a value of US$192m last year.Trade between the two countries however fell by 9.9 percent from US$535m in 2005 to US$482m.This was caused wholly by decreases in U.S. exports to Ghana which fell by 13.9 percent to US$290m last year, while Ghana's exports to the U.S. increased by 21.5 percent to US$192m during the period.Consequently, Ghana's trade deficit with the U.S....

02 May 2007

South Africa: Commodity prices lift value of SA-US exports

High and rising commodity prices are sending the value of South African exports to the US surging.In the first two months of this year, exports rose 32 percent from the same period last year to nearly $1.4 billion (R10 billion).This follows a 27 percent rise to $7.5 billion in exports to the US last year. The figures, from the US department of commerce, appear on the African Growth and Opportunity Act ( website. But only $309 million worth of local goods fell under Agoa, which covers about 7 000 product items - most of them...

17 April 2007
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