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"Botswana must utilise AGOA"

The US Congress voted on Friday 8th October an amendment to the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) III, giving Mauritius the ‘third country fabric’ exemption. The exemption is granted for one year with renewal opportunities for three more years. Under the terms of the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB), conference report, Mauritius will be treated as an LDC and, therefore, apparel made in Mauritius from third-country fabric will be eligible for duty-free status during the one-year period from October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005....

15 October 2004

Breath of fresh air for Mauritian textiles

African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Linkages (ALINC) programme in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) is working with over 16 companies in the agricultural, handicrafts and the garments sectors in Zambia to help them break into the US market.According to the EBZ Newsletter for August, Zambian and regional firms under the ALINC programme were being assisted with expertise on how to export goods to the US.The Newsletter said firms were being offered consultancy services by the International Executive Services Corps...

13 October 2004

South Africa: Clothing Exporters Told to Toe AGOA Line Or Get the Boot

Although the exemption under AGOA III is valid just for one year,it represents hope for Mauritius. It should help the industry hold out after the dismantling of the Multi Fibre Agreement in January.Textile producers should not miss the opprotunity to reorganise and consolidate their activities.Although the "third country fabric" exemption is valid just for one year, it represents hope for the Mauritian economy. This should help the industry hold out when the Multi Fibre Agreement is dismantled next January.The Mauritian textile industry...

12 October 2004

Namibia: Environmental Concerns at AGOA Factory

Some clothing and textile exporters were failing to comply with the strict requirements of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) adopted by the US government to promote exports from Africa, South African Revenue Service (SARS) commissioner Pravin Gordhan said yesterday.Their actions could jeopardise their participation in the scheme, as well as SA's status as an exporter to the US, Gordhan warned in a briefing to Parliament's finance committee on the SARS annual report.Agoa allows duty-free access into the US for about 1 800 product...

07 October 2004

South Africa´s automotive sector exports to the US down

New evidence indicating that Windhoek's water sources are being polluted by waste from the Ramatex Textile Factory is putting pressure on the Windhoek City Council to take action to address blatant safety violations by the Malaysian-run concern.The Namibian has learned that streams stemming from the factory, which run into the Goreangab Dam, are carrying contaminated water - bearing the same characteristics as water tested from storage ponds at the factory last year.The salt content of monitoring boreholes in the area also shows that the...

29 September 2004

Africa's Century of Prosperity Has Arrived, Trade Expert Predicts

South Africa´s automotive sector exports to the United States are lower this year than over the corresponding period last year. This is according to the latest available trade data from the US International Trade Commission. The trade data to July 2004 shows that in a number of categories, South Africa has been unable to match last year´s exports of automotives and components to the US. And since the data is denominated in US$, the impact in local Rand has been even greater as a result of a strengthening local currency.Key to South...

28 September 2004

AGOA Sparks Export Gains

Africa's time has come and this will be Africa's century for economic growth and development, Rosa Whitaker, the former U.S. assistant trade representative for Africa and current president and chief executive officer of the Whitaker Group confidently predicted September 17.Speaking to hundreds of students attending the Teach Africa Youth Forum at the State Department, Whitaker pointed to the many countries in Asia that once were "so incredibly poor" but now are "experiencing a kind of prosperity that we in America take for granted." They...

24 September 2004

Zambia's Agro Products still out of AGOA

New data to June show significant year-on-year gains in African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) exports from African countries to the US, states the Trade Law Centre of Southern Africa (Tralac).The 75% increase is due largely to strong growth in the energy sector.Significant export growth was also recorded in the minerals and metals sector (48%) and textiles (36%), while transport sector exports are down 12%.The proportion of agricultural exports (in relation to total agricultural exports from beneficiary countries) to enter the US market...

21 September 2004

Malawi: Country earns US$ 200mn through AGOA

Trade and Industry Minister Mandisi Mpahlwa contends that globalisation does not always lead to success or accumulation of wealth but also to a development that produces negative results.Minister Mpahlwa was speaking at the 9th national congress of the South African Clothing and Textile Workers Union (SACTWU) at the Cape Town's Convention Centre on Friday."It produces successful countries as well as marginalized and poor countries, it takes on board those who have got the skills required by globalisation, leaving behind those who do not have...

20 September 2004

Turning Export Opportunities Into Business

Malawi has realized about U$200 million, approximately (K2 billion) in foreign exchange earnings from textile and garments exports under the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) for the past one and a half years, officials have said.The Malawi Garments, Textile and Leather Industrial Council Chairperson, Kentilal Desai however said in an interview that this is not to their anticipation.He noted that the foreign exchange earned is not that much because the industry imports most of the raw materials including polyester and fabrics."AGOA was a...

17 September 2004

Ugandan Firm in US$ 10mn AGOA deal

Opinion: IT is interesting to note that there are abundant export opportunities in the international market.While it is not uncommon to have business houses lament over a lack of, or limited access to, markets for their products, the issue at hand is not necessarily whether opportunities exist, but rather their identification and conversion into actual business. It is more an issue of addressing supply-side constraints than demand for those products. There is a vast outlay of markets in the region and beyond waiting to be exploited by...

16 September 2004

Mauritius' exports to the US down from last year

Indigenous entrepreneurs are yet to reap the benefits of trade with the US, Trade and Industry minister Mukhisa Kituyi has said.Kituyi said that more than 70 per cent of Kenya's exports into the United States are supplied by foreign-owned companies that temporarily operate in the country."These foreign companies even borrow locally, manufacture and export to contact markets created by Kenya government agencies," Kituyi said.He said the technology these firms use is not 'rocket science', but can easily be adopted by the locals.Kituyi was...

14 September 2004

Madagascar: AGOA III Saved Jobs, Restored Hope , Says Envoy

According to bilateral trade data released a short while ago, exports from Mauritius to the US during the first 6 months of 2004 have dropped by 13% over the corresponding period last year. For the year to June, Mauritius exported US$ 132mn worth of goods to the US, in contrast to the US$ 150mn recorded in the year to June a year ago. Despite this reduction in exports, the country continues to enjoy a substantial trade surplus with its North American trade partner, from which it imported only US$ 8mn worth of goods thus far this...

31 August 2004

Ethiopia: Companies Benefiting from AGOA

The extension of favorable trade benefits to sub-Saharan nations in the latest version of the African Growth and Opportunity Act, called AGOA III, helped boost Madagascar's manufacturing and export sectors, restoring hope in the nation's economic future, Malagasy Ambassador Rajaonarivony Narisoa told a trade forum August 25."AGOA has been a tremendous success," creating thousands of new jobs, Narisoa told a Washington breakfast forum sponsored by Women in International Trade (WIIT), an umbrella organization of women trade professionals that...

27 August 2004

Uganda: Government to Start More Factories

The Adey Abeba Thread and Yarn Company is set to export two containers of trousers and shorts to the US market under the tariff free privilege of the African Growth Opportunities Act (AGOA). The one-year contract signed between Adey Abeba and PUFI, an Israeli multinational based in New York and Ankara means the products can be transacted through PUFI.Adey Abeba Yarn Factory was established in 1961 by Israelis known as the Lazaraddis. Until 1998, when the government privatised some of the textile factories, Adey Abeba had remained under state...

22 August 2004

Ghana: Is the Cotton Industry Dying?

The Government is using Tri-Star Apparel industry as a pilot project from which other similar factories will be set up in different parts of the country to feed the American and other international markets.The senior Presidential Advisor on AGOA and Trade, Dr. Onegi Obel told journalists yesterday that the Government is planning to set up at least 10 such factories after the US extended AGOA to 2015."The Tri-Star plant in Bugolobi is a pilot plant because we are trying to see if we can replicate it with 10 or 15 similar factories," Obel...

20 August 2004

Zambia: AGOA isn't only about Apparel

"The Presidential Special Initiative (PSI) on garments which is currently enjoying a renaissance through the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) initiative cannot be sustained in the long run if something drastic is not done for the Ghanaian cotton industry, to help the farmers increase their production to make them competitive on the world market.The producer of cotton in this country is basically found in the northern sector and to be quite truthful about it, they have been totally marginalized.Not only have subsidies in the cotton...

11 August 2004

Uganda: Museveni Hails US Over AGOA

Export Board of Zambia (EBZ) executive director Glyne Michelo has said the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) is not only about the textile industry.Speaking when he toured Unity Garments with US Ambassador to Zambia, Martin Brennan, in Ndola on Friday, Michelo said Zambia is expected to increase her floricultural and horticultural exports to the USA once the pest risk assessment (PRA) was completed before the end of next year."A positive outcome of the PRA will spur increased production in the floricultural and horticultural sectors...

03 August 2004

US Apparel Giant in Uganda

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni on Saturday commended the United States for taking steps to allow some African goods into the US market but said the measure was long overdue."The AGOA (African Growth Opportunity Act) is the first US goodwill towards Africa, probably in the last 500 years," Museveni said here.The major cause of Africa's under-development was lack of markets for their products in western countries, he said, as he called upon African leaders to begin a "liberation struggle" over trade barriers.His comments came as the World...

02 August 2004

Zambia: Ndola Firm Exports to US

The textiles industry will receive a boost following a visit by apparels mogul, Martin Trust, the founder of Mast Industries (USA).Trust, whose trip is being coordinated by The Whitaker Group and the Uganda AGOA office, is exploring long term sourcing and investment prospects in light of the recently expanded African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)."I am here to see if the existing apparels factories can be expanded and to meet entrepreneurs interested in joint ventures," Trust said at Entebbe Airport on Thursday.He was received by the...

31 July 2004

Namibia’s Garment Exports under AGOA Continue to Flourish

United States ambassador to Zambia Martin Brennan has urged Zambian companies to take advantage of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) to increase trade with his country, especially in the textile industry.Mr Brennan, who was speaking yesterday after he toured Unity Garments Limited plant in Ndola, said it was time more Zambian companies started exporting products to the US under AGOA.He said under AGOA, eligible African countries enjoyed duty-free access to the US markets for nearly all products.It was good that this year, Zambian...

30 July 2004

Nigeria: Weavers, Spinners form AGOA Committee

Namibia continues to make inroads into the US garment market thanks to AGOA. This is according to the most recent trade data, which shows that on a year-on-year basis (January to May) garment exports to the US have increased three-fold from US$ 7,8mn to US$21.5mn. Even after factoring in the stronger local currency, US-bound exports have increased dramatically not only by value but also by volume. Measured in ‘Square Meter Equivalent’ (SME), the volume of Namibia’s garment exports to the US has increased year-on-year from 1,85mn SME to...

27 July 2004

Key Features of AGOA III

The reauthorization of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which was signed into law by President Bush July 13, gives a new lease on life to the landmark trade legislation by extending most of the original benefits and access to U.S. markets through 2015.The AGOA Acceleration Act of 2004, known as AGOA III, is seen by many as the latest and most influential step in promoting investment with and within the African continent. Although most benefits have been extended for the 37 eligible sub-Saharan African countries, a provision...

23 July 2004

Kenya Ports Authority Torches Chinese Jeans

A Committee of weavers and spinners of the textile industry is to be set up to map out strategies on how to effectively export to the U.S. market, following the recent granting of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Textile Visa to Nigeria.Special Adviser to the President on AGOA, Mrs Modupe Sasore, who disclosed this in an interactive forum with textile manufacturers in Lagos, said that Nigeria has crossed the hurdle that had hitherto prevented textile manufacturers from engaging in the apparel trade under AGOA. According to her,...

22 July 2004

Nigeria: Weavers and Spinners Constitute Committee On AGOA

A Committee of weavers and spinners of the textile industry is to be set up to map out strategies on how to effectively export to the U.S. market, following the recent granting of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Textile Visa to Nigeria.Special Adviser to the President on AGOA, Mrs Modupe Sasore, who disclosed this in an interactive forum with textile manufacturers in Lagos, said that Nigeria has crossed the hurdle that had hitherto prevented textile manufacturers from engaging in the apparel trade under AGOA.According to her,...

22 July 2004

Kenya: Make Good Use of AGOA

Zambian Women In Agriculture (ZWA) chairperson Cecilia Makota has called for education for women if they are to benefit from the recently extended African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) announced by American President George Bush.Mrs Makota said many women still did not understand the initiative as most of them were contented to be local producers. "You see, many women do not even know that they are poor. Therefore there is need to carry out education so that they could utilise opportunities such as the AGOA," Mrs Makota saidShe said...

18 July 2004

Zambia: Teach Women About AGOA

Piles of brand new, trendy jeans were razed in Mombasa on Friday and yesterday, eight months after they were impounded at the Port.The goods, worth Sh 960 million, were destroyed at the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) destruction site under tight security.The goods, mainly finished clothes, were illegally imported by an EPZ company under Agoa privilege. They were seized at the Mombasa port in January this year in 16 containers.The imports were made by M/s Lihua Export Processing Zone (EPZ), whose licence was immediately suspended in March by the...

18 July 2004

Nigeria: 'US Extends AGOA to 2015'

The good news for Kenya and other African countries from President George Bush is that the US has agreed to extend its concessionary trade terms for apparel manufacturers for another seven years.Initially, the African Growth and Opportunity Act, which came into effect four years, was to end in 2008. But now it will extend to 2015. Agoa allows African states to sell textile products duty-free to the US.Until its enactment, accessing the American market, arguably one of the most expansive of the world's retail outlets, was impossible. What of...

16 July 2004

Key Africa Trade Law Extended to 2015

United States government has signed into law an extension of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) to 2015, according to the Public Affairs Section of the US Consulate in Lagos.Under the Act Nigeria manufacturers can export textiles and apparels to the US duty free.Praising the Act which came into force at the inception of his administration four years ago, President George Bush described the US initiative as a "landmark legislation that has been beneficial to the people of the continent of Africa and to the people of the United...

15 July 2004

'Agoa Key To An Expanding Relationship with Africa' - Top U.S. Trade Aide

U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Dick Lugar joined President Bush today at the White House signing ceremony of third installment of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA III)."In this closely divided and often fractious Senate, the bipartisan passage of trade legislation without amendment was an improbable outcome. The AGOA effort demonstrated that good ideas can succeed, even in the most difficult circumstances," Lugar said.On July 12, the Senate passed the House version of the bill, H. R. 4103. AGOA III extends the...

13 July 2004

AGOA III becomes law

Speaking to a group of African dignitaries, senior U.S. administration officials and congressional lawmakers before signing the legislation at the White House, the president said that AGOA has "given American businesses greater confidence to invest in Africa, and encouraged African nations to reform their economies and governments to take advantage of the opportunities that AGOA provides." AGOA, originally enacted in May 2000, gives preferential trade access to African nations that work to open their economies and build free markets. The...

13 July 2004

President Bush Signs Extension of Africa Trade Law

Praising the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) as a law that "has been beneficial to the people of the continent of Africa and to the people of the United States of America," President Bush signed legislation July 13 that reauthorizes AGOA until 2015 and extends the expiration dates for a number of its key provisions."Like all good partnerships, AGOA has been beneficial to all parties. Free trade between the United States and sub-Saharan Africa has created jobs, wealth, and opportunity on both continents," said Bush, who was flanked...

13 July 2004

Cameroon: Cocoa Business Blooms under AGOA

Florizelle Liser has spent twenty years developing and implementing policy at the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR). She currently serves as assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Africa, leading U.S. negotiations on the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) and the proposed Free Trade Agreement with the five-nation Southern African Customs Union (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland). In the 1970s, Liser was a founding member of TransAfrica Forum. She spoke to AllAfrica's Margaret McElligott...

03 July 2004

Statement On the Passage of Agoa Acceleration Act of 2004

Efforts are being made by several organisations to improve bilateral trade on other products.A Commercial Specialist in the American Embassy says Cameroon coffee has since 2000 not found a place in the American market. Jean Paul Yana made the declaration at a press conference organised by the American Embassy, in collaboration with officials of the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA), the Chambers of Commerce and the American Business Association (ABA). The press conference which took place at the Press Relations Office in Yaounde...

02 July 2004

AGOA Acceleration Act Extends Trade Package for Africa

The US Senate's move allowing African countries to continue exporting garments to the United States duty free until 2015 has given a new lease of life to Southern Africa's textile industry, a senior official told IRIN on Thursday.Last week the Senate extended the provisions of the Africa Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) from 2008 to 2015 by endorsing the AGOA Acceleration Act of 2004, also known as AGOA III. AGOA III makes provision for African countries to continue importing "third party" raw materials for a further three years. Most...

01 July 2004

Ambassador Zoellick hails passage of Agoa III legislation

After intense lobbying from various stakeholder groups, AGOA III has finally been passed by both the US House of Representatives and the Senate. US President George Bush, who had on various occasions expressed his desire to extend the trade preferences offered to Africa, subsequently wrote the latest amendments into law on 13 July 2004. Despite wide bi-partisan support among US lawmakers, it took almost a year for these amendments to be passed. Earlier versions of the proposed AGOA III legislation, including H.R. 3572 and S. 1900, were...

29 June 2004

Southern Africa: Relief for Textile Manufacturers

We are very pleased, indeed relieved, with the unanimous Senate passage of the legislation extending AGOA - namely, the third country fabric provision which expires on September 30, 2004; and the overall benefits which expire in 2008: A number of other benefits and incentives are also included in the bill.It would be recalled the House was the pacesetter in this exercise, having approved an extension by voice voted on June 14, 2004, through overwhelming bipartisan support. Spurred by this dramatic move Senators Grassley and Baucus,...

29 June 2004

Sullivan Foundation Applauds Congressional Passage of AGOA

SA's exports to the US rose 30% in value during April compared with the same month last year, with the trade balance between the two countries continuing to grow into a healthy surplus in SA's favour."The trade balance for April this year at $245m was 80% higher than April last year, in SA's favour," said the South African Chamber of Business (Sacob) in its monthly report on SA-US trade released at the weekend. The chamber attributed the strong rise in April exports to about $478000 to continued growth in exports of precious metals and...

28 June 2004

US-Southern African Trade Deal Sidelines AGOA

The US Senate has voted to extend the African Growth and Opportunity Act to 2015, giving a new lease of life to Kenya's garment exporters.Trade and Industry minister Mukhisa Kituyi yesterday announced that the Bill only awaited the signing into law by President George W. Bush who, he said, was expected to do so by next week. "Agoa's extension will boost investors' confidence in Kenya, especially in the Export Processing Zones, and will allow the country to build capacity in the cotton and textile industry," he added.Agoa became law in 2000...

26 June 2004

Kenya Presses Economic Reforms, Seeks AGOA Extension

Statement of Robert B. Zoellick, U.S. Trade Representative, regarding the Congressional passage of legislation extending the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) late Thursday. "Late last night, the Senate unanimously approved legislation extending the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) -- an important trade preference program designed to help sub-Saharan Africa develop and grow economically. "The House of Representatives passed identical legislation earlier this month."The AGOA Acceleration Act of 2004 fulfills President Bush's...

25 June 2004

US Senator Lugar Applauds Passage of African Trade Bill

.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Dick Lugar applauded unanimous Senate passage of the third installment of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA III)."The AGOA laws have strengthened trade ties between the United States and African nations," Lugar said. "The experience of AGOA has taught us valuable lessons about the path to enhanced investment and economic development. Passage of AGOA III enables us to build upon the initial success begun under the original AGOA legislation." In an effort to encourage timely passage,...

25 June 2004

US Republican Royce Applauds Senate's Passage of AGOA Extension

The Leon H. Sullivan Foundation congratulates the U.S. Congress for approving the latest African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) legislation. The Senate passed the bill by voice vote last night, and the House of Representatives passed the bill, also by voice vote, last week. President George W. Bush is expected to sign the new AGOA into law after the July 4th holiday."This legislation indicates the extraordinary attention now being placed on U.S.-Africa by the American government and the American people," said Hope Sullivan, President and...

25 June 2004

AGOA's Term to Be Extended

Statement by Robert B. Zoellick US Trade Representative June 25, 2004, regarding the Congressional passage of legislation extending the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) late Thursday.Late last night, the Senate unanimously approved legislation extending the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) -- an important trade preference program designed to help sub-Saharan Africa develop and grow economically.The House of Representatives passed identical legislation earlier this month.The AGOA Acceleration Act of 2004 fulfills President...

25 June 2004

AGOA III Bill Still to Pass Through Senate

Since the election at the end of 2002 of Mwai Kibaki as president of Kenya, replacing Daniel Arap Moi, the new government has embarked on an ambitious program of reform that has helped spark an economic revival. A key player on Kibaki's economic team is Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi, the minister of Trade and Industry. On route home from last week's United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Kituyi stopped in Washington to meet with Bush administration officials and lobby members of Congress for an extension of the African Growth and...

22 June 2004

USTR Stresses the Need to Focus On Finished Items

US Trade Representative Robert Zoellick urged Senate Democrats on Thursday not to play «political games» with a bill to extend textile and other trade benefits for sub-Saharan African countries until 2015.The House of Representatives passed the legislation earlier this week on voice vote in a sign of broad support for the African Growth and Opportunity Acceleration Act.A bipartisan group of senators - including Republican leader Bill Frist of Tennessee and Democratic leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota - swiftly introduced the same...

19 June 2004

SA Textile Body Seeks US Trade Opening

The US Assistant Trade Representative for Africa, Florizele B. Liser, said last week that African countries supplying products to the US market through AGOA would benefit more by focusing on finished items.Speaking at a press conference held last Friday at Sheraton Addis, Liser said that countries would take better advantage by supplying value added products other than unfinished commodities. "It is better to send pineapple juice than pineapple," she addedLiser said that there is a consensus in the US today to extened the duration ofAGOA for...

18 June 2004

AGOA III - USTR Zoellick Urges Not to Stall Africa Trade Bill

Although the United States congress has voted for the extension of Africa Growth and Opportunity (AGOA 3) to 2015, the Bill still has to go through senate who may veto it.Speaking in an interview, spokesman for the Southern African Global Competitiveness Hub in Gaborone, Erran Prisely said that though the vote is big news, the party is not yet over as the bill has to pass through the senate who may reject it. "It is big news and the bipartisan support is a good sign," Prisely said on Wednesday.On Monday the house voted to extend a trade...

18 June 2004

White House Statement on Administration Policy: AGOA III

South Africa's continued exclusion from key " third-country" provisions in the US African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) is hampering the local clothing industry's exports to the US, and poses a threat to job creation.The warning on jobs came from Export Council for the Clothing Industry chairman Jack Kipling. South African trade negotiators are now being urged to ensure local manufacturers are given the same benefits enjoyed by their peers in Southern African Customs Union states.The third-country provision allows clothing exporters in...

17 June 2004

First Hurdle: US House of Representatives Passes AGOA III

Issued by the Executive Office of The President, Office of Management And Budget.The Administration strongly supports House passage of H.R. 4103, the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Acceleration Act of 2004, which would extend and enhance AGOA enacted in 2000. AGOA is the centerpiece of the Administration's trade and investment policy to enhance U.S.-African trade, spur regional economic development, encourage economic and political reforms, alleviate poverty in sub-Saharan African countries, facilitate the region's integration...

15 June 2004

AGOA Extension Awaits US Congress Approval

Today, the House unanimously passed legislation [H.R. 4103] to extend and modify the trade benefits under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), landmark trade legislation first passed in 2000 to develop a trade relationship between the United States and the nations of Sub-Saharan Africa. As Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Africa and an original co-sponsor of the legislation, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA-40) applauded its passage and called on the Senate to take immediate action on the legislation."In a short few years, AGOA has...

14 June 2004
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