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US chooses Kenya for bilateral trade deal

The Trump administration has tapped Kenya as the first sub-Saharan nation to start talks with the US on a bilateral trade deal, the Bloomberg News agency reported on Tuesday. The prestigious designation is expected to be announced during President Kenyatta's visit to Washington next week, Bloomberg said. Kenya's Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Macharia Kamau confirmed the report. Trade Pact Mr Kamau told Bloomberg that the US and Kenya are aiming for significant progress towards an agreement in the coming months. He added that...

30 January 2020 | KEVIN J. KELLEY

US, Kenya to start trade talks viewed as template for Africa

The US and Kenya are expected to announce negotiations on a free-trade agreement next week, America’s first such deal with a sub-Saharan country, a person familiar with the plans said. The Trump administration wants the accord to be a model for future pacts with other nations in the region, one of the people said, declining to be identified because the talks are private. An announcement on the discussion will coincide with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta’s visit to Washington next week. Macharia Kamau, Kenya’s principal secretary...

29 January 2020 | Jenny Leonard and David Herbling

South Africa GSP country review hearings: programme and witness list

EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF THE U.S. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE PUBLIC COUNTRY PRACTICE HEARING U.S. GENERALIZED SYSTEM OF PREFERENCES (GSP) Held at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative 1724 F Street, N.W. Washington D.C., Rooms 1 and 2 January 31, 2020 Program and Witness List - Final Welcome and Introduction 10:00 am Ms. Laura Buffo, Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for GSP and Chair of the GSP Subcommittee   South Africa – Intellectual Property Rights   10:05 am Panel 1: Government...

29 January 2020 |

South Africa will caution Trump on ‘premature’ trade review

South Africa’s government will tell President Donald Trump’s administration that its review of a preferential trade agreement that could put as much as $2.4 billion in exports at risk is premature and potentially damaging for both economies. The U.S. Trade Representative will start public hearings on Thursday [see submissions and hearing schedule here] to review the nation’s duty-free access to the U.S. market under the so-called Generalized System of Preferences, its oldest and largest trade-preference program for the...

29 January 2020 | Prinesha Naidoo

US, Kenya reportedly to start trade talks seen as template for Africa

The U.S. and Kenya are expected to announce negotiations on a free-trade agreement next week, America’s first such deal with a sub-Saharan country, a person familiar with the plans said. The Trump administration wants the accord to be a model for future pacts with other nations in the region, one of the people said, declining to be identified because the talks are private. An announcement on the discussion will coincide with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta’s visit to Washington next week. Macharia Kamau, Kenya’s principal secretary...

29 January 2020 | Jenny Leonard and David Herbling

Cameroon, CAR, Gambia, Niger see US AGOA status changes

Cameroon will lose its preferred trade status under the US African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) on January 1, following a US decision to revoke its status because of its human rights record. The October decision was confirmed through a presidential proclamation last week. Three other African nations also will see AGOA status changes, the White House said.AGOA affect market access, investment and reduced or eliminated tariffs on US imports.“Despite intensive engagement between the United States and the Government of Cameroon,...

31 December 2019

US retailers rally to 'close trade margins in Africa and Haiti'

US retailers and clothing brands are asking Congress to demolish the bipartisan foundation of our groundbreaking economic partnership with Africa, the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), a uniquely bipartisan effort to help unlock the continent's vast potential. The lobbying is also an effort to undermine the opportunities provided to Haiti, this hemisphere's poorest country, under the Haiti HOPE/Help legislation. If they are successful, they will jeopardize the livelihoods of countless thousands of Africans and Haitians,...

11 December 2019 | Rosa Whitaker and Gail Strickler

US-Ghana trade deepens as 2019 local AGOA Expo ends

The Ghana Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GNCCI) has ended its Africa Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) trade Expo with a high-powered business to business meeting which saw over 50 African American businesses strike business deals with Ghanaian businesses partaking of the event.  President of the Chamber, Dr Nana Appiagyei Dankawoso 1 was confident “the engagement will expand business opportunities in Ghana in 2020”. “This B2B session has been a high-powered one. With the calibre of American businesses come on board we are...

11 December 2019 | Charles Ayitey

Federal Register - South Africa GSP Review dates

The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) is announcing a hearing for the GSP country practice reviews of Azerbaijan, Ecuador, Georgia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Thailand, South Africa, and Uzbekistan, and the country designation review of Laos. These reviews will focus on whether: (1) Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan are meeting the GSP eligibility criterion requiring that a GSP beneficiary country afford workers in that country internationally recognized worker rights; (2) Ecuador is meeting the GSP...

19 November 2019
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