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Despite Successes, AGOA Has Had

Thanks to the historic African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), the $11 trillion U.S. market is wide open to exports from sub-Saharan Africa's 37 AGOA-eligible countries, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Africa Florizelle Liser told a Washington audience September 14.She cautioned, however, that while AGOA has been successful, its overall impact has been "uneven" across the continent, and she called on African countries to further diversify their economies. "In 2004, over 98 percent of U.S. imports from AGOA beneficiary countries...

15 September 2005

Namibia: Government Bails Out Failing Garment Factory

Namibia's cabinet has rescued a failing BEE deal, that of uniform-manufacturing company Tropitex, which is controlled by well-known businessman David Imbili.In terms of a Cabinet Action Letter dated June 28, Government is converting Tropitex's N$2,8 million Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) loan - which has now soared to N$3,5 million with interest - into equity and moving it into the military-owned August 26 company.This effectively means that August 26 will now inherit Tropitex's obligations to the DBN.Cabinet also decided on June 28 that...

14 September 2005

Proudly South African Campaign 'Can Aid Ailing Sector'

The Proudly South African campaign could help save SA's troubled clothing and textile industry, the body's acting CEO, Herbert Mkhize, told the Johannesburg Press Club yesterday.The local industry has taken strain from the influx of cheaper Chinese imports.Last year the industry shed more than 16000 jobs. According to the South African Clothing and Textile Workers Union, about 4000 jobs were lost in the first three months of this year.Mkhize, who is also the executive director of the National Economic Development and Labour Council, said...

14 September 2005

Mauritius: A Duty Free Island in the Making

The island of Mauritius in the south-west Indian Ocean wants to become a duty free shopping paradise in a bid to attract tourists. But there are concerns that this development strategy might come at a heavy price.In the 1970s Mauritius took its lead from Hong Kong and Taiwan, launching a tax free zone to entice foreign investors to set up textile, clothing and jewellery factories aimed at the export market. Now the island is looking towards Dubai and Singapore for ideas to spark development. Eager to stimulate a new growth spurt, Mauritius...

12 September 2005

Uganda Moves to Prevent AGOA Expulsion

The Uganda government is moving fast to amend the labour law over which American labour organisations petitioned President George Bush's administration to drop Uganda from the Agoa trade agreement.Daily Monitor has learnt that some of the sections in the law like allowing workers to form unions are to be changed. The Minister of Labour and Social Services, Ms Zoe Bakoko Bakoru, confirmed the development to Daily Monitor yesterday. "Unionisation under the law is being addressed. Once its done, all will be well," Bakoko said in a telephone...

08 September 2005

US President Bush Petitioned to Remove Uganda's AGOA Eligibility

American labour organisations have petitioned President George Bush's administration to drop Uganda from the AGOA trade arrangement.The organisations, under the American Federation of Labour and Congress of Industrial Organisations (AFL-CIO) and Unite Here, accuse the Ugandan government of failing to take steps to recognise workers rights.They accuse the management of Apparels Tri Star (U) Ltd and other textile industries in the country that are beneficiaries of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) programme of refusing to recognise...

07 September 2005

Uganda Seeking to Promote AGOA More Widely

The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Country Office has started a nation-wide campaign to sensitise stakeholders on how to benefit from the US-quota and tariff free trade initiative.Susan Muhwezi, the special presidential assistance on AGOA and trade, said recently that the programme would cover all the districts across the country.It will facilitate leaders on which Ugandan products can benefit from AGOA. AGOA is a US government initiative to promote trade with selected African countries.She was addressing over 200 participants at...

06 September 2005

US to Stick to its Guns in China Textile Talks

The United States hopes for a fair deal with China to regulate textiles trade but will "walk away" from a bad one, US Trade Representative Rob Portman said Thursday.Speaking after talks in Beijing a week ago failed to find a breakthrough to the simmering row, Portman said there were still grounds for hope."I'm optimistic about the comprehensive agreement with China because it's good for China," he told reporters."It would add certainty to an uncertain next three years," he said. Current US safeguards against Chinese textile imports allowed...

05 September 2005

China: US Textile Talks Fail, New Safeguards Announced

The latest round of talks between China and the United States has failed to reach a comprehensive textile agreement, although discussions are due to continue today in an attempt to reach a compromise.The two sides met in Beijing this week to try to find some way of halting soaring US imports of Chinese-made textiles and clothing. Year to date statistics released by the US government’s Office of Textiles and Apparel show that total US textile and apparel imports by volume from China are up 47 per cent in 2005 compared to 2004. However, it...

02 September 2005

Ethiopia Earns Clearance for AGOA Handicrafts

The Ministry of Trade and Industry announced that Ethiopia has been allowed to export its wood, weavery and artifact products to the U.S market without tariff and quota.Ministry Information and Public Relations Office Head, Hailu Abebe told ENA yesterday that Ethiopia was allowed to export some 1,800 additional handicraft products to the U.S market through the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).He added that Ethiopia has been exporting 4,650 types of products to the U.S market.The head said that the handicraft products should promote...

01 September 2005

New Impetus Behind SA - US Trade Deal

Negotiations for a free trade agreement between the US and the Southern African Customs Union (Sacu) stalled last year in an atmosphere of impasse rather than acrimony. But on the explicit instruction of President Thabo Mbeki, the talks are now on again and new, ambitious targets have been set for their completion, as well as a new plan for getting past the problems that plagued the last effort.The mood is cautious rather than expectant, but a combination of political and economic factors in SA and the US suggest that the negotiations might...

29 August 2005

Southern Africa: On WTO and SACU-US Free Trade Negotiations

South African President Thabo Mbeki is reportedly following up a mandate given to him by the G8 and their developing-country partners heads of State at their recent meeting in Gleneagles, Scotland, to facilitate consensus-building in regard to the current Doha round negotiations, including the contentious issue of farm-trade liberalisation ahead of the next World Trade Organisation (WTO) ministerial, scheduled for Hong Kong in December.Little is known about the precise nature of the mandate, but it is understood that Mbeki has been requested...

26 August 2005

Nigeria: NEPC Boss, Sasore Challenges Exporters On Benefits of AGOA

The Special Adviser to the President on Export Programmes and CEO, Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC), Mrs. Modupe Sasore has assured exporters that non-oil exports is a priority area for government policy, appealing to the exporters to take up the challenge of exporting into the US market which had huge potential by quickly graduating from "awareness to action."Mrs. Sasore spoke last Thursday at a seminar cum workshop on the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) which held at the Airport Hotel, Ikeja.The event was organised by the...

25 August 2005

Uganda: Muhwezi Advises Farmers On Agoa

Farmers and businessmen targeting the African Growth Opportunity Act (Agoa) market in America have been asked to produce products which are environment friendly because they fetch a higher price.Ms Suzan Muhwezi, a senior Presidential Adviser on Agoa, said this while addressing Rukungiri district leaders, businessmen and farmers at the Council Hall on Saturday.She said the Agoa programme has been extended from 2008 to 2015 and urged the Ugandan business community to utilise the opportunity and improve their incomes."Environment friendly...

25 August 2005

Trade Offices Show U.S. Commitment to Boosting African Economies

The four trade development offices operated by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in Nairobi, Kenya; Gaborone, Botswana; Accra, Ghana; and Dakar are a prime example of the Bush administration's commitment to expanding trade and economic development across Africa, says Lloyd O. Pierson, USAID's assistant administrator for Africa.Pierson made that point while briefing reporters on the importance of the USAID trade hubs at the recent African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum in Dakar. It was at that venue that the...

24 August 2005

Uganda: Local Textiles Spinning to a Halt

Two decades down the road since they were laid off, former workers of the Uganda Spinning Mills Ltd Lira finally received their terminal benefits.The Divestiture and Reform Implementation Committee (DRIC), a top decision making body of the Privatisation Unit (PU), last month completed the exercise of paying the last balance of the over 1,500 workers' terminal benefits.The first payment of Shs1.3 billion was done in 2000. This second payment of Shs4.6 billion brings to Shs5.9 billion in total terminal benefits.But even as the former workers...

23 August 2005

US and China Closer to Deal on Textiles

The United States and China grew closer Wednesday to a deal to regulate rocketing volumes of Chinese textile shipments that have exacerbated trade tensions between the heavyweight rivals.But further talks will be needed to close the deal, David Spooner, the special negotiator for textiles in the US Trade Representative's office, said as a two-day meeting wound down here."Both sides are, I think, eager to solve this problem. But both sides say they'd rather take a little more time to reach a good deal rather than a hasty deal," he told...

18 August 2005

South Africa: Help on Way for Cape's Tattered Clothing Sector

Western Cape's ailing textile industry will see a range of programmes introduced to save it from demise, Finance and Tourism MEC Lynne Brown announced yesterday.Twenty-six clothing firms have folded in a year in the province, resulting in 2300 job losses.One such programme will be to set up a sector-cluster programme that will promote efficiencies within and between different companies.Brown said research had been conducted into the industry to see what could save it from "doom".Another proposal is to provide incentives for smaller firms...

17 August 2005

Botswana: Companies Urged to Globalise As US Expo Nears

Kingdom Business Solutions managing director Patience Adjei says local companies should adopt the globalisation concept to export competitive products and make in-roads into the world's niche markets.Adjei said that business forums and trade promoting programmes such as the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) have the potential to diversify the economy if manufacturers elevate their operational platform and upgrade production lines according to global standards. She was speaking as countries brace themselves for the 2005 Africa Expo...

16 August 2005

Botswana Outlines AGOA Challenges

Botswana's Minister of Trade and Industry Neo Moroka says that the biggest challenge for beneficiary countries under African Growth and Opportunity (AGOA), lies in diversifying exports from textiles and apparel sectors to attaining global competitiveness and attracting investment.Moroka said last week that the benefiting countries diversification should compete for product lines in excess of the 6,000 under the current AGOA.Given this window of opportunity, the local business community should launch a total onslaught and diversify Botswana's...

15 August 2005

Nigeria Obtains AGOA Certification for Handloomed Textiles

Committee for Implementation of Textile Agreements (CITA) for the U.S. government has approved Nigeria's application for Category 9 certification' under the AGOA preferential trade arrangement.The approval took effect from August 1, according to Mrs Gladys Sasore, Special Adviser to the president on Export Programmes, who announced this at a meeting with Nigeria Textile Manufacturers Association in Lagos at the weekend.Sasore, who is also Chief Executive Officer of the Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC) said with the certification,...

14 August 2005

Botswana Must Diversify its AGOA Exports

According to Amanda Hilligas, advisor of the African Global Competitiveness Hub, Botswana’s exports to the United States under the African Growth and Opportunity Act, have increased from US4.6 million dollars in 2002 to US20.1 million dollars in 2004. She said that although Botswana has achieved success under AGOA, the majority of exports are in the apparel sector, which is threatened due to the expiry of the system of quotas under the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing, which ended in January this year. She suggests that Botswana seek...

12 August 2005

Uganda's Tri-Star Exports 144 Tonnes of Garments

Apparels Tri-Star on Monday shipped out 144 tonnes of garments to the US under the AGOA market. This was the highest single consignment the company has exported since its inception three years ago.The 144 tonnes consisted of various articles of clothes valued at $1.3m (sh2.3b).Vijit Ratnarajah, the chief executive, said the exports had been boosted by an order from the world's largest retailer, Wal-Mart, which ordered for 96 tonnes."The garments have captured the US market due to consistent quality. The export volumes are likely to...

11 August 2005

Textile Sector: AGOA - Its Future in Africa

Five years ago, AGOA was enacted. Its designed objective was to change the US-Sub Saharan trade and investment relationship. It grew out of recognition in both the US and Africa that trade, not just aid, could be a tool for Africa's development.What has been accomplished so far? What lies in the future in this post Multi Fibre Agreement (MFA) environment for the textile sector? Why do all the countries ask for the extension of the third country fabric up to 2015? What about the Dakar forum? As many questions need to be addressed.The...

03 August 2005

USA: Government Delays Safeguard Decisions

For the third time in the past two weeks, the US government yesterday announced that it was delaying decisions due on safeguard cases filed against surging textile and apparel imports from China – and that it intends to consult with industry and lawmakers about whether to seek a comprehensive textile trade pact with Beijing.US commerce secretary Carlos M Gutierrez said in a statement that the delay “will allow us time to engage in substantive discussions with our domestic textile and apparel industries and members of Congress on whether...

02 August 2005

Nigerian Private Sector Urged to get rid of Dependence Culture

African Round-Table (ABR) executive president Bamanga Tukur, has urged the private sector in Nigeria to jettison its culture of depending on the public sector.Tukur, who is also chairman NEPAD Business Group made the call in Dakar at the just-concluded fourth forum of the Africn Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) organised by the Senegalese and U.S. governments.He said in an interview that the private sector should embrace the challenges of developing the non-oil sector of the economy by engaging in export trade.He said Nigerian...

25 July 2005

Angola to Export Agricultural Products to US

Angola's deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dario Daniel Katata, affirmed Thursday in Luanda, that Angola has the conditions to exports, in the next years, to the United States of America some agricultural products. Among the products are cotton and fruits such as banana, orange, melon, water-melon and amongst others. The Angolan deputy Minister was speaking to Angop, on his return from Dakar, Senegal, where since Monday to Wednesday, he participated at the fourth meeting of the "African Growth and Opportunity Act...

21 July 2005

Condoleza Rice seeks greater African Farm Imports

The US already buys large amounts of oil from Africa, but both places would benefit from increased trade in an array of other goods, especially farm products, US officials say.US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was opening a brief African visit today with encouragement for African producers attending a trade conference in this western coastal capital.She will also make two stops in Sudan, where a reconciliation government is emerging from two decades of civil war but where a new conflict is killing and evicting tens of thousands in the...

20 July 2005

Big Push to Move AGOA Beyond Textiles

U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns announced a new programme to boost African farm produce exports on Tuesday as part of efforts to widen the range of products the poorest continent sells onto global markets.Johanns made the announcement at a meeting in Senegal with the 37 beneficiaries of the U.S. African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) whose impact in the poorest, non-oil producing countries has so far focused largely on textile exports.He said the joint programme between his U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Agency for...

20 July 2005

Cameroon: Early Fruits of AGOA Harvest

Two Cameroonian businesswomen, Ndoumbe Roline, president of African Women Arts and Caroline Kemdem, general manager of Brodwell, were last Friday hailed for making in-roots into the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) process. The US Ambassador, Niels Marquardt, expressed his satisfaction during a press conference in Yaounde when the two ladies shared their experiences with pressmen. The conference was organised ahead of the US-sub-Saharan African Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum that kicked off in Dakar last Monday. Niels...

20 July 2005

Foreign Fabrics Would Give South Africa the Edge

Unless South African clothing manufacturers are allowed to source fabrics from other countries, the local industry will not be able to reap maximum benefits from the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), according to the Export Council for the Clothing Industry in SA.In a statement to the council's members ahead of the Agoa forum currently under way in Dakar, council chairman Jack Kipling said SA's exclusion from the favourable "third-country fabric provision" of Agoa, negatively affected the local industry.The "third-country fabric"...

19 July 2005

Africa: Problems And Solutions On the AGOA Agenda in Dakar

Poor infrastructure and a serious lack of investment continue to hamper African businesses trying to crack the lucrative US market, a senior United States official told IRIN on Tuesday.African trade experts are meeting with their US counterparts in Senegal this week in an attempt to get more out of the much-touted Africa Growth and Recovery Act (AGOA) enacted by the US Congress in 2000. AGOA is essentially a preferential trade programme covering nearly 6,500 products, from apparel to automobiles, which can be exported duty-free from Africa...

19 July 2005

Mauritius to Lobby Hard for AGOA Extension

Mauritius would negotiate hard for an extension of preferential access for its textiles in the US market at US-Africa trade talks this week, officials said at the weekend.The Indian Ocean island will lobby for the extension of an accord giving sub-Saharan African nations including Mauritius duty-free import status under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), a trade agreement between the US and African countries.Under the pact, countries classified as least developed are permitted to import raw materials from countries not...

18 July 2005

AGOA Forum Opens in Senegal

Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade officially opened the African Growth and Opportunity (AGOA) Forum July 18, declaring that AGOA is a "shared vision of partnership" between the United States and Africa that will link Africa to the global economy and make it better able to achieve long-term economic growth and development.In his pre-recorded remarks to the forum, President Bush greeted the delegates and pledged his intention to launch the African Global Competitiveness Initiative, which he said "will give a record number of entrepreneurs...

18 July 2005

African Global Competitiveness Initiative Will Expand Trade Hubs

The African Global Competitiveness Initiative announced by President Bush in a taped message to the AGOA Forum July 18 symbolizes the Bush administration's commitment to jobs and long-term economic growth and development in Africa, according to U.S. aid official Lloyd O. Pearson.Pearson, assistant administrator for Africa in the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), spoke to reporters the same day.Pearson said the new initiative will expand the three U.S.-Africa trade hubs that are currently operational: Gaborone, Botswana;...

18 July 2005

Namibian Grapes set to Conquer US Market

Tucked on a mountain slope across a road from the barren desert of southeastern Namibia, rows of lush green vineyards are producing grapes enjoyed in Europe, China, the Middle East and soon, in the United States.Temperatures of 50 degrees Celsius in the summer do not deter thousands of seasonal workers from flocking to this hidden corner close to the village of Noordoewer near the border with South Africa to harvest the high quality seedless grapes.From here, the sweet-tasting grapes mostly of the green Thompson seedless sort and others like...

15 July 2005

AGOA Trade Forum in Senegal to Emphasise Diversity in Trade

"Expanding and Diversifying Trade to Promote Growth and Competitiveness" will be the theme of the 2005 U.S.-Sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum July 18-20 in Dakar, Senegal.Better known as the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum, the event consists of three parallel meetings: one with the United States and the governments of the 37 eligible sub-Saharan Africa countries; one between U.S. and African private sectors; and one involving civil-society organizations from the United States and Africa.The AGOA Forum...

13 July 2005

AGOA Forum: Senegal to Host

The choice of Senegal to host the fourth AGOA (African Growth and Opportunity Act) Forum, is based on political and diplomatic reasons, Senegalese Ambassador to Washington, Amadou Lamine Ba, said in Dakar Wednesday.The choice is not linked to AGOA criteria or economic performances. Senegal meets the governance criteria and it is a model country for Americans, " he said during a press briefing.He further underscored that the country's capacity to host the forum is "considered fairly satisfactory'' and its geographical proximity with the...

13 July 2005

USA: Four New China Safeguard Petitions Filed

US textile, apparel and fibre producing trade associations yesterday filed four new safeguard petitions covering eight categories to limit the growth of US textile and apparel imports from China. The industry also said that it had refiled a petition on curtains on June 22 that the US government rejected for technical reasons on June 21.The categories covered by this latest filing are: cotton/man-made fibre non-knit shirts (categories 341/641); cotton/man-made fibre skirts (342/642); cotton/man-made fibre pyjamas/nightwear (351/651);...

12 July 2005

South Africa: Investor Glitch Dents Confidence in IDZ Investment

South African empowerment company ICAN has not applied for the funding of a stake it said it would take in a Coega textiles project, despite saying in May that it was weeks away from securing it.The setback casts a shadow over Coega's first investor.The development zone, established to draw foreign investment, has for years been struggling to tie down investors.At a media conference on May 18 to announce the project to make fire retardant industrial textiles, ICAN CE Paul Jones said Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) funding for his...

11 July 2005

Lesotho's Growth to Lag Rest of Africa

Lesotho's economic outlook is expected to lag behind world and African averages, according to Standard Bank economist Jan Duvenage's mid-year gauge of the country's economy.IMF forecasts expect the economy to grow by 2.4 percent this year and 3 percent in 2006, compared to African averages of 5 percent and 5.4 percent for the same years.Duvenage says growth constraints include food insecurity, soil degradation, lower agricultural efficiency and a high HIV and Aids infection rate.Present growth has been sustained by clothing and textile...

11 July 2005

Guinea Bissau: Cashew nuts a new hope for exports?

Near a field sown with ageing anti-personnel mines, dozens of women scraping, sorting and vacuum-packing cashew nuts in a new tin-roofed factory may be part of the solution to Africa's economic woes. From Cape to Cairo, the world's poorest continent is blessed with verdant plains, forests of valuable hardwood trees and deep veins of ores. But it's largely bereft of skilled industry producing the finished products - like foodstuffs, furniture and jewellery - where the real earnings lie. That may be changing in Guinea-Bissau, where the...

07 July 2005

South Africa: New Cape Town Factory a R2,5mn Boost for Textile Industry

WESGRO has announced a R2.5 million investment in the province's clothing and textile industry with the establishment of a bedding manufacturing plant in Bellville South, Cape Town.Joyce Cheung, from the trade and investment promotion agency's investment promotion department (WESGRO), said it strongly believes that the investment will have a positive impact in a sector severely affected by factors such as the strengthening of the rand and the removal of quotas on clothing and textile imports.She said despite these adverse conditions, the...

07 July 2005

New Mauritius PM wants Sugar, Textiles Deals

Faced with twin threats to its prosperous economy, Mauritius's newly-elected Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam said he would negotiate hard for better world trade deals for its sugar and textile industries.In an interview with Reuters shortly after winning elections on Monday night, Ramgoolam said he would plead with rich countries to resurrect accords giving Mauritius preferential access to their markets for two of its most important exports."One priority is the problem of negotiation with the European Union on sugar," he said. "We are not...

06 July 2005

Southern Africa: Textile Industry Undone by Globalisation

The textile and clothing manufacturing industry is not a sustainable option for Southern Africa in the long term, according to a UN economist. The sector - one of Southern Africa's few export industries - is struggling to compete in a quota-free global market.Manufacturers have been hard-hit by the termination of the Multi-Fibre Agreement (MFA), which came to an end in January this year. The MFA was introduced 30 years ago to protect the textile industries of developed countries by imposing quotas on high-volume producers such as China,...

06 July 2005

South African Airways Helps Forge Africa-US Trade Ties

Ties between the United States and Africa have been strengthened with a new South African Airways (SAA) passenger and cargo service - which began at the weekend - linking Washington to Johannesburg for the first time, the US embassy in Pretoria said on Tuesday.It reported that the launch of the new air route was celebrated at a reception held on June 29 in the grand foyer of the Library of Congress in Washington.Former Congressman Howard Wolpe, who chaired the House Africa Sub-committee and now runs the Africa programme at the Woodrow Wilson...

05 July 2005

Free Trade Agreements Do Not Protect Exporters - Economist

While free trade agreements (FTA's) may be an effective way of cementing relationships between two countries, few governments consider the credit worthiness of the prospective trading partners, according to Credit Guarantee senior economist Luke Doig.“Generally preferential trade agreements between countries or regions are designed to boost exports and the manufacturing sectors of the respective countries.“However, once the political fervour has moved on, exporters are faced with the potential pitfalls of non-payment with little legal or...

04 July 2005

AGOA a Success in 2004 - U.S.

The African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) was a "measurable success" in 2004, an annual report prepared by the United States government has said.The report titled: 2005 Comprehensive Report on US Trade and Investment Policy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa and Implementation of AGOA (Note: this report can be downloaded from's archives here), indicates that AGOA exports to US were about $26.6 billion, an increase of 88 percent in 2003.Agoa exports from Uganda worth $2.6 million (Shs4.8 billion) in the first half of 2004 greatly...

04 July 2005

What to do to Woo Investors...

Unlike SA's divided business movement, corporate US more often than not speaks with a unified and strong voice; the US Chamber of Commerce represents 3m US businesses and is influential in lobbying the US government in the interests of its members.So it's good news and, possibly, a sign of things to come, when its president and CE, Tom Donohue, says more US companies want to invest in Southern Africa because this region offers an "abundant supply" of natural resources, and SA is at the business heart of the region.This means the number of US...

01 July 2005

Agriculture Specialists Examine US-Africa Trade Progress

The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) has helped level the playing field for Africa's access to U.S. agricultural markets, but American tariffs and subsidies are still blocking full access by Africa's farm producers, according to a panel of agricultural specialists participating in the 2005 Corporate Council on Africa U.S.-Africa Business Summit in Baltimore June 21-24.Rosa Whittaker, former assistant U.S. trade representative (USTR) for Africa, while acknowledging the steps forward, pointed to some of the basic problems that need to...

28 June 2005
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