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Remarks by Ambassador Michael Froman at the opening ceremony of the 2015 AGOA Forum

“Good morning. “Your Excellency, President Bongo Ondimba, Honorable Minister Tchango, esteemed members of the Gabonese Government, Ministers and Heads of Delegations from the 39 AGOA partner countries, my U.S. Government colleagues, and private sector and civil society leaders: “If I may borrow a phrase I learned here in Africa: All protocol observed. “It’s a pleasure to be among so many friends of AGOA. “And of course, some of AGOA’s best friends are the Members of Congress and Congressional staff who have travelled to be...

26 August 2015

African countries urged to intensify education on AGOA to reap benefits

Mr Arun Kumar, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Global Markets of the United States of America, has called for more education and awareness creation on the benefits of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) to African businesses. Speaking to journalists in Ghana during a stop-over on his way to the 2015 AGOA Summit in Libreville-Gabon, Mr. Arun said Africa was not taking enough advantage of the AGOA, which was meant to give the continent the opportunity to export to the US market. The stop-over was to enable Mr. Kumar to see how...

26 August 2015

African nations hope to benefit from renewed US legislation

The United States and African nations hold the first conference this week in Gabon on the African Growth and Opportunities Act since Congress recently renewed a zero tariff deal for another 10 years. African nations hope to better exploit preferential access in the future - most analysts say AGOA has been under-utilized. Exhibitors at the AGOA forum in the Gabonese capital, Libreville, are ready to take full advantage of exporting their products into the U.S. tax free. U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Linda...

26 August 2015 | Mariama Diallo

AGOA 2015: Moving to sustainable US-Africa trade and investment partnership

The American consumer has long been accustomed to reading labels marked “Made in China.” However, across the United States, more shoppers are seeing “Made in Ghana,” “Made in Tanzania,” and other labels. African products ranging from luxury bags to specialty hot sauces are reaching largely American audiences thanks to the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).   Created in 2000, AGOA permits duty-free entry for nearly 98 percent of all imports from eligible African countries and has become the cornerstone of U.S. trade...

26 August 2015 | Linda Thomas-Greenfield

South African ambassador upbeat over AGOA review

Despite a potentially contentious out-of-cycle review of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) being under way in Washington, SA’s ambassador to the US, Mninwa Mahlangu, remains upbeat that the country will continue to benefit from the trade concessions provided in the arrangement. Mr Mahlangu said SA had made progress in addressing the red flags raised by the US. "One of the issues (related) to poultry, (the) South African Poultry Association has since (the) post-Paris deal drafted the industry-to-industry agreement to confirm...

25 August 2015

Gabon to host AGOA Forum, a first for Central Africa

Gabon will be the first Central African country to host the AGOA Forum, which meets August 24-27 in Libreville, according to a statement from the U.S. State Department. The 2015 African Growth and Opportunity Act Forum will provide an opportunity to celebrate the recent reauthorization of AGOA, take stock of AGOA’s successes over the last 15 years and launch a dialogue on the future of U.S.-Africa trade, the State Department said. Senior officials from the U.S. will travel to Gabon to meet with officials from 39 AGOA member countries,...

23 August 2015 | Dana Sanchez

Unlocking Africa’s trade potential

Africa’s rise challenges the imagination. During the last decade, Sub-Saharan Africa was home to six of the world’s ten fastest-growing economies. During the next five years, the region’s GDP is expected to grow 30% faster than that of the rest of the world. And, during the next 35 years, the continent will account for more than half of the world’s population growth, according to the United Nations. These trends will give African countries a more prominent role on the world stage, and provide new opportunities for people to better...

23 August 2015 | Michael Froman and Dana Hyde

AGOA Forum 2015 to assess gains, losses of pact

An Africa-US forum in Gabon this week will celebrate the recent extension of the preferential trade programme -- the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act -- and initiate what an Obama administration official describes as "a strategic conversation" about US-Africa trade relations. President Barack Obama last month signed into law a 10-year extension of Agoa. A long-term renewal had been the top Agoa priority of African countries that have benefited from the 15-year-old programme. It allows almost all products from eligible sub-Saharan nations...

22 August 2015 | Kevin J Kelley

Five things you should know about the 2015 AGOA Forum

On August 24-27, 2015, Gabon and the United States will co-host the U.S.-sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum, commonly known as the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum. AGOA is the centerpiece of the United States government's trade policy with sub-Saharan Africa. The 2015 Forum marks the 14th year that government officials, business leaders, and civil society from African countries and the United States will convene to promote trade, business, and investment opportunities that sustain economic development in...

21 August 2015

US State Department Media Note: AGOA Forum in Gabon

On August 24-27, the United States and Gabon will co-host the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum in Libreville, Gabon.  Recently reauthorized by the U.S. Congress for an additional ten years, AGOA has been the cornerstone of the U.S. government’s trade policy with sub-Saharan Africa since 2000. The theme of this year’s Forum is “AGOA at 15:  Charting a Course for a Sustainable U.S.-Africa Trade and Investment Partnership.”  The 2015 Forum will celebrate the recent reauthorization and the important role of...

21 August 2015 | US Department of State

US and South Africa set for AGOA clash

The United States is growing increasingly impatient with South Africa over its apparent foot-dragging allowing American meat products into the country. South Africa’s continued participation in the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) – which allows millions of dollars of South African exports into the lucrative US market duty-free — largely depends on it lifting health restrictions on US beef, pork and chicken imports. The US Congress earlier this year extended AGOA – which was due to expire in September – for another ten...

21 August 2015

US poultry firms wait for South Africa to admit AGOA-deal exports

The extension of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) may have occurred over a month ago, but US poultry and pork exporters say they have yet to receive a break under the agreement. And at least one trade group has called for limits on the participation of South Africa, AGOA’s biggest beneficiary. The extension means that sub-Saharan African exporters will continue, at least until 30 September 2025, to be able to export to the US duty free. Also, the US has expanded low-duty access for the region’s exporters under the USA’s...

20 August 2015 | Ed Zim

Maximise AGOA opportunities, US urges African countries

African countries have been urged to maximise investment opportunities offered by the 10-year extension of the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) by the US Government. United States Assistant Trade Representative for Africa, Ms Florizelle Liser, made the call yesterday in a tele-conference with journalists across Africa ahead of the ‘2015 AGOA Forum’ scheduled to hold in Libreville, Gabon, from August 24 to August 27, 2015. She reiterated the US Government’s commitment towards making AGOA more viable in the next decade....

19 August 2015 | Chikodi Okereocha

US says AGOA much more than simple economic agreement

The African Growth and Opportunities Act is much more than a simple trade agreement, top US officials said this week as they prepare to meet later this month in Gabon for a summit on the US-Africa agreement. AGOA was recently renewed for 10 years by the U.S. Congress. The act, which was originally signed in 2000, provides 39 sub-Saharan African nations with liberal access to the U.S. market. But, says Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Linda Thomas-Greenfield, it also allows the U.S. to export many of its intangible...

19 August 2015 | Anita Powell

Kenya tipped to be the next hub for apparel sourcing

McKinsey & Company says the renewal of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) -- US Trade Act which significantly enhances market access to America for qualifying Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries - as well as ‘certain steps’ taken by the Government has contributed to the rising interest in the country as a potential sourcing destination for apparel. The authors reached this conclusion after visiting garment factories; interviewing players, including manufacturers and buyers; and analysing market data. They also conducted...

17 August 2015 | DOMINIC OMONDI

America 'squeezes AGOA for more juice'

Ever more US interests are trying to use the new and improved African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) to leverage policy concessions out of South Africa, seemingly undeterred by a “breakthrough” deal on chicken imports in June. An “out-of-cycle” review of South Africa’s Agoa eligibility kicked off in Washington last week with a public hearing last Friday and a second round of public submissions got published this last week. The US pharmaceutical, information and communication technology (ICT) and private security industries...

16 August 2015 | Dewald Van Rensburg

SA trade official digs in on intellectual property draft

South Africa's Department of Trade and Industry is not going to pander to any side when it comes to its intellectual property policy, director-general Lionel October said on Thursday. The American Chamber of Commerce in SA (AmCham) has urged the US trade representative to use its review of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) to pressure SA’s government to change the draft policy in favour of US companies. AmCham represents 250 companies operating in SA, including several multinational pharmaceutical firms that were involved in...

14 August 2015 | TAMAR KAHN

United States rebukes SA over trade rules

Constantly changing trade requirements imposed by SA on US goods undermine beneficial opportunities for agricultural producers and consumers in both countries, says a US government official. Speaking at a conference on Thursday, US Deputy Agriculture Secretary Krysta Harden cited the avian flu issue as the latest excuse undermining efforts to move forward. Last week sceptical US officials demanded further evidence that Pretoria was ready to lift disease-related bans on US poultry, beef and pork. This emerged at last Friday’s public...

14 August 2015 | REITUMETSE PITSO

'Pharmaceutical industry attempting to undermine access to affordable medicines'

South Africa’s eligibility for ongoing inclusion in the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) is being used as a bargaining chip in pressure by the pharmaceutical industry to get the country to backtrack on intellectual property (IP) law reforms aimed at promoting access to more affordable medicines. The Fix the Patent Laws coalition - Treatment Action Campaign (TAC)‚ Doctors Without Borders (MSF)‚ SECTION27 and the Stop Stock Outs Project - on Thursday expressed concern about this pressure bearing down‚ as evidenced by an...

13 August 2015

Ghana: Trade Ministry to revamp garments industry

The Ministry of Trade and Industry has kick-started processes to revamp the apparel industry to make it attractive to investors and a sustainable source of forex inflows. The renewed move is significantly based on the extension granted qualifying Sub-Saharan African countries to export to the United States without quotas and duties under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The AGOA law, which benefits 37 Sub-Saharan African countries, first came into effect in 2000 and expired on September 30, 2008. It was extended to September...

13 August 2015 | MAXWELL OCLOO

US demand proof South Africa ready to lift meat bans

Sceptical US officials have demanded further evidence that Pretoria is ready to lift disease-related bans on US poultry, beef and pork. This was raised at Friday’s public hearing in the US on whether SA should continue to receive African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) trade privileges. To remain part of Agoa, SA would have to do more than "address US concerns", assistant Trade Representative Florie Liser told ambassador Mninwa Mahlangu after the South African delivered testimony prepared by the Department of Trade and Industry to an...

11 August 2015 | Simon Barber

Senators Isakson, Coons applaud US Trade Representative review of South Africa under AGOA

US Senators Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., and Chris Coons, D-Del., co-chairs of the U.S. Senate Chicken Caucus, released the following statement after Ambassador Michael Froman, the United States Trade Representative (USTR), promptly began an out-of-cycle review process to determine whether South Africa should remain eligible to benefit from the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) preference program in light of ongoing trade violations. “For several years, we have been working to ensure poultry farmers in Georgia, Delaware and across the...

08 August 2015

Media credential applications for the 2015 AGOA Forum

Media release: The Governments of Gabon and the United States are pleased to announce the availability of media accreditation applications for the 2015 African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum of U.S.-Sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation to be held from August 24-27 in Libreville, Gabon. AGOA is the centerpiece of the United States’ trade policy with Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Forum brings together over 800 participants, including senior U.S. and African officials, as well as U.S. and African members of the private sector...

04 August 2015

South Africa's Minister Davies confident of AGOA renewal for South Africa

AGOA supports regional integration in Africa and removing SA would diminish the programme, Minister of Trade and Industry Dr Rob Davies said on Tuesday. South Africa will get an opportunity to present a strong case for its continued participation in the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) at the public hearing in Washington on Friday, he said at a briefing of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry. Agoa is a non-reciprocal prefer trial scheme, which applies only to US imports from eligible sub-Saharan African...

04 August 2015

South Africa to put forward ‘strong argument’ in public bid to remain AGOA beneficiary

South Africa will be putting forward a strong argument in a public hearing in Washington DC on Friday that it should continue to be a beneficiary of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa). The public hearings are part of the out-of-cycle review of SA’s eligibility as a beneficiary, which was required in the new Agoa signed by US President Barack Obama last month. The review undertaken by the US Trade Representative has to take place within 30 days of the promulgation of the act. South African representatives will be making the...

04 August 2015 | Linda Ensor

Letter from Washington: Knee-jerk communists kick at AGOA delusions

South African Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies is a member of the central committee of the South African Communist Party (SACP), whose collective signature is on an article in the latest edition of African Communist. In it, we read that the US’s African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which helped SA run a $2bn trade surplus with the US last year, is a tool devised by newly confident "monopoly capital" to force neo-liberal policies down the throats of SA’s working class. The "imperialist" US, say Davies and his friends —...

30 July 2015 | Simon Barber

Kenya in fresh bid to revive cotton growing

Cotton farmers will be provided with certified seeds in a fresh bid by the government to increase production of the crop and boost the textile industry. Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority Director-General Alfred Busolo said the objective is to enable the country take advantage of the African Growth and Opportunities Act (Agoa) that allows local apparel access to America duty free. Some 750 tonnes of cotton seed will be provided to producers in growing zones this season. He was speaking Tuesday during a fibre conference at Utalii...

29 July 2015 | Mwaniki Wahome

The next steps: A post-AGOA passage discussion

On June 25, 2015, after what were years of advocacy, the House of Representatives and Senate voted overwhelmingly to reauthorize AGOA, sending the legislation to President Obama; guaranteeing the long-term extension of America's flagship program for sub Saharan Africa. Speaking in Kenya during his historic visit by a U.S. president to Kenya, President Obama also contextualized AGOA alongside his other programs such as Feed the Future, Power Africa and the Young Africans Leadership Institute (YALI). Now officially known as AGOA Extension...

28 July 2015 | Stephen Lande & Dennis Matanda

Great trade expectations behind US-Ethiopia trade relations

In 1903, the United States and one of the world's oldest nations, Ethiopia, established a relationship. Emperor Menelik II described the day as "... beginnings of a relationship which will have some place in history", as quoted in a paper presented by Professor Negussay Ayele of Cornell University, to mark the 100th anniversary of that occasion. The historic relationship is, in this week, to witness a rare event with the first visit of a sitting president of the United States paying a visit to Ethiopia. President Barack Hussein Obama's...

27 July 2015 | Brook Abdu

AGOA and the next steps for African trade

International trade has rocketed into the headlines in 2015. Never has there been so many trade acronyms bounded around with such vigor. One such acronym has profound significant for both the U.S. and nearly the entire African continent. The reauthorization of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) passed Congress on June 25 with President Obama signing it into law on June 29, to very little fanfare. Indeed, it seemed to be almost entirely overshadowed by the far more contentious votes on the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and...

23 July 2015 | Frank Samolis

Where Barack Obama treads, US business plans to follow

Barack Obama's first visit to Kenya as US president is not only significant because of his family roots. When the son of a Kenyan economist steps foot in east Africa this weekend, a core aim will be to boost American business across Africa. Oil, aid and security still dominate the US relationship with Africa, but American business is waking up to the chance to tap into world-beating growth rates. “Major American companies and funds are realising that the opportunities in Africa are significant — particularly given growth rates that are...

23 July 2015 | Katrina Manson

Obama salutes growth in US-Africa trade

President Barack Obama celebrated the growth in American economic links with sub-Saharan Africa on Wednesday evening, ahead of his upcoming trip to Ethiopia and Kenya. Speaking at a White House reception marking the signing of the African Growth and Opportunity Act, Obama said that despite its challenges, Africa is incredibly dynamic and resilient, with extraordinary opportunities for the U.S. He said the trade law would continue to encourage good governance, labor rights and human rights in Africa. Obama last month signed a 10-year...

22 July 2015

Obama at White House reception celebrating AGOA (with video)

THE PRESIDENT: Welcome to the White House, everybody. AUDIENCE: Thank you! THE PRESIDENT: You all look good. We have some of America’s biggest champions for a strong partnership with Africa here today -- members of the diplomatic corps from our African partners; we've got some outstanding members of Congress, leaders of business, NGOs, members of the faith community. Ambassador Olhaye -- I want to start by saying that tonight our thoughts are with our friends from Djibouti as we mourn the passing of Ambassador Olhaye. He served here...

22 July 2015 | Office of the Press Secretary
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