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Distribution quota for cheap US chicken works against poor, says Shoprite

Shoprite, South Africa’s biggest food retailer‚ says it is worried consumers will not benefit from cheap chicken after the recent approval of US imports without antidumping duties. The group says at least half of the 65‚000 tonnes of the chicken quota will be given to middlemen that do not necessarily have the infrastructure or the distribution network needed, and so the true price benefit will not reach consumers who need it most in trying economic times. "Shoprite understands the minister’s mandate to allocate a portion of the...

21 December 2015

AGOA to give a strong impetus to African textile and garment industry

Ethiopia and Kenya both countries face challenges such as poor infrastructure, cumbersome customs procedures, a dearth of technical and managerial talent and low levels of social and environmental compliance although with Ethiopia offering cost advantages and Kenya boasts higher production efficiency. Following the 10-year renewal of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) - under the United States' General System of Preferences that allows duty-free imports of a wide range of African products, which was signed by President Barack...

15 December 2015

US to use every tool to improve labour rights in partner countries

The Obama administration will use its every tool, including the trade privilege schemes like the GSP and AGOA, to improve labour laws and working conditions in the countries that have trading relations with the US, said US Trade Representative Michael Froman. Protecting labour rights is a core priority of President Barack Obama's trade agenda, the chief trade negotiator in the US said in a statement. Froman also announced that he will hold a hearing in January on several countries' labour rights situation under the generalised system of...

03 December 2015

Opinion Why South Africa needs the US for its agricultural trade

Relations between the US and South Africa have hit another low in a series of trade disputes that go as far back as 2003. While strengthening its relations with other countries, the US has threatened to suspend South Africa from its preferential trade programme for Africa due to its failure to comply with the latest terms of the African Growth Opportunities Act (AGOA). AGOA enables preferential access to the US market for African countries that meet specific criteria. The US extended these benefits to 2025 for South African products while...

25 November 2015 | Mmatlou Kalaba

Kenya: KAM boss reveals how small firms can gain from AGOA dollar

There’s renewed hope in Kenya’s manufacturing. The country’s sustained campaign to market Kenya as a strategic destination for investment has seen manufacturers strive to grow their footprint into the region. Phyllis Wakiaga took over the helm of the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) succeeding Betty Maina who had held the position for 11 years. The Business Beat caught up with Ms Wakiaga on her first interview since taking office to discuss the growth of the country’s manufacturing industry, the journey to formalise the...

24 November 2015 | Frankline Sunday

AGOA: Billions (of Rands) in agri trade on the line for South Africa

The US will cancel South Africa’s duty- and quota-free access for agricultural products on 4 January unless sufficient progress is made to ensure market access to SA for American poultry meat, pork and beef. Prof. Nick Vink, chair of the department of agricultural economics at Stellenbosch University, explains some of the complexities around the negotiations. finweek: South African agricultural exports stand to lose full beneficiary status of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) by 4 January. Can this still be...

24 November 2015 | Anneli Groenewald

'Salmonella stands between South Africa and a renewed AGOA deal'

After US President Barack Obama threatened South Africa’s suspension of trade benefits under the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), the main concern from the Department of Trade and Industry (dti) has remained that US meat exports may contain the bacterial disease salmonella. The department nevertheless signed an agreement with the US last week to resume imports of 65 000 tonnes of its chickens annually, but dti Minister Rob Davies said the department had formulated a proposal on the issue of salmonella and was awaiting a response...

22 November 2015 | Xolani Mbanjwa

AGOA on track, says South Africa's Minister Davies

Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies is confident the government will seal the deal with the US on the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and the trade benefits squabble well ahead of the US’s 60-day deadline to fix any disagreements. He told journalists in Parliament yesterday that they were close to clinching the deal. The discussions between the two countries on AGOA continued yesterday after Davies had sent a statement on Monday that vets from both countries had signed an agreement on Friday on the health protocol. The...

18 November 2015 | Siyabonga Mkhwanazi

South Africa and US agree on terms for US poultry import

South Africa has signed an agreement with the United States to resume import of 65,000 tonnes of chicken each year, which had become bogged down over health concerns, the government said on Tuesday. The veterinary trade protocol comes after the U.S. threatened to suspend trade benefits for South African farm products earlier this month, in retaliation against the clamp down on poultry imports. South Africa has been concerned that an outbreak of avian flu in the United States which killed nearly 50 million birds could pose animal and human...

17 November 2015

Astral boss sees problems for SA poultry sector

The resilience of South Africa’s poultry industry will be tested to the limit in the year ahead, according to Chris Schutte, the chief executive at Astral Foods, which saw its profits reach a record high in the year to September. Schutte said yesterday that he saw the effects of the drought, the looming brining regulations and the implementation of the US annual poultry import quota as the industry’s major problems. “The strong El Niño effect and its impact on planting conditions will negatively impact on crop yields, leading to...

17 November 2015 | Dineo Faku

Chicken deal set to help clear AGOA hurdle, says Rob Davies

South African and US veterinary authorities have signed a health protocol agreement allowing for the import of US bone-in-chicken portions, overcoming one of the major obstacles to the continued access of SA’s agricultural products into the US market under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa). The protocol signed on Friday deals with sensitive issues such as how to allow US chicken exports to SA in the event of avian flu outbreaks in some US states without this harming South African flocks. This has been a major obstacle in...

17 November 2015 | Linda Endsor

Opinion piece: US and SA must face social ills and stop playing chicken

I was enjoying one of those convivial academic evenings. A nice, cold Cape chenin blanc, a plateful of chicken and conversations about whether statues should be removed from campus and the challenges of student fees and loans. The catering staff circulating silently through the throng were almost all black and the academics mainly white, apart from the statutory foreign guests. But this was not just another of the post-lecture receptions you might stumble across at Wits, the Univerity of Johannesburg, the University of Cape Town or...

13 November 2015 | Mike Muller

Oxfam: President Obama’s chicken war

When it comes to US poultry, President Obama is picking the wrong fight – he should be working to improve the sector, not export our pathology. The US and South Africa have been engaged in a slow-burn chicken war for years.  US exporters have been frustrated by restrictions that South Africa has put on US poultry.  It was a significant issue in negotiations around the renewal of the African trade preferences bill – the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) – in the US Congress, with some “chicken-hawks”...

13 November 2015 | Gawain Kripke

Kenya eyes 600m USD in exports from export zones in 2015

Kenya is projecting that export of goods from its export zones will reach 600 million U.S. dollars in 2015, officials said on Wednesday. Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) Chief Executive Officer Fanuel Kidenda told a business forum in Nairobi that exports in 2014 stood at less than 500 million dollars. “The renewal of the preferential trade deal with the U.S. for another ten years is expected to lift the sales volumes from the export zones,” Kidenda said during the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) forum. Under law, the...

13 November 2015

The AGOA-chicken import debate 'is much bigger than it seems'

President Jacob Zuma has come in for some sharp criticism for his statement that he serves the ANC first and foremost, over and above the country. The criticism is justified; his oath of office legally binds him to serve the country first and only. Notionally, the constitution is blind to political affiliation, though of course we all know politics is where all the important choices are made. Actually, Zuma’s categorisation is not just a personal view; it’s common in the ANC. You can see examples everywhere, not least in Zuma’s...

13 November 2015 | TIM COHEN

AGOA: 'SA doing all it can'

He said the country had committed to cutting barriers to U.S. goods under AGOA, but had not followed through. US President Barack Obama has given South Africa 60 days to show it is meeting the requirements of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) before he imposes normal tariffs on South African agricultural products. "Although South Africa has to date failed to meet critical benchmarks required to address these issues, it continues to express an interest in resolving US concerns", Obama said. AGOA, renewed by USA lawmakers in...

11 November 2015

US and SA ‘close to resolving meat dispute’

The Obama administration is not "bullying" SA by threatening to suspend duty-free treatment of its farm products unless a 15-year-old dispute over chicken wings and legs was resolved by January 4, Laird Treiber, economic counsellor at the US embassy in Pretoria, said on Tuesday. In a teleconference, Mr Treiber sounded confident that the dispute over access to the South African market for US poultry, beef and pork would be resolved ahead of the deadline and that the first shipment of US chicken parts would arrive in SA by the end of the...

11 November 2015 | Simon Barber

WTO Goods Council approves AGOA waiver

The WTO's Goods Council approved on 10 November a request from the United States for the extension of a waiver regarding the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), a preferential trade programme granting special access to the US market for goods imported from 39 beneficiary countries in sub-Saharan Africa. The US enacted legislation in June 2015 extending the AGOA programme for 10 years, or until 30 September 2025. The waiver will run until the expiry of the programme. The US told the Goods Council that imports of goods under AGOA...

10 November 2015 | WTO

Kenya launches SME training to increase AGOA exports portfolio

Kenyan small businesses have been challenged to exploit market access opportunities available under the recently renewed African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) 2015 to increase Kenya’s export volumes in the USA market. Kenya has exported less than 10 of the 6,300 products allowed into the US market under the preferential status for the last decade, a situation the government is keen to turn around. Closing an MSME’s forum aimed at educating the sector on trading under the AGOA market, Cabinet Secretary, Industrialization and...

10 November 2015 | Beth Nyaga

Kenya keen to increase number of exports

Even though Kenya is the leading exporter to the United States under the African Growth Opportunity Act, AGOA, accounting for 59 percent of exports, most SMEs are not fully utilizing the preferential trade deal due to limited access to information. Industrialization Principal Secretary Dr. Wilson Songa says capacity building will see Kenya boost the number of products currently being exported to the US as the ministry works to establish the Micro and Small Enterprise Authority as an independent body to aid SMEs. Data from the US government...

09 November 2015 | Ronald Owili

Analysis: Playing chicken on the AGOA speedway

South Africa was eventually included in the newest version of AGOA – the African Growth and Opportunity Act – but with an important proviso. This was the requirement that there was progress in sorting out access to South African markets by American poultry, pork and beef exporters. But the negotiations on these questions seem to have come to a stumbling block and the US invoked a provision of AGOA to restrict South African exports of agricultural products to the US in two months unless things are sorted out. J. Brooks Spector takes a...

09 November 2015 | Brooks Spector

Unembargoed: AGOA theatrics expose abysmal planning

Many South Africans are in a huff. Last week, US President Barack Obama sent a terse, firm letter to the US Congress, informing it that his administration was putting SA on 60-day notice before it withdrew the right to duty-free exports of agricultural products. SA refuses to import certain categories of US meat, especially chicken, over concerns that it is "disease-affected". The Americans argue that the ban should be limited to affected areas, not the entire country. The South Africans disagree, so we have a stalemate. It is a bit more...

09 November 2015 | SONGEZO ZIBI

South Africa: How we got to the AGOA cliff edge

Foot-dragging by South African government officials and complex technical disputes combined with powerful US industry lobbies pushing their advantage to the limit have brought SA to the edge of a trade cliff. The country stands to lose the duty-free access its agricultural products enjoy in the US market under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) in less than 60 days if the outstanding issues preventing the import of US poultry, pork and beef are not resolved. Last Thursday, US President Barack Obama wrote to the US Congress,...

09 November 2015 | Linda Ensor

Will black business take a bite at US chicken?

The deal to readmit US chicken pieces into South Africa has been designed to also create a new group of black chicken traders. Without them, half of the quota squeezed out of the local industry as a concession to American poultry groups will be unusable. Established local importers, however, believe it will inevitably have this result for US chicken farmers because the benefit of privileged access to US chicken for black businesspeople is not enough to overcome the barriers of entry into the business. The deal to allow 65 000 tons of US...

08 November 2015 | Dewald van Rensburg

Kenya: Government set to hold SME forum on AGOA

The Ministry of Industrialisation and Enterprise Development will host Kenya’s micro, small and medium-sized enterprise players to build their capacity to leverage on African Growth and Opportunity Act(AGOA) renewal through exports to US markets. The forum to be held on Monday  is an opportunity for the Ministry to educate micro, small and medium-sized businesses on the detailed regulations and benefits provided by the AGOA renewal Act of 2015 and how to leverage on the opportunity to build their capacity for exporting products to...

07 November 2015 | Margaret Kalekye

South Africa confident it will meet 60-day ultimatum

The South African government is confident that it would be able to resolve all outstanding issues and avoid the suspension on its duty-free farm trade status with the US, the Department of Trade and Industry said on Friday. This was in reaction to the news that, in a letter dated November 5 2015, US President Barack Obama warned South Africa that, if the negotiations regarding certain outstanding issues relating to poultry imports were not resolved by December 31, the US would suspend SA’s duty-free treatment of its agricultural goods...

06 November 2015 | Carin Smith

AGOA: ‘SA is embarrassing Obama’ - analyst

South Africa is embarrassing US President Barack Obama, who has been advocating for the country’s continued inclusion in the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) preferential trade agreement, by not complying with the agreements it has committed to, says Nils Flaatten, director of Blue Viking Advisory Services. In his previous capacity as CEO of Wegro, the Western Cape Destination Marketing, Investment and Trade Promotion Agency, Flaatten was closely involved with trade relations between South Africa and the US. Flaatten says...

06 November 2015 | Antoinette Slabbert

US trade representative says AGOA suspension will be lifted if issues agreed

Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies said he had been given the assurance by US trade representative Michael Froman on Thursday that the threatened suspension of SA from the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) benefits would be lifted as soon as there was agreement on the outstanding issues. Mr Froman phoned Mr Davies on Thursday ahead of US President Barack Obama’s letter to Congress warning of a possible suspension. Mr Davies said at an urgently convened press conference on Friday that South African and American veterinarians...

06 November 2015 | Linda Ensor

AGOA: Obama sends ‘clear message’ to South Africa

The United States moved to suspend trade benefits for South African farm products on Thursday, escalating a drawn-out dispute over US chicken and meat exports. US President Barack Obama said he planned to revoke duty-free status for South African agricultural goods in 60 days under a programme set up to help African exporters. “I am taking this step because South Africa continues to impose several longstanding barriers to US trade, including barriers affecting certain US agricultural exports,” he said in a letter to Congress. US Trade...

06 November 2015

Minister Davies, government urged to avert 60-day US ultimatum

SA has only 60 days to avoid a profoundly negative impact on its economy after the US threatened to suspend its duty-free farm trade status, industry role players warned on Friday. The DA's shadow minister of trade and industry Geordin Hill-Lewis, said in a statement South Africa's suspension from the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) will affect roughly R2.4bn of SA's annual agricultural exports, covering products like wine, fruit juice, citrus fruit, pulp and more. It could also cripple the already drought-hit agricultural...

06 November 2015 | Carin Smith

South Africa has 60 days before Obama revokes certain AGOA privileges

US President Barack Obama has given South Africa 60 days to show it is meeting the requirements of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) before he imposes normal tariffs on South African agricultural products. Mr Obama said on Thursday that South Africa had until January 4 to satisfy him that it was complying with the eligibility requirements to enjoy duty-free access for its agricultural products under Agoa. Losing the duty-free status afforded by Agoa could affect US orders for South African citrus, which were valued at $57m...

06 November 2015 | Simon Barber

US to suspend South Africa duty-free agricultural trade status

The U.S. plans to suspend trade benefits on agricultural goods from South Africa, intensifying a dispute over that country’s restrictions on farm imports that had pitted farmers in the two nations against each other. The action follows a U.S. review of South Africa’s status as a full beneficiary of a preferential trade agreement under the African Growth and Opportunity Act, or AGOA, which eliminates import levies on more than 7,000 products ranging from textiles to manufactured items. The U.S. determined that South Africa has continued...

06 November 2015 | Nicole Gaouette and Billy House

Statement from US Ambassador regarding South Africa’s status under AGOA

“During the past year, I have worked closely with leaders in government and industry in both of our countries to resolve the longstanding barriers to U.S. trade with South Africa, particularly with regard to American poultry, pork, and beef.  The U.S. arrived at the decision to suspend certain AGOA benefits for South Africa only after many months of discussions.  While the United States and South Africa have made significant progress in resolving outstanding issues, our trade in all three meats remains blocked.  I am...

05 November 2015 | Patrick Gaspard
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