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'Moves to push for new US-Africa trade policy'

The President of US-Africa Business Centre at the US Chamber of Commerce, Mr Scott Eisner, has expressed the resolve of the chamber to make Africa the frontline of President Donald Trump’s administration in terms of trade policies. Towards that, he said, the chamber would soon begin talks with some key stakeholders in the new administration in America to push for the development of a US-African trade policy. “The US Chamber of Commerce, together with its affiliates in Africa, such as the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) Ghana,...

14 March 2017 | MACLEAN KWOFI

'Meet the woman considered an architect of AGOA'

The hard-won African Growth and Opportunity Act allows duty-free exports to the U.S. from eligible African countries, and it remains a controversial trade agreement, but it has changed the conversation about U.S.-Africa trade, according to one of its architects. President Bill Clinton was not initially supportive of AGOA because the N, CEO of The Whitaker Group. Photo: TwitterGO community said that it was a ploy to get rid of Africa’s aid, replacing it with corporate welfare. But once Clinton embraced it, he fully embraced...

11 March 2017

'Open Letter to African Economic and Trade Ministers: There’s a Trump in your future, like it or not'

Given the new sheriff in town in Washington, and his strong ideas about trade, J. Brooks Spector believes it is the right time for African nations to come together to define their agenda on trade issues with America – before the Trump administration does it for them.   Dear Ministers, Over the past several months, many people around the world have been fixated on the surpassingly strange events now taking place in Washington, DC. Not surprisingly, these political shenanigans have occupied first place for many, monopolising the...

09 March 2017 | J Brooks Spector

East Africa: 'Plan to ban used clothes, shoes puts AGOA gains at risk'

East Africa's eligibility to retain duty-free access to markets in the United States under the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) is at risk following concerns raised by Washington about the bloc's decision to phase out the importation of second-hand clothes starting this year. According to the US, the EAC presidents' directive to ban importation of used clothing will not spur additional US textile and apparel investment in the region, which is largely export-oriented and based on Agoa tariff preferences. In a senior trade officials'...

08 March 2017 | Christabel Ligami

Future of AGOA 'uncertain in Trump era'

What will trade with Africa look like under a Trump presidency? African leaders are concerned that the African Growth and Opportunity Act, or AGOA, will be on the chopping block under Trump and that the continent itself will not be a priority. The AGOA was enacted by Congress in 2000 and signed into law by President Clinton. It allows sub-Saharan African countries to export thousands of goods to the U.S. on a duty-free basis. The act, which has enjoyed bipartisan support, “offers tangible incentives for African countries to continue...

04 March 2017 | David Love

'Donald Trump and Africa'

Question: Doesn’t it badly distort reality to call something that creates large numbers of jobs for American workers “foreign aid”? Are actions that greatly increase our export earnings “foreign aid”? Is it “foreign aid” when we help to secure for ourselves new sources of essential raw materials? Throughout the American presidential campaign, Donald Trump was largely silent on Africa. His views about the continent have been a mystery, but recent events are beginning to give a picture of where he stands in relation to the...

02 March 2017 | Christopher Akor

Why Africa should be high on Donald Trump's list of priorities

Amid all the confusion over Donald Trump’s presidency, there are few clues about how his administration will approach the US’s relationship with Africa. The continent was rarely mentioned in the run-up to election day, and so far, Trump’s only foray into African politics has been a pair of phone calls – one to President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria, and one to President Jacob Zuma of South Africa. But an examination of Trump’s rhetoric, likely priorities, and the economic realities facing Africa, paints a bleak picture for the...

02 March 2017 | Ricardo Reboredo

Can you build a fashion business with a manufacturing base in Africa?

Liya Kebede made her first Lemlem garment in 2007 as a way to give back to Ethiopia, where the successful model was born and raised; a crucial stop before starring in Tom Ford campaigns and walking Miuccia Prada’s runway. She found a group in Addis Ababa, her hometown and the sub-Saharan African country’s largest city, to produce garments handwoven in the traditional technique, with the gauzy white cotton she wore growing up but had since been replaced by more Western-style (and often second-hand Western) garments. “When I created...

23 February 2017 | LAUREN SHERMAN

'Make America great again' in Africa

If President Donald Trump is to “Make America Great Again” he cannot afford to ignore Africa. It is in this region of over one billion people -- the world’s second-fastest growing continent -- that the rise of China and the relative decline in U.S. power is more stark than in any other. \ China surpassed the United States as Africa’s largest trading partner in 2009. Since then Britain and France have also passed America by.  Yet as recently as 2008 America’s capacity to inspire and influence this region, both economically...

17 February 2017 | Rosa Whitaker

'Does AGOA unfairly benefit Chinese firms?'

On the face of it, this multi-national system appears to be a win-win – evidence of trained African employees entering the global value chain, funded by Chinese partners and ready to take full advantage of American trading privileges. Yet not all Africans see it this way. As the first black South African to lead his country’s Reserve Bank, and a director of the $50bn New Development Bank in Shanghai, Tito Mboweni has long earned a reputation for robust and unfiltered opinions. In November, Mboweni turned his ire on the cornerstone...

14 February 2017 | David Thomas

Trump calls Nigeria, South Africa, also discusses trade

President Donald Trump has been increasingly chatting with other world leaders during his first weeks in office. On Monday he turned his attention to Africa. Trump spent Monday morning calling two of the continent's most prominent leaders, Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari and South African President Jacob Zuma, to discuss combating terrorism, trade relations and other issues. According to Buhari's aide, Femi Adesina, Trump assured the Nigerian president that the US is ready to help obtain "a new deal in helping Nigeria in terms of...

13 February 2017 | Stephanie Busari

‘How Nigeria can take advantage of the AGOA deal’

Worried by the low level of exploitation of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) deal by many operators in the non-oil sector, especially in the cotton, garments and apparels market, a global expert and the Bank of Industry (BoI) have urged operators to improve their standards and skills to access the global markets. Indeed, to deepen market access and enhance global competitiveness of operators in the Cotton Textile Apparel (CTA) industry, BoI commenced an empowerment scheme for industry players to assist them in bridging the huge...

10 February 2017 | Femi Adekoya

Opinion: 'US TPP withdrawal puts question mark over AGOA future'

Recently, President Donald Trump successfully succeeded to withdraw the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). At the back of that decision, questions have since been raised over the future of Africa Opportunity and Growth Act (AGOA) which was meant to expire in 2015, however, after intense and robust negotiations that took place in 2014 the Obama Administration decided to extend it to 2025, allowing it to continue for 10 more years. Since President Trump fulfilled a campaign pledge to withdraw from TPP, AGOA beneficiaries like South...

09 February 2017 | Hamlet Hlomendlini

What will Trump’s embrace of bilateralism mean for America’s trade partners?

Among the many changes Donald Trump is bringing to American trade policy, the new president has made clear that he believes bilateral trade deals are better than regional or multilateral agreements. For America’s trade partners, including developing countries, the rise of bilateralism raises three questions. First, how will it change negotiation dynamics? Second, will it allow for the effective governance of international trade? And third, what does it say about the overall direction of the international trade system? On each count there...

08 February 2017 | Geoffrey Gertz

Ghana: Chamber of commerce lauds trade minister’s ideas

The Ghana National Chamber of Commerce has expressed satisfaction with the Trade and Industry Minister, Alan Kyerematen, for pledging to strengthen and boost local businesses in the country. Alan Kyerematen during his vetting process mentioned the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) as one of the organizations he would use to increase Ghana’s trade market and export revenue. Speaking with Citi Business News, the CEO of Ghana National Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Mark Badu-Aboagye said AGOA is ready to collaborate with the Trade...

06 February 2017 | Anita Arthur

Ghana: Exporters learn more about AGOA

Stakeholders in the exports business have upgraded their knowledge in the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) trade agreement to give them a broad understanding in the trade initiative so they can take full advantage of the opportunities that abound. A GNA report said Mark Badu-Aboagye, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Ghana National Chamber of Commerce (GNCC), noted that Ghana was yet to fully utilise the AGOA trade agreement because of limited understanding of US Customs and regulatory requirements. He noted at a seventh AGOA...

03 February 2017

Trump’s protectionist policies pose biggest risk to Kenya

US President Donald Trump’s protectionist economic policies pose the biggest risk to Kenya’s economy in the coming year, Central Bank of Kenya governor Patrick Njoroge has said. Dr Njoroge said the Kenyan economy was facing more serious threats externally than locally, adding that the country would struggle to cover the export hole should the Trump administration roll back the African Growth Opportunities Act (Agoa) that has more recently given Kenya billions of shillings in export earnings. Mr Trump’s new immigration policy that has...

02 February 2017

What Trump’s ‘Buy American, Hire American’ policy means for Kenya

During his inauguration speech, US President Donald Trump championed his trademark policies, proclaiming, “Buy American, Hire American”. The policy is supposed to encourage Americans – through legislation, persuasion or coercion – to buy products made in the US, as well as get American firms to employ American workers. “America will start winning again. Winning like never before. We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth. And we will bring back our dreams,” said Mr Trump at...

02 February 2017 | Dominic Omondi

Liberia: AGOA to help local entrepreneurs enter US market

A one-day informational session on the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which aimed to help local entrepreneurs enter the United States market with value-added products, has ended in Monrovia. The forum, which brought together over 50 entrepreneurs in agriculture and business, was organized by the Liberia Chamber of Commerce (LCC) and Building Markets in collaboration with USAID and the West African Trade and Investment Hub. Building Markets is an international NGO with the mission to build markets, create jobs and sustain peace...

27 January 2017 | David A. Yates

'Chicken coming in from US not halaal certified by SA bodies'

Top halaal certifying bodies in the country say they have not certified poultry imported from the US under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) deal. The Muslim Judicial Council (MJC), the South African National Halaal Authority and the National Independent Halaal Trust (Sanha)and the National Independent Halaal Trust (NIHT) say they have not approved any of the poultry that has entered the country as halaal. Achmat Sedick, Director of the (MJC), says halaal meat imported into the country is first certified in the exporting...

25 January 2017 | Mamaponya Motsai

Sierra Leone: Local producers trained on AGOA trade benefits

The Sierra Leone Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SLIEPA) in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the West Africa Trade and Investment Hub yesterday organized a one day sensitization workshop for executives of local companies at the Hub Hotel Wilberforce in Freetown. Sharka Kawa Export Development Officer of SLIEPA spoke about the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and it export strategy which is aimed at exporting locally made products to the American markets with less tax. He...

25 January 2017 | Saidu Bah
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