- African Growth and Opportunity Act
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AGOA outreach series travels to the Central African Republic

Thirteen years after losing eligibility under the US African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), the Central African Republic (CAR) was the site of a two-day workshop on the preferential trade agreement. The CAR has regained its eligibility for AGOA and is priming itself to take advantage of its benefits. Hosted by the West African Trade Hub, the U.S. Embassy in the capital Bangui, and CAR’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the July 11-12 workshop informed more than 70 public and private sector representatives on opportunities offered by...

24 July 2017

Trade experts fault US over AGOA review

The US government has been faulted by trade and economic experts for the out-of-cycle review of the American Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) which could see Rwanda and East African countries barred from duty-free access to the US market. The review which began on July 13, is a response to a move by Rwanda and fellow East African Community countries to phase out and eventually ban importation of second hand clothes. This is aimed to develop local and regional textile industries as well as promote the dignity of the East African...

24 July 2017 | COLLINS MWAI

Preference programs turn prime picks for duty free trade

Up in the air seems to be the modus operandi for US trade deals, and the fact that the country’s trade deals have either been withdrawn from or are under scrutiny for renegotiation, has many in the sector seeking duty free alternatives. What brands and retailers will likely uncover—and what proponents will point to as a potential solution—are trade preference programs. The U.S. uses trade preference programs as a way to aid developing nations by giving them greater access to the U.S. market through trade benefits, like no duties on...

20 July 2017 | Tara Donaldson

US exports of worn clothing to AGOA countries: a selection of DATA

The decision by some countries, notably in East Africa, to consider a ban on the importation of worn clothing has elicited strong responses. A portion of imports of such worn clothing originates in the United States. This has led the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), in consultation with the Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC), recently announcing the initiation of an out-of-cycle review of the eligibility of the Republic of Rwanda, United Republic of Tanzania, and Republic of Uganda to receive benefits under...

19 July 2017

Sierra Leone News: Private sector yet to benefit from AGOA trade

Since the African Growth an Opportunity Act (AGOA) was launched by United States Government 17-years ago to promote industrialization, Sierra Leonean based companies are yet to export their produce to the US market due lack of proper documentation and certification. However, the Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture (SLCCIA) has engaged private sector executives on the Africa Growth Act (AGOA) documentation and certification of local products. The Chamber of Commerce held a training session, funded by USAID, for...

18 July 2017 | Saidu Bah

AGOA at risk in East African war over used clothes

Among optimists, the proposal by East African Community (EAC) member states to ban the importation of used clothes by 2019 is great because it could spark the growth of a local textile industry in the bloc. But pessimists say the move will complicate the region’s trade arrangements with leading partners including the U.S. which is also a large exporter of used clothes to the region. It could also increase the cost of clothes in countries where the majority of the population is poor and lead to the import of new cheap clothes to...

18 July 2017 | ISAAC KHISA
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