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AGOA eligibility reviews 2019: Selected extracts from submissions

The public hearing, US Trade and Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: recent trends and new developments, takes place today, 24 July, in Washington. The witness list can be accessed here . For background on the Hearing, see the USITC Federal Register Notice. Background report:   U.S. trade and investment with Sub Saharan Africa: Recent developments. Extracts from selected advance submissions: Ambassador Sankatana Gabriel Maja. The Government of Lesotho, through the Lesotho National Development Corporation,...

24 July 2019

AGOA - good for Africa, warts and all?

The African Trade and Opportunities Act (AGOA), established by the United States government on May 18, 2000, has been described as the cornerstone of the U.S. economic engagement with sub-Saharan Africa, where it has invested more than U.S.$7 billion towards trade capacity initiatives. Some say AGOA was the U.S. government's answer to China's growing presence on the African continent. But what is the U.S. strategy as AGOA nears its end, and the impact of Africa's "growing youth tsunami" as the  African Continental Free Trade Area...

24 July 2019 | Esther Rose

AGOA Forum 2019 Preview Briefing - July 23, 2019 [now with sound file]

Media Advisory | July 23 Briefing with Ambassador Tibor P. Nagy, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs and Constance Hamilton Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Africa. EVENT: Please join us on Tuesday, July 23 2019, at 8:30am EDT for a telephonic press conference with Ambassador Tibor P. Nagy, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs and Constance Hamilton, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Africa who will discuss the United States and Ivory Coast co-hosting the African Growth and Opportunity Act...

19 July 2019

US to deepen partnership with Namibia

The United States is working closely with Namibia to realise further growth in trade and investment between the two countries. United States (US) ambassador to Namibia, Lisa Johnson at a media briefing on Friday said her government is working closely to raise US companies' awareness about opportunities in Namibia which support development goals. Johnson made these remarks in line with the US's new trade and investment opportunity programme, known as 'Prosper Africa'. “The US administration is promoting more trade and investment between...

15 July 2019 | Charmaine Ngatjiheue

African Union high-powered delegation to attend US-Africa business conference in the US

Following a successful launch of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) at the 12th Extraordinary Summit in Naimey, Niger, the African Union (AU) is set to send a high-powered delegation to the 2nd edition of the Trade with Africa Business Summit in Chicago. More information: The delegation would be led by His Excellency Ambassador Albert Muchanga, AU Trade Commissioner andChampion of Trade award recipient. Ambassador Muchangawill deliver a resounding keynote address on...

10 July 2019 | Olukorede Yishau

Ghana: AMCHAM commended for contribution to economy, celebrates 30 years of existence

The American Chamber of Commerce-Ghana (AMCHAM) has received commendation for the good work it is doing for its members and for the economy. In an interview, as part of a special supplement to commemorate the 30th anniversary of AMCHAM, the US. Ambassador to Ghana, Madam Stephanie S. Sullivan, said, “Ayekoo and keep up the good work!” Referring to the membership of AMCHAM, she reminded members that they should not join just to receive benefits but to participate. Being an AMCHAM member is a great way of providing real and valuable...

04 July 2019

US begins AGOA eligibility review

The annual review of the eligibility of sub-Saharan African countries to receive benefits under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) is now underway. In a notice published to the Federal Register last week, the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) said recommendations are being developed for President Trump on AGOA country eligibility for calendar year 2020. Public comments are due no later than 3 September and information presented at a public hearing on 27 August will be considered in developing recommendations. Comments...

02 July 2019

Reason for optimism in Trump's 'Prosper Africa' policy

When I entered the Joaquim Chissano International Conference center in Maputo, Mozambique, on 19 June for the opening of the Corporate Council on Africa’s (CCA) summit and the roll-out of the Trump administration’s Prosper Africa strategy, my first reaction was, “what were the organizers thinking?!” Who inaugurates a U.S. policy to counter our global competitors, most notably China, in a conference center built by the Chinese, with a grant of 50 percent of the construction cost, attached to a colossus of a hotel, the Hong...

01 July 2019 | K. RIVA LEVINSON

How US’s Prosper Africa plan can benefit businesses on the continent

In my visit to Mozambique and SA last week I stressed with government and business leaders that the US wants to be Africa’s trade and investment partner. Together with my colleagues from across the US government, including the commerce department and the US Agency for International Development, we outlined a compelling case for the value of a US-Africa commercial partnership based on mutual advantage and shared interest in prosperity for all. The US recognises that Africa is a vibrant economy and critical trade partner, with six of the 10...

28 June 2019 | Tibor Nagy

[Updated] Annual review of country eligibility for benefits under the AGOA for 2020

  Notice of initiation of review, public hearing, and request for comments. Download the Notice HERE.   See the submissions as they become available HERE. Summary: The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) is announcing the initiation of the annual review of the eligibility of the sub-Saharan African countries to receive the benefits of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The AGOA Implementation Subcommittee of the Trade Policy Staff Committee (Subcommittee) is developing recommendations for the President on...

27 June 2019 | United States Trade Representative

Opinion: US economic intervention into Africa

US deputy Secretary of Commerce Karen on Wednesday announced at the opening ceremony of the U.S.-Africa Business Summit on Wednesday in Maputo, that the Trump administration message to Africa is simple and blunt:” Choose the United States over China and Russia.”  One can clearly see this as another chapter of President Trump to isolate the Russians and China from trading and investing globally. One must see this latest attempt to impress Africa in order to get its foot in the door to claim the Continent’s resources and growing...

27 June 2019 | CHRIS HARMSE

Prosper Africa’s partial answer to promoting US trade and investment

Commerce Deputy Secretary Karen Dunn Kelley last week unveiled the Trump administration's signature initiative “Prosper Africa.” Building on National Security Adviser John Bolton’s remarks in December 2018, she outlined the U.S. government’s plan to establish a one-stop shop to facilitate deals and “modernize and coordinate the resources of U.S. agencies” to help U.S. companies pursue commercial opportunities in Africa. Administrator Mark Green of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) expanded on...

26 June 2019 | Judd Devermont

Can the US and Africa prosper together?

Prosper Africa, the core of the Trump administration’s policy, is a state of mind.  This is not a criticism. The program is an ambitious effort to get every American political appointee, diplomat, and civil servant engaged on African issues to be on the lookout for commercial opportunities for American businesses and to help American companies take advantage of those opportunities. Prosper Africa wants nothing less than to change the culture of American diplomacy in Africa so that the success of American business on the continent is...

26 June 2019 | Whitney Schneidman

Can Trump’s Prosper Africa make America greater than China and other partners in Africa?

The official launch of the Trump Administration’s Prosper Africa program at the Corporate Council on Africa’s U.S.-Africa Business Summit in Mozambique on June 19 comes after months of policy talk about ramping up trade and investment between the United States and African countries. Prosper Africa aligns with the Trump administration’s Africa strategy, introduced by National Security Adviser John Bolton last December, which aims to promote prosperity, security, and stability in U.S.-Africa relations, and confirms the...

26 June 2019 | Landry Signé and Eric Olander

Remarks: The enduring partnership between the United States and South Africa

REMARKS by TIBOR P. NAGY, JR., ASSISTANT SECRETARY, BUREAU OF AFRICAN AFFAIRS, UNIVERSITY OF THE WITSWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA As Prepared Thank you Deputy Vice Chancellor Vilakazi for the introduction.  I’m grateful to you and to everyone at Wits University and the African Centre for the Study of the United States for hosting today’s event. And thanks to all of you here today for this wonderful welcome to South Africa.  I know many of you are still reflecting on yesterday’s State of the Nation Address and...

21 June 2019

USAID Mark Green's remarks on Prosper Africa at the CCA conference

For Immediate Release, Wednesday, June 19, 2019, Office of Press Relations, Telephone: +1.202.712.4320 | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Joaquim Chissano International Conference Center, Maputo, Mozambique ADMINISTRATOR GREEN: Thank you for that kind introduction, and thank you for your great leadership. And a special thanks to Florie Liser, President of the Corporate Council on Africa for inviting me to join you today. As many of you know, I served as America's Ambassador to Tanzania, Mozambique's beautiful neighbor to the north. My time...

19 June 2019

Trump administration unveils its new Africa strategy — with wins and snags

The Trump administration’s message to Africa has been blunt: Choose the United States over China and Russia.  Officials announced the details of that policy challenge Wednesday in the southern African nation of Mozambique, urging hundreds of African business leaders at an economic conference to ramp up partnerships and trade with American companies. U.S. firms deliver “unrivaled value,” Deputy Secretary of Commerce Karen Dunn Kelley told the crowd. “Yet we have lost ground to the increasingly sophisticated — but...

19 June 2019 | Danielle Paquette
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