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Presidential Proclamation - Confirmation of South Africa's compliance with AGOA eligibility criteria

Presidential Proclamation -- To Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act TO TAKE CERTAIN ACTIONS UNDER THE AFRICAN GROWTH AND OPPORTUNITY ACT - - - - - - - BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION   1. In Proclamation 7350 of October 2, 2000, the President designated the Republic of South Africa (South Africa) as a beneficiary sub-Saharan African country for purposes of section 506A(a)(1) of the Trade Act of 1974 (the "1974 Act") (19 U.S.C. 2466a(a)(1)), as added by section 111(a) of...

14 March 2016

Botswana to develop new strategies for AGOA: Minister

Botswana would develop new strategies during the financial year 2016-17 to take better advantage of opportunities under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), acting trade minister Sadique Kebonang told the country's Parliament, according to an African daily. The new strategies are anticipated to increase competitiveness and diversification of beneficiary exports to the US. Botswana is one of the countries with limited success in utilising the preferential market under the US AGOA. Since the commencement of AGOA, Botswana...

12 March 2016

'America, South Africa open for business'

United States ambassador to South Africa Patrick Gaspard, says with the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) trade agreement ironed out the hope is that it can now start growing the local economy. Agoa is an agreement that opens up American markets to South African goods. One of the most contentious aspects has been the import of chicken into the local market. Gaspard says the negotiations were tough, but always dignified. “I have to say that ‘sorted out’ is one of my favourite South African phrases – it sums...

07 March 2016 | Gaye Davis & Alex Eliseev

South Africa now accepting US pork

South Africa is now importing pork from the US after the Obama administration threatened to suspend the country's trade benefits under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). US pork was originally banned by South Africa due to the threat of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS). However, the US argued that there is no documented scientific case of PRRS being transmitted to domestic livestock through imported pork. Following the opening by South Africa, the US can now ship a variety of raw, frozen pork, including...

07 March 2016 | Lucy Towers

US poultry hits SA, AGOA resolved

South Africa will continue to receive trade benefits under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) after 325 tons of US chicken hit South African supermarkets this week. US officials on Wednesday announced that the US chicken imports had already been distributed to South African supermarkets while US ambassador to South Africa, Patrick Gospard, said that the trade dispute over US chicken had been resolved and that South Africa had met the requirements to keep its AGOA trade benefits. "We are delighted by the announcement from...

04 March 2016

SA poultry association cautiously welcomes first shipment of chicken products from the US

The South African Poultry Association (SAPA) has cautiously welcomed the arrival of the first consignment of chicken products from the United States (US). The first shipment of American poultry arrived in Durban last Friday and should be on the shelves in two weeks. The South Africa government late last year concluded negotiations with US authorities on the import of American poultry, beef and pork. Government was under pressure to open its market to certain meat products from the US or face compromising trade...

03 March 2016 | Ilze-Marie Meintjies and Gia Nicolaides

South Africa: Department to properly package and label US meats

Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies said his department will be discussing the packaging of imported chicken from America, to ensure consumers know where their poultry comes from. Davies said South Africa has managed to negotiate a reasonable deal to secure the country’s participation in the African Growth and Opportunity Act. Chicken imported from the United States is set to hit the shelves for the first time in 15 years. Davies said the United States is not the only place that South Africa imports chicken from. For years the...

03 March 2016 | Gia Nicolaides

Davies notes intention by US to lift South Africa's AGOA suspension

The uncertainty hanging over SA following its suspension from the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) will ease, Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies said on Thursday. The minister said he had received an e-mail from the US trade representative, informing him of an intention to lift the suspension. "Based on the actions taken, I will be sending recommendations today to the president to revoke the suspension of Agoa benefits for SA," the letter reads. Mr Davies said it could take up to a couple of weeks to get signed, but the goal...

03 March 2016 | THULANI GQIRANA

South Africa: chicken imports end AGOA impasse

With the arrival of US frozen chicken portions in South African stores at the weekend, Pretoria satisfied conditions for retaining US trade privileges under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), US Trade Representative Michael Froman said on Wednesday. The announcement puts an end to a long-running dispute that came to a head in November when US President Barack Obama gave SA 90 days to open its market to US chicken, beef and pork or lose duty-free access to the US market for its own agricultural products. The poultry dispute...

03 March 2016 | Simon Barber

South Africa 'negotiated reasonable AGOA deal' - DTI

South Africa negotiated a reasonable deal with regards to the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) on the poultry, pork and beef issue, Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies said on Thursday. “We negotiated a reasonable deal, one that has some developmental content to it. At the end of the day, we’ve come out with a deal which is reasonable enough. We delivered on it and we managed to secure continued participation of South Africa in AGOA,” said the Minister. This comes as the Department of Trade and Industry announced that...

03 March 2016

Trade between the United States and AGOA countries continues to decline

Total trade between the United States and countries supported under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) showed another decrease in 2015, according to data published by the website. Combined trade, which came to US$ 50b in 2015, only reached US$ 36b last year. Trade between the United States and AGOA countries has now been declining for four years in a row. The reduction of trade between countries supported by AGOA and the United States during 2016 was caused by a lowering of trade from both sides. Whereas exports from...

24 February 2016

US poultry on its way to South Africa

South Africa and the United States have resolved all outstanding issues relating to agricultural imports from the US. This, according to (South Africa's) Telecommunications and Postal Services Minister Siyabonga Cwele, has paved the way for the continuation of African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) benefits for South Africa’s agricultural exports into the US market.  "South Africa is working with the relevant stakeholders to facilitate the first shipment of US poultry imports under the agreed quota," Minister Cwele said at the...

23 February 2016

Apparel sourcing: Is Africa ready for a rush?

Roughly half of all American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA) members source from Africa today, and following last summer’s 10-year renewal of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), that number is likely to increase. However, as discussed during a Sourcing at Magic seminar Wednesday titled “Africa on the Verge,” that duty-free access is temporary and the continent needs to start putting infrastructure in place now so that in 10 years, its textile and garment industry will be competitive regardless of whether AGOA is...

18 February 2016 | Lyndsay McGregor

Direct shipping service from Gulf of Mexico to West Africa signals diversifying AGOA trade

The U.S. port of Houston has announced a new shipping service that it says offers the only regular direct container service from the Gulf of Mexico to West Africa. Italy-based Grimaldi shipping company will visit Houston every 11 days with six ships rotating between Houston’s container terminals and 15 West African ports including in Nigeria, Ghana and Guinea, according to the HoustonChronicle. The first ship, the Grande Guinea, left the Port Authority’s Barbours Cut container terminal in Houston on...

17 February 2016 | Dana Sanchez

AGOA: US investments in Ethiopia climb to $4 billion in 2015

U.S. investments in Ethiopia climbed to $4 billion last year helped by several companies taking advantage of the renewed Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) to venture into the East African nation, the country’s ambassador to the US said. Girma Biru said several U.S. companies including Corbetti Geothermal Company, KKR & CO., l.P Horticulture, Blackstone and Coca Cola, have in the last few years invested heavily in Ethiopia, Walta Information Center reported. Black Rhino, company owned by funds from United States investment firm...

16 February 2016 | Kevin Mwanza

Swaziland to fulfill ILO benchmarks in June – sources

Swaziland may regain its African Growth and Opportunity (AGOA) status as it promises to meet all five benchmarks set by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) by June, APA reports on Tuesday. As of now Swaziland met three and the remaining two are the amendment of the Suppression of Terrorism Act and the amendment of the Public Order Act which should allow for the full recognition of the freedom of assembly, speech and organisation. The Minister of Labour and Social Security Winnie Magagula has assured that her ministry is moving...

12 February 2016

US wants to see diversity in products exported from Africa

The US wants to see a diversification of products traded between African countries and the States, US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs has said. Answering questions from journalists throughout Africa via an online press conference on February 10, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Linda Thomas-Greenfield said there are currently about 39 African countries signed up with the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA),  a United States Trade Act enacted in 2000 which significantly enhances market access to...

11 February 2016 | Stacey Knott

COMESA: AGOA-US exports swell to $17 billion

Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) exports to America under the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) has amounted to US$17 billion. The exports through the COMESA eligible countries amounted to $17.3 billion by November 2015. COMESA secretary general Sindiso Ngwenya said the United States-COMESA Trade and Investments Framework Agreement (TIFA) provides a more in depth copperation which could collaborate for mutally beneficial results. He was speaking during the 8th US-COMESA trade and investment council consultative...

08 February 2016 | Natasha Kana

US urges Zambia to diversify

The US government says the recent slump in copper prices serves as a timely reminder for Zambia to diversify its economy. US Ambassador to Zambia Eric Shultz says serious efforts must be taken to shift the economy to agriculture, tourism and power generation. Speaking when he officiated at the eighth US-COMESA consultative trade meeting, Ambassador Shultz also urged member countries to take advantage of the extended AGOA agreement to increase exports to the US. He also encouraged African countries to forge bilateral ties with the US...

08 February 2016

AGOA has rich export opportunities, if Kenya is interested

Last week, I promised to explore the opportunities presented by the African Growth and Opportunity Act, commonly known by its acronym, Agoa. This law constituted a ground-breaking American policy towards Sub Saharan Africa and came into effect in May, 2000, during President Clinton's administration. Its purpose was to assist the economies of sub-Saharan Africa and improve economic relations between the United States and sub-Saharan Africa. Initially, it was envisaged that it would take 15 years. However, in June 2015, it was extended to...

08 February 2016 | Bitange Ndemo

US to expand Africa Trade Initiative to include Ghana

The US intends to expand a new trade initiative it started to include Ghana. Ambassador Michael Froman told a hearing on the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), that to build upon AGOA’s successes, the US government and its African partners launched the Trade Africa initiative with the East African Community (EAC) in 2013, signing a multifaceted Cooperation Agreement in 2015 focused on compliance with WTO standards on trade facilitation, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, and technical barriers to trade. “The US is...

04 February 2016 | Emmanuel K. Dogbevi

AGOA compromises raise questions about goals

Industrialisation or re-industrialisation has been on the lips of politicians in the past few months, especially in the context of giving impetus to the rise of black industrialists and creating long-term jobs. The fray over the US’s African Growth and Opportunities Act (Agoa) seems isolated, but it forms part of a rather disjointed debate about local industry, exports and the creation of work in decades to come. We’ve often made the mistake of evaluating economic benefits in silos — looking at individual industries or sectors; even...

03 February 2016 | XHANTI PAYI

US is optimistic that South Africa will meet Obama's AGOA deadline

The US is optimistic that South Africa will retain preferential access for its farming goods to the world’s biggest market after the middle of March, said Sharon Bomer Lauritsen, Assistant US Trade Representative for Agricultural Affairs and Commodity Policy. “I am optimistic that the March 15 deadline will be met,” Lauritsen said at a panel discussion in Johannesburg on Tuesday. “It takes about a month for product to leave Atlanta and get to South African ports.” President Barack Obama said in a proclamation on January 11 the US...

03 February 2016 | Rene Vollgraaff and Tshepiso Mokhema

East Africa: New AGOA rules on eligibility and suspension start to apply

Countries qualifying for duty-free access to US markets under the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) must adhere to US trade regulations as well as its foreign policy. This is a new rule enacted by the US Congress last year after the renewal of the US-Africa trade partnership for another 10 years. According to EAC Director General of Customs and Trade Peter Kiguta, under the new rule, a country that goes against any of these requirements is suspended from Agoa for a period to be determined by the US government. "The eligibility...

23 January 2016 | Christabel Ligami

US embassy soothes SA’s brooding over poultry

The US embassy has rejected suggestions that health safety standards in the US are something South Africans need to worry about when they begin to eat pork, chicken and beef imported from that country. The South African Poultry Association has raised concerns about the level of salmonella in US poultry, and what it believes is the lack of adequate monitoring and testing at domestic ports of entry to halt the entry of infected meat. This testing will be undertaken in terms of an agreement reached between US and South African veterinarians...

20 January 2016 | Linda Ensor

An end to the never-ending South African poultry dispute?

President Obama, on January 11, suspended the application of duty-free treatment to South Africa’s agricultural exports that come into the U.S under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The suspension will take effect on March 15 if South Africa does not lower tariffs on American poultry products before then. The development represents another twist in a saga that gained momentum nearly two years ago when U.S. poultry and meat producers called on Congress to not renew AGOA as long as South Africa continued to keep their products...

19 January 2016 | Witney Schneidman
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