- African Growth and Opportunity Act
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Sierra Leone to launch its AGOA response strategy

The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), an initiative of the United States Government, allows low-income countries to access the US market on very favourable trade terms.  The implementation of the new AGOA Strategy will allow Sierra Leone to benefit from duty free access to US markets when exporting products produced in the country.  The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) in collaboration with the International Growth Centre (IGC) will tomorrow Tuesday 12 February, 2019 launch the National AGOA Response Strategy at the...

11 February 2019 | Zainab Iyamide Joaque

'Trump’s Africa surprise'

Africa has generally ranked near the bottom of US foreign policy priorities. Historically, two-term presidents have waited until their second term to establish their legacies on the continent, and many one-term presidents have neglected it altogether. US President Donald J. Trump has surprised many by bucking this trend.  In December, US National Security Advisor John Bolton unveiled a formal strategy for Africa unveiled a formal strategy for Africa. The document was originally slated for public release but has...

04 February 2019 | JONATHAN GASS

Building Africa’s manufacturing strength in the textile and clothing sector

The rise of the fast fashion industry in the past few years has brought in its wake a booming trade of second-hand clothing. Today, millions of people around the world donate clothes with the understanding that they will support the needy or will be resold in secondhand stores. But are increased imports into Africa of second-hand clothing from developed countries consistent with the contemporary agenda of African economies, which is to industrialize and add value, rather than to consume? This is at the heart of the recent trade dispute...

31 January 2019 | Emanuela Gregorio

New: AGOA themed guides and infographics

The Exporter Toolkit resources have been enhanced through the addition of brochures and infographics on AGOA-related subjects.  This includes many 'national' AGOA country brochures that provide an overview of a country's AGOA-related developments and trade performance.  Other themed brochures include those of a more technical nature (Rules of Origin, AGOA eligibility and review provisions), as well as more sector-focused publications, including on textiles and apparel, and on agriculture.  The brochures can be...

25 January 2019

Tanzanian home textiles firms gain insights on US market

Tanzanian textile companies received a boost to their efforts to export products to the U.S. after attending a half-day workshop hosted by the USAID Hub. Fifteen Tanzanian design enterprises learned about U.S. market opportunities on January 15 in Dar es Salaam from Margaret Bishop, an expert in textile and apparel production and quality management. Ms. Bishop provided the companies with technical insights on U.S. home textile market trends, buyer expectations and product/color trends. This information will inform the companies' design,...

24 January 2019

New Ethiopia AGOA strategy in full swing

The USAID Hub’s lead African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) strategy consultant is in Ethiopia this week to gather supply-side information and conduct a sector analysis for a new Ethiopia National AGOA Strategy. The Ethiopian government requested the Hub to provide technical assistance on the Strategy, which will set strategic actions and targets for significant growth in exports from Ethiopia to the United States by 2025. The Hub began the strategy in October 2018 with a review of the macro-economic environment and Ethiopia’s trade...

17 January 2019 | USAID

Ethiopia's exports to US under AGOA increasing

Ethiopia's export under AGOA has jumped by 62 percent between October 2017 and September 2018. The country experienced the largest increase exports in the period under review, according to USAID East Africa Trade and Investment Hub. "If this growth continues, Ethiopia may quickly become the second or third largest exporter under AGOA in East Africa," the Hub said. East African countries supported by the USAID-Hub reached nearly one billion dollars in exports to the U.S. under AGOA in the period under review. This is a 17 percent rise...

02 January 2019

East Africa exports to the US hit $1bn in the year to September 2018

Exports from East African countries to the US reached about $1 billion between October 2017 and September 2018, a 17 per cent increase from the same period the previous year. The United States Agency for International Development’s East Africa Trade and Investment Hub said apparel dominated the region’s sales at 84.4 per cent of exports. The Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) gives sub-Saharan Africa duty-free access to US markets for about 6,000 items. The East Africa Trade and Investment Hub said that the firms they supported...

31 December 2018 | KENNEDY SENELWA

The Trump administration’s Africa strategy: Primacy or partnership?

Last week, the Trump administration launched an Africa policy that seeks both primacy and partnership on the continent. The administration’s efforts at partnership, especially as it relates to promoting U.S. business on the continent, are likely to be far more lasting and consequential. Ambassador John Bolton set the tone for the administration in a speech where he challenged African governments to choose the United States over China and Russia for their commercial, security, and political relationships. This throwback to...

20 December 2018 | Witney Schneidman and Landry Signé

'Bolton rolls out Trump’s Africa policy to grim reception, but I’m reserving judgment'

If you care about Africa or work on the continent, the equivalent of Willy Wonka’s Golden Ticket last week was an invitation from the Heritage Foundation for the unveiling of the Trump Administration’s New Africa Strategy by U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton. The plan, in the works for one year, was a closely guarded secret. Congressional staff invited to the roll-out only received the White House fact sheet upon arrival at Heritage, and while the policy was “an intensive interagency process,” few outside of...

18 December 2018 | K. RIVA LEVINSON

Advisor Ambassador John Bolton on the the Trump administration’s new Africa strategy

As delivered on December 13, 2018. Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C. Well, Kim, thanks very much, and thanks to you and Kay for inviting me here. I’m delighted again to be here at the Heritage, an institution that really has contributed so much to the public policy debate for many decades now in the United States. And I’m particularly pleased to be here to unveil the Trump administration’s new Africa Strategy, which the President approved yesterday, and which the administration will begin executing immediately. This strategy...

13 December 2018
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