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Kenya: Foreign Affairs Secretary meets ambassadors in the US ahead of Kenyatta-Trump meeting

Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Monica Juma is already in the United States ahead of a scheduled visit to the White House by President Uhuru Kenyatta on Monday. Upon her arrival at the Dulles International Airport on Wednesday, the CS held talks with 28 African resident ambassadors on trade cooperation with the US post-African Growth and Opportunity Act framework (AGOA). She also engaged the ambassadors on the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). The CS later addressed the American Society of Travel Agents at an event...

24 August 2018

East Africa debate: Suspension of Rwanda’s AGOA benefits – What does it mean? [Video]

Barely weeks after the Trump administration partially suspended Rwanda’s benefits to export apparel duty-free to the US under the African Growth and Opportunity Act - AGOA, the government of Rwanda says that it remains committed to supporting any Rwandan trader who still wishes to access the US market. The government also says that it expects minimal effects from the suspension. Just what does this suspension mean?

22 August 2018

South African poultry group targets US import quota

The SA Poultry Association (Sapa) has filed a lawsuit seeking to force the government to suspend a quota that excludes some US poultry imports from an anti-dumping tariff, a senior official with the association said on Tuesday. If successful, the move – a response to the Trump administration’s decision to impose tariffs on aluminium and steel imports – could put at risk duty-free access to the US market for nearly $2 billion (R28.6bn) worth of South African exports. “We’ve pulled the trigger,” Marthinus Stander, chairperson of...

22 August 2018 | JOE BAVIER

Liberia-made products pitching contest to be held in Monrovia

The Liberia Chamber of Commerce and the Ezzat N. Eid Foundation have organized a contest to attract products made in Liberia. On Monday, August 27 entrepreneurs will be invited to pitch their products at a pitching contest and fundraising event in Monrovia. Friday, August 24 is the deadline for entrepreneurs to apply to get their local products selected. Winning entrepreneurs will get the opportunity to showcase their Liberia-made products at the African Growth and Opportunity Act Expo and Trade Fair scheduled for September 25-30...

22 August 2018 | Zeze Ballah

Africa Media Hub - telephonic press briefing with US Dep Asst Sec of State Peter Haas [incl. transcript and sound file]

EVENT: Please join us on Tuesday, August 21 at 09:00 EDT/13:00 GMT/15:00 CAT for a telephonic press conference with State Department Economic and Business Affairs Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Trade Policy and Negotiations, Peter Haas where he will preview his travel to South Africa and Ethiopia to promote agricultural innovation, science-based regulatory policy, and increased trade.  Mr. Haas will participate as a speaker at the first ever BIO Africa Convention in Durban alongside science and trade ministers from...

20 August 2018

Made-in-Liberia products to feature at local AGOA expo & trade fair

The Liberia Chamber of Commerce (LCC) is urgently inviting all exporters and potential exporters of products made in Liberia to a “Pitch Your Product” meeting on today, Friday, August 17th at 3pm at the Liberia Chamber of Commerce. LCC will join the rest of the world in the upcoming African Growth & Opportunity Act or (AGOA) Expo & Trade Fair scheduled to be held in New York, the United States on September 25th – 30th, 2018, and the Liberia Chamber of Commerce is inviting local producers of...

17 August 2018

Local union warns South Africa that AGOA eligibility under threat if land expropriation goes ahead

SA could breach eligibility requirements of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) if the country proceeds with plans to implement land appropriation without compensation, South African trade union Solidarity has warned. In terms of section 104 of the act, the sub-Saharan African countries eligible for AGOA have to commit to protecting private property rights. AGOA, which came into effect in May 2000, provides trade preferences for quotas and duty-free entry to the US for certain goods. Solidarity deputy general secretary for...

07 August 2018 | SISEKO NJOBENI

Expanding free trade with Africa through AGOA

Originally passed in 2000 and renewed until 2025, the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) is a U.S. Trade Act that boosts U.S. market access for qualifying sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. The program’s goal is to boost economic growth, spur development and reduce poverty in Africa. Currently, 40 SSA countries are AGOA-eligible and they remain eligible by working to improve human rights, rule of law and labor standards. The AGOA built on the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) by expanding duty-free...

06 August 2018 | Kathryn Quelle

'Rwanda AGOA limitations signals era of reciprocal trading'

Last week, the Trump administration announced the withdrawal of benefits for Rwanda to export apparel duty-free to the US under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa). This is largely seen as a response to Kigali’s decision to ban second-hand clothes in its market. However, there is a larger trend at play here. We are in an era of trade wars and serious global disagreements as to what is deemed fair, or not, in trade practice and agreements. Economic nationalism has found a new lifeline. The nationalism here refers to a situation...

05 August 2018 | ANZETSE WERE

'Trump’s trade action may benefit Africa'

Opinion Piece: The Donald Trump presidency is fast changing almost everything about the US’s role in the world and how the world is managed. No one seems to be spared from its ruthless pursuit of narrow nationalist interests. The recent decision to suspend Rwanda’s right to export duty-free to the US under the African Growth and Opportunities Act (Agoa) is meant to stop Rwanda from increasing tariffs imposed on used clothing and footwear announced more than a year ago [ note: Only Rwanda's apparel preferences under AGOA have...

05 August 2018 | SIPHAMANDLA ZONDI

Trade under Africa bloc will create ‘respect’

The East African Community should channel its resources to the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) as an alternative to pacts with Europe, Asia and the US.  “Africa has a lot of potential in intra-regional trade that is untapped; that is why we are exploited by the West and Asia, who offer trade deals that benefit them more than they do African states,” said Seth Kwizera, the co-ordinator of think tank Economic Policy and Research Network. “When over 40 states signed the CFTA, it was a strong...

05 August 2018 | IVAN R. MUGISHA

Presidential Proclamation regarding Rwanda's AGOA eligibility

  Presidential Proclamation to Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act and For Other Purposes  Issued on: July 30, 2018 1.  In Proclamation 7350 of October 2, 2000, the President designated the Republic of Rwanda (“Rwanda”) as a beneficiary sub-Saharan African country for purposes of section 506A(a)(1) of the Trade Act of 1974 (the “1974 Act”) (19 U.S.C. 2466a(a)(1)), as added by section 111(a) of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (the...

31 July 2018

Trump upholds AGOA trade preference eligibility criteria with Rwanda

Today, President Donald J. Trump issued a proclamation regarding Rwanda that enforces the eligibility criteria established by Congress for trade preferences under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).  This proclamation suspends the application of duty-free treatment for all apparel products from Rwanda.   “We regret this outcome and hope it is temporary,” said Deputy United States Trade Representative C.J. Mahoney. “But if the AGOA eligibility criteria are to have any meaning, they have to be...

31 July 2018
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