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Kenya eyes bigger pie of US trade plan AGOA to increase exports

Kenya's trade officials have said they will be taking steps to expand exports and raise the country's share of new investments during the second edition of Trade Week at the end of this month. Trade Principal Secretary Chris Kiptoo said Kenya will particularly be focusing on trade windows such as African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) and European Economic Partnership Agreement (EPAs) which have not been fully exploited. Agoa, for instance, grants quota and duty-free access to the US market of more than 6,000 product lines but has been...

10 July 2018

US to initiate ‘exploratory talks’ on post-AGOA model at AGOA Forum

United States Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer will use this week’s African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) Forum in Washington DC to initiate “exploratory talks” with African governments on a possible trade model that could be implemented when the unilateral programme expires in 2025. Assistant US Trade Representative for Africa Connie Hamilton said on Monday that Lighthizer aimed to “start a conversation” on the post-Agoa model at the government-to-government meeting, which...

10 July 2018 | Terence Cremer

Trade and industry minister leads SA delegation to AGOA Forum

Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies leaves on Sunday night for Washington DC in the United States for the 17th Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) forum from July 11 to 12, the trade and industry department (DTI) said. The Agoa forum took place annually on an alternating basis between sub-Saharan Africa and the US. The 16th forum was hosted by Togo in August last year, the DTI said in a statement. The theme for this year’s forum was “Forging new strategies for US-Africa trade and investment”. The forum would focus...

09 July 2018

US steps up its game in Africa, a continent open for business

“The U.S. needs to step up its game in Africa,” said U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross in Accra, Ghana, Thursday in an expected and welcome assessment.  The secretary was in Ghana to close out the four-country mission of the President’s Advisory Council on Doing Business in Africa (PAC-DBIA), originally established by executive order under President Obama in August of 2014, “to strengthen commercial relations between the United States and sub Saharan Africa.”  The...

07 July 2018 | K. RIVA LEVINSON

Namibia encouraged to make more use of AGOA

THE United States of America's ambassador to Namibia, Lisa Johnson has encouraged Namibian businesses to make use of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), also known as the Trade and Development Act of 2000, was approved by the United States congress in May 2000. It promotes duty-free market access to the US to assist the economies of sub-Saharan Africa, and to improve economic relations between the US and the region. Speaking during the 242nd US independence celebrations on...

06 July 2018 | NAMPA

Brookings Event: Re-examining trade with Africa under the African Continental Free Trade Agreement

The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) is a groundbreaking achievement in African diplomacy, trade, and economic development. The potential to cover 1.2 billion people and over $4 trillion in combined consumer and business spending opens up the continent to new investors and better opportunities for its entrepreneurs. Intra-African trade is expected to skyrocket, and with it, industry and manufacturing. At the same time, the agreement introduces opportunities to re-approach existing trade relationships, like the African Growth...

06 July 2018

USTR initiates annual AGOA eligibility review

Summary: This notice announces the initiation of the annual review of the eligibility of the sub-Saharan African countries to receive the benefits of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The AGOA Implementation Subcommittee of the Trade Policy Staff Committee (Subcommittee) is developing recommendations for the President on AGOA country eligibility for calendar year 2019. The Subcommittee is requesting written public comments for this review and will conduct a public hearing on this matter. The Subcommittee will consider the...

06 July 2018

The 2018 AGOA Forum: A turning point for US-Africa commercial relations?

The 2018 AGOA Forum —named for the African Growth and Opportunity Act passed in 2000 and extended three years ago to 2025—could be a turning point in U.S.-African commercial relations. AGOA abolished import duties on more than 1,800 products manufactured in eligible countries sub-Saharan Africa (those with established or making continuous progress with market-based economy, rule of law and pluralism, elimination of trade and investment barriers to the U.S., human rights, labor standards, fight against corruption, and economic...

06 July 2018 | Witney Schneidman and Landry Signé

US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, announces $1 billion in deals during Africa mission

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross and a delegation from the President’s Advisory Council on Doing Business in Africa (PAC-DBIA) announced over $1 billion in private-sector deals during their mission to four sub-Saharan nations. PAC-DBIA members expect to quickly conclude more than $2 billion in additional deals in the coming days.   The four-nation visit, which included stops in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Côte D’Ivoire, concluded in Ghana where Secretary Ross signed a memorandum of understanding with the Minister of Finance...

06 July 2018

Kenya: Textile exports to the US stagnate, but macadamia exports up

Kenya's sales of macadamia nuts to the United States have soared in recent years, while textile exports have stagnated, according to new African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) data. The US imported $52 million (Sh5.2 billion) worth of macadamia nuts from Kenya last year, compared to $72,000 (in purchases of the same product in 2000, the US trade agency reported last week. The agency's Agoa assessment describes the boom in Kenya's macadamia sector as one of the “success stories” of the 18-year-old US preferential trade programme that...

02 July 2018 | KEVIN J KELLEY

'Africa matters: Why the US should bolster its trading relationships with African countries'

This post is part of a series highlighting the four-nation President’s Advisory Council on Doing Business in Africa (PAC-DBIA) fact-finding mission led by the Secretary of Commerce and the Under Secretary of Commerce for the International Trade Administration. For more information on the PAC-DBIA visit or follow the trip on Twitter at #PACDBIA. This post originally appeared on the UPS Blog, Longitudes. As Vice Chair of the President’s Advisory Council on Doing Business in...

02 July 2018 | Laura Lane

Nigerian exporters must benefit from AGOA before 2025—Minister

Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Mr. Okechukwu Enelamah, has said Nigeria needs to utilise the next seven years to take advantage of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). Enalama, who was represented by a Principal Officer of the Ministry, Mr. Stephen Adeyemo, at an advocacy workshop organized by the Nigeria Export Promotion Council, NEPC/AGOA Trade Resource Center in Benin City, Edo State on Thursday said Nigeria must benefit from AGOA before the expiration of the Act. “We have to use the remaining period between now...

29 June 2018

Nigeria-America Chamber vows to increase Nigeria’s non-oil export through AGOA

The Nigerian-American Chamber of Commerce (NACC) says it hopes to expand Nigeria’s non-oil export to the United States through the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The chamber, which stated this during its 57th annual general meeting held last Thursday in Lagos, said it would fully immerse itself in policy implementation, compliance and growth for Nigeria. Toyin Akomolafe, newly elected president of NACC, said the chamber would now establish itself as the ‘go to’ organisation on all trade related issues for AGOA. AGOA...

11 June 2018 | ODINAKA ANUDU

Rwanda: Government to pay taxes for affected AGOA exporters

To ensure Rwandan exporters are not significantly affected by the anticipated suspension of duty-free access to the US market under the AGOA framework, government has decided to take over the resultant tax obligations. This follows the move by the American government on March 31st announcing their intention to suspend the application of duty-free treatment to all African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)-eligible goods in the apparel sector for Rwanda. According to a statement from the US government, the suspension would take effect in 60...

11 June 2018 | Collins Mwai

US-Sub-Saharan Africa AGOA Forum 2018 [includes document downloads]

The 17th United States - Sub-Saharan Africa AGOA Forum is set to take place in Washington D.C. in the week beginning 9 July 2018. Visit the AGOA Forum Section for additional details, which will be made available as soon as they are available. Some of the agenda documents will be draft documents and will be updated regularly.    For background information on the AGOA Forum, read here.'s AGOA Forum Section is at this link.  AGOA Forum downloads  are at this link. 

08 June 2018
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