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AGOA Forum 2017 in Togo: Details

>> AGOA Forum 2018 details will follow shortly << See's AGOA Forum section HERE.   Other links:   Official AGOA Forum Togo 2017 Website   Official Website of the AGOA CSO Network   Official Website of the AGOA Private Sector event  

28 July 2017

Remarks by US Ambassador Jackson at the Ghana AGOA utilization strategy event

Honorable Minister of Trade and Industry Alan Kyerematen, Honorable Deputy Ministers,  Heads of Private Sector Associations, Media representatives, Colleagues, Distinguished guests: Good morning.  I am pleased to be here today with business leaders who are working to forge connections and strengthen commercial ties between the United States and Ghana, and beyond.   Thank you to the Ministry of Trade and Industry for being such a strong partner in the quest to facilitate trade between our two countries. Your efforts will...

27 July 2017

Royce, Engel, Smith, Bass work to strengthen US-Africa trade

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA), joined by Ranking Member Eliot Engel (D-NY) and Reps. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Karen Bass (D-CA), introduced today the AGOA and MCA Modernization Act (H.R. 3445).  > Download a copy of the Bill as well as a separate summary at the links alongside.  The bipartisan legislation strengthens both the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and the Millennium Challenge Act (MCA). AGOA is landmark trade legislation first passed in 2000 to develop a trade relationship...

27 July 2017 | Representatives Royce, Engel, Smith, Bass

USITC review reflects ups and downs in global trade

The US International Trade Commission’s Year in Trade report for 2016 ( >> download the report from the link alongside) shows mixed results among free trade agreement partner countries and preference program nations. At the same time, the ITC has continued to vigorously enforce trade laws and regulations last year as part of its federal responsibilities. U.S. imports under the Generalized System of Preferences program increased 5.6% to $18.7 billion in the year, accounting for 0.9% of total U.S. imports. The top five...

27 July 2017 | Arthur Friedman

AGOA outreach series travels to the Central African Republic

Thirteen years after losing eligibility under the US African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), the Central African Republic (CAR) was the site of a two-day workshop on the preferential trade agreement. The CAR has regained its eligibility for AGOA and is priming itself to take advantage of its benefits. Hosted by the West African Trade Hub, the U.S. Embassy in the capital Bangui, and CAR’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the July 11-12 workshop informed more than 70 public and private sector representatives on opportunities offered by...

24 July 2017
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