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Nigeria: $100b non-oil export target - stakeholders push for AGOA

The foreign commercial service of the United States (U.S.) diplomatic mission to Nigeria has been living up to its mission of promoting the expansion of the U.S trade and investment in Nigeria. Its team of trade and commercial specialists has consistently maintained the importance of the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) as a powerful tool for Nigeria to drive non-oil export and diversify the local economy. The team has taken every advantage of its interactions with officials of the Federal Government and business leaders to...

17 August 2017 | CHIKODI OKEREOCHA

US assures Africa AGOA pact is here to stay

The United States is determined to deepen trade with sub-Sahara Africa following assurances that the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) deal is safe under the Trump administration. While a dark cloud has been hanging over Agoa since Donald Trump became US president over six months ago, a top US trade representative has assured African countries that the US is committed to a stronger and more sustainable relationship with Africa through free, fair and reciprocal trade. Soon after taking over, Trump sent shockwaves across Africa when...

17 August 2017 | NJIRAINI MUCHIRA

Swazi king signs public order, terrorism amendment bills

His Majesty King Mswati III has given assent to the Public Order Bill and the Suppression of Terrorism amendment Act. The King endorsed the two Acts last week Tuesday. This comes as good news as this means that Swaziland is a step closer to regaining its African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) status. Swaziland was removed from AGOA in January 2015.  

15 August 2017 | Gugu Simelane

Ghana: Government targets $500m exports under AGOA by 2020

President Nana Akufo-Addo has revealed that government is instituting measures to have more exports to the United States (US) under the Africa Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) to achieve a target of $500million in 2020. Mr. Akufo-Addo, who was speaking at the Second National Policy Summit in Accra on Monday, August 14 said, “Ghana’s total non-exports under AGOA for 2016 was $12 million and we aim to increase our export volumes under AGOA to $500million in 2020.” According to Mr. Akufo-Addo, the AGOA Act was signed into law some 17...

15 August 2017

South Africa: Trade and Industry on AGOA industrialisation and regional value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa

The African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) is a cornerstone of United States (U.S.)-Africa trade relations and has facilitated mutually beneficial trade and investment relations between eligible African countries and the U.S.  Total trade between the Sub-Saharan Africa and the U.S. stood at $33 bn in 2016. Through AGOA, non-energy exports from Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) into the US, mainly for clothing and textile, autos and agriculture and food products have grown. However, more needs to be done to promote value-added trade and promote...

15 August 2017 | DTI

AGOA Forum 2017: Opening statement by the AU Commissioner for Trade and Industry

Statement by Ambassador Albert M. Muchanga Africa Union Commissioner for Trade and Industry I am delighted to be here this morning and participate in the opening ceremony of the United States-Sub Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation (AGOA) Forum that is convening under the Theme: “The U.S. and Africa: Partnering for Prosperity Through Trade”. My statement will be brief. I will broadly touch on the challenge that we face to bring to life the theme of this Forum and key areas of capacity building to increase African exports...

14 August 2017 | AFRICAN UNION

Why the US's use of AGOA reviews worries African trade ministers

African countries have urged the US not to use the out-of-cycle reviews under the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) in a manner that restricts their ability to pursue policies in their national interest, in particular those that promote industrialisation. Agoa provides duty-free, quota-free treatment for more than 6,000 tariff lines from African countries into the US market. East African countries Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda — are being subjected to out-of-cycle reviews of their eligibility to partake in Agoa because they have...

14 August 2017 | LINDA ENSOR

Africa-US AGOA trade talks end with 'no decision, waning enthusiasm' - Reuters

LOME (Reuters) - Talks between African and U.S. officials to review the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) free trade deal ended on Thursday with no decision and a feeling on all sides that it has achieved little since it was set up. President Donald Trump's top trade negotiator Robert E. Lighthizer and other U.S. officials have been in the tiny West African nation of Togo over the past two days to discuss the Clinton-era trade pact with sub-Saharan Africa. Trump's "America First" campaign has seen him withdraw from the Trans...

13 August 2017 | John Zodzi

Uganda: What ban of second hand clothes means for businesses

One and a half years ago, 25-year-old Everist Mulindwa dug into his pockets and picked Shs1m, an amount he invested in second hand clothes, also called "Mivumba." He had just completed Senior Six and it seemed like the most viable business option for him. "It was easy to start so I took a million shillings off my savings and went into the business," Mr Mulindwa says. The trader in second hand dresses and blouses says there has been a change in his life since then because he is assured of retiring home with Shs100,000 in profit every week....

09 August 2017 | Eronie Kamukama

Togo's trade minister laments suboptimal use of AGOA provisions

Togo's trade minister said here Tuesday that the United States' African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) is "not used optimally" by African economies. Bernadette Legzim-Balouki, Togolese minister of trade and private sector promotion, said this during the session on the private sector and civil society at the 16th Forum of the AGOA in Lome, capital of Togo. The Togolese minister cited the lack of optimal use of AGOA regarding the challenges faced by the financing and business environment and regional integration. "We must then overcome...

09 August 2017 | Lu Hui

Opening statement by USTR Amb Lighthizer at the AGOA Forum in Togo

Opening Statement of USTR Robert Lighthizer at 2017 AGOA Forum  As Delivered, August 9, 2017, Lomé, Togo   AMBASSADOR LIGHTHIZER: Good morning, Your Excellency, Prime Minister Komi Klassou; Trade Minister Legzim-Balouki; esteemed members of the Togolese Government; ministers and heads of delegations from the AGOA partner countries; and distinguished delegates and guests. I am honored to be here, and I join on behalf of President Trump and our Government in welcoming all of you to the 16th annual AGOA Forum. Before...

09 August 2017

AGOA trade forum to showcase Trump's Africa policy

US President Donald Trump barely mentioned Africa or trade with the continent during his whirlwind campaign and has been mostly silent about the region since taking office. But the annual African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) forum being held in the Togolese capital Lome this week will bring together top US officials and African ministers. The gathering will finally shine a light on Trump's policies toward the region of 1.2 billion people. What is the African Growth and Opportunity Act? It was a trade deal inked between the United...

09 August 2017

Reps Brady & Reichert express strong support for AGOA as US co-hosts forum in Togo

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Trade Subcommittee Chairman Dave Reichert (R-WA) issued the following statements as the United States and Togo co-host the 2017 African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum this week to further strengthen important economic ties between the United States and Africa. Reinforcing his support for AGOA, Chairman Brady said: “The bipartisan 10-year renewal and enhancement of AGOA was the longest extension, ever, of the program. The strong bipartisan...

08 August 2017 | Kevin Brady and Dave Reichert

Trump administration's Africa policy in focus at AGOA trade talks

With the Trump administration's trade agenda focused on reining in China and renegotiating the North American Free Trade agreement, Africa has barely appeared on the radar screen. That could change this week as President Donald Trump's top trade negotiator and other senior U.S. officials head to the West African nation of Togo to review a Clinton-era free trade pact with sub-Saharan Africa, in the administration's first high-level delegation to visit the region. Looming over the two-day ministerial is China's growing role in African trade...

08 August 2017

Press Release: US delegation at 2017 AGOA Forum in Togo

Office of the Spokesperson, Washington, DC, August 7, 2017 Senior Bureau Official for African Affairs Peter Barlerin will travel to Togo from August 7 – August 10 as part of the delegation led by U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to attend the 2017 African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum, held August 8-10 in Lomé, Togo. Established by AGOA law, the annual forum provides a platform for promoting stronger economic ties between the United States and qualifying sub-Saharan African countries that receive enhanced...

07 August 2017

US says Africa must allow import of used clothing

The U.S. has advised  African countries against banning importation of used clothing, for them to continue benefiting from Africa Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) Scheme which came into being May, 2000. AGOA is a U.S. Trade Act aimed at significantly enhancing market access to the U.S. for qualifying Sub-Saharan African countries. Acting Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Africa, Ms Constance Hamilton, gave the advice in Abuja at a teleconference on the 2017 AGOA Forum, scheduled to hold between Aug.8 and 10 in Lomé,...

04 August 2017

The Trump administration’s first AGOA Forum

Next week, some 40 African finance and trade ministers, along with a large contingent of senior U.S. government officials will descend upon the coastal city of Lomé, Togo for the annual African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum. There will be more eyes on this year’s Forum. Aside from Secretary Ross’ brief address at the Corporate Council on Africa’s Annual Summit earlier in the summer, this will be the first opportunity to hear the Trump Administration substantively outline their approach to economic and trade...

04 August 2017 | Worku Gachou

'US needs to avoid casting off Africa'

For well over a decade, it has been increasingly difficult to find issues on which Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. can agree, but this is one: Since 2000, there has been a strong bipartisan consensus – in Congress and the White House – that increasing economic engagement with Africa furthers our country's strategic, financial, political and humanitarian objectives. Views and opinions from around the world. This widely held belief has led to many years of advances for all sides. Unfortunately, this progress may be about to grind...

04 August 2017 | Rosa Whitaker and Gail Strickler

'Free trade agreements an opportunity for Africa'

Free Trade Agreements in Africa present an opportunity for African countries to improve intra-regional trade. Director of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) at the Department of Trade and Industry (dti) Claudia Furriel said the continent's free trade agreements, particularly the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement and the envisaged Continental Free Trade Area present an opportunity for African countries to improve intra-regional trade and diversify Africa's current trade model of exporting raw materials and importing of...

04 August 2017

August 3 AGOA dial-in briefing with USTR officials

August 3 Briefing with Peter Barlerin, Senior Bureau Official for the Bureau of African Affairs and Constance Hamilton, Acting Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Africa EVENT: Please join us on Thursday, August 3, 2017, at 9am EDT for a telephonic press conference with Peter Barlerin, Senior Bureau Official for the Bureau of African Affairs and Constance Hamilton, Acting Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Africa who will discuss the United States and Togo co-hosting the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum in Lomé,...

02 August 2017

Ghana: Strategy document on AGOA in the offing

A strategy document aimed at helping local companies to take advantage of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) is being developed.   Link to other AGOA beneficiaries' AGOA strategies AGOA is a trade preference which allows countries in Sub-Saharan Africa liberal access to the United States (US) market. The strategy, which builds on Ghana’s National Export Strategy, aims to enable Ghana to make maximum use of opportunities under the AGOA, with emphasis on intensifying export development and diversification. A workshop...

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