- African Growth and Opportunity Act
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AGOA Forum 2017: Brochure and Photos

AGOA Forum 2017 Brochure and Photo Report prepared by the 2017 Togo AGOA Forum Organising Committee.  

Togo AGOA Forum Organising Committee
Togo AGOA Forum Organising Committee
Publication Date
26 October 2017
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AGOA Forum 2017: General Report on the AGOA Forum in Togo (french)

Very comprehensive summary and feedback report prepared by the 2017 Togo AGOA Forum Organising Committee. This report is in french.   

Togo AGOA Forum Organising Committee
Togo AGOA Forum Organising Committee
Publication Date
26 October 2017

AGOA Forum 2017: General Report on the AGOA Forum in Togo (english)

Very comprehensive summary and feedback report prepared by the 2017 Togo AGOA Forum Organising Committee.  

Togo AGOA Forum Organising Committee
Togo AGOA Forum Organising Committee
Publication Date
26 October 2017

2017 trade policy agenda and 2016 annual report of the president of the United States on the trade agreements program

On March 1, 2017, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) posted the 336 page 2017 Trade Policy Agenda and 2016 Annual Report of the President of the United States on the Trade Agreements Program. The reports are required to be submitted to the U.S. Congress by March 1, pursuant to Section 163 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (19 U.S.C. 2213). Chapter II and Annex II of the document are intended to meet the requirements of Sections 122 and 124 of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act with respect to the World Trade Organization. In addition, the report also includes an annex listing trade agreements entered into by the United States since 1984. Goods trade data are for full year 2016. Services data by country are only available through 2015. The Office of USTR states that it intends to submit a more detailed report on the President’s Trade Policy Agenda after the Senate has confirmed a USTR, and that USTR has had a full opportunity to participate in developing such a report. The Trade Policy Agenda portion outlines the trade policy objectives and priorities of the United States for 2017, and reasons therefor. The Agenda states that, “The overarching purpose of our trade policy – the guiding principle behind all of our actions in this key area – will be to expand trade in a way that is freer and fairer for all Americans.”  It lists the following key objectives: Ensuring that U.S. workers and businesses have a fair opportunity to...

Publication Date
03 March 2017

AGOA Forum 2016 - Labour and Trade Ministers Readout

Readout from the Labour and Trade Ministers session at the 2016 AGOA Forum

Publication Date
26 September 2016

AGOA Forum 2016 - Civil Society Readout

Readout from the 2016 AGOA Forum Civil Society Sessions

Civil Society Network
Publication Date
26 September 2016

AGOA market specialty food enterprises mapping report- Kenya, Madagascar and Mauritius

Specialty foods are defined as foods or beverages of the highest grade, style, and/or quality in their respective categories. Their specialty nature comes from a combination of some or all of the following qualities: uniqueness, origin, processing method, design, limited supply, unusual application or use, extraordinary packaging, or channel of distribution/sale. Approximately 60% of the US population spends over $80 billion in Specialty products. This speciality foods mapping report covers the countries Kenya, Madagascar and Mauritius.   

DAI, Development Alternatives Incorporated
Publication Date
01 June 2016

Tanzania - National AGOA Strategy

This strategy has identified four sectors that can be developed rapidly for the purpose of increasing Tanzanian participation in AGOA market access opportunities. First, the garments and textiles sector where harvesting low-hanging fruits in the garments subsector can generate the resources for subsequent investment in the textiles segment of the value chain. Second, the agro-processing sector, which includes horticultural products, spices and edible nuts, was also a natural choice. Third and fourth, the leather goods and footwear, and handicrafts sectors, respectively. Both are important in view of their potential for inclusion of rural communities, women and the youth in mainstream economic activities and should be revived.  In addition to identifying the targeted sectors, this strategy also identifies issues and challenges as well as specific private sector needs in those areas and the kind of interventions required for effective implementation. There is only one goal—increasing Tanzanian exports to the U.S. under AGOA. I take this opportunity to assure my fellow Tanzanians of two things. First, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment is committed to working closely with public and private sector stakeholders for the realization of the underlying goals and objectives of this strategy. Second, the strategy is aligned to the IIDS and will benefit from initiatives for its implementation. 

Development Alternatives Incorporated, DAI
East African Trade and Investment Hub
Publication Date
10 May 2016

2016 Biennial Report on the implementation of the African Growth and Opportunity Act

The U.S. Trade Representative presented to Congress today a comprehensive report on implementation of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) – the cornerstone of the  U.S. trade and investment relationship with sub-Saharan Africa. The report is statutorily mandated by Congress under the Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015 to be submitted one year following the enactment of the Act, and biennially thereafter.   The 2016 Biennial Report on the Implementation of the African Growth and Opportunity Act details the U.S.-sub-Saharan African trade relationship, analyzes country compliance with eligibility criteria, highlights regional integration efforts, and summarises the trade capacity building assistance that various U.S. government agencies provide to Africa.  The report also provides information, requested by Congress, regarding out-of-cycle AGOA eligibility reviews and potential trade agreements with sub-Saharan Africa.

United States Trade Representative
Publication Date
29 June 2016

Mali - National AGOA Strategy

La République du Mali est située au coeur de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. Avec une superficie de 1.241.238 km2, c’est un pays continental, qui partage environ 7.000 kilomètres avec 7 pays voisins. Les principaux ports d’approvisionnement du pays sont : Dakar (à 1 400 km environ de Bamako), Abidjan (à 1 200 km), Nouakchott (à 1 600 km), Conakry (à 900 km), de Lomé et de Tema (à 1973 km). L’économie malienne est essentiellement agricole. L’Agriculture contribue pour environ 35 % au Produit intérieur brut et près de 70 % de la population vit en campagne.  ...

H. NIANG-Consulting and Associates
Publication Date
15 June 2016
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Rwanda - National AGOA Strategy

The Ministry of Trade and Industry is pleased to present the AGOA Action Plan for Rwanda, which was prepared thanks to the valuable support of the United States Agency for International Development, through the East Africa Trade and Investment Hub. The document, produced in close collaboration with the MINICOM, constitutes the road map that will allow Rwanda to harness the benefits brought about by the African Growth and Opportunity Act, recently extended until 2025. Most importantly, implementing the actions contained herein will enable Rwandan businesses to utilize the next nine years (until 2025) to become competitive and be able to sustain a position in the US market even after the end of AGOA.

Rwanda Ministry of Trade and Industry
Publication Date
15 April 2016

Federal Register: Details of new AGOA country eligibility petition process

The Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015 (TPEA) requires the President to establish a petition process to review the eligibility of countries for the benefits of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). This authority has been delegated to the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR). Comments on this interim final process required by April 18, 2016. 

Federal Register
United States Trade Representative
Publication Date
18 March 2016

Zambia - National AGOA Strategy (updated version below)

The team identified four areas for consideration that would assist Zambia in implementing the AGOA strategy. Governance: Zambia would benefit from establishing an AGOA Steering Committee consisting of key stakeholders from specific private sector organisations, industry associations, and government agencies. Education and Outreach: Zambia should promote opportunities for educating businesses about AGOA. With that intent, a booklet was developed in collaboration with key stakeholders to educate Zambian businesses on the purpose and benefits of AGOA and provide guidance on the necessary steps to benefit under the trade act. An informational AGOA-Zambia website ( provides comprehensive information about AGOA. For outreach, the team recommends that a roadshow be organised to establish credibility and promote Zambia as a viable commercial partner. Access to Financing: Zambia would benefit from connecting local businesses with agencies that provide financial resources to secure financing. Businesses can leverage available agencies such as the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC), Zambia Development Agency (ZDA), Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), and Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), a U.S.

For: The Zambia Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry
Publication Date
04 March 2016

South Africa and AGOA: Recent developments 2015-2016 and possible suspension

The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) has received much publicity and attention over the past year in particular, for two main reasons: (a) the legislation was set to expire at the end of September 2015 amid uncertainty and many questions about whether it should be renewed, and in which format, and (b) the legislation’s eligibility requirements were brought to the fore amid serious questions around South Africa’s continued compliance with these underlying provisions. South Africa had in the meanwhile become the largest and most diversified AGOA beneficiary . Fast-forward to end 2015. AGOA has since been renewed by ten years, and South Africa remains in the fold, albeit on somewhat precarious ground, and very much in the spotlight. Special provisions targeting South Africa – in the sense of compelling a mandatory formal review of South Africa’s compliance with AGOA’s eligibility provisions – were included in the new legislation. Overhauled eligibility requirements and associated processes and reviews, as well as possible sanctions for non-compliance, feature in the new AGOA. The process relating to South Africa was partly concluded in November 2015 when President Obama wrote to Congress, in line with the provisions of the new AGOA legislation, to give advance-warning of an intention to suspend some of South Africa’s market preferences under AGOA. In January 2016, Obama followed-through with this threat and formally suspended South Africa’s...

Eckart Naumann
Trade Law Centre (TRALAC)
Publication Date
15 February 2016

South Africa Government gazette - tariff rebate on US chicken imports

A temporary rebate provision under rebate item 460.03/0207.14.9/01.07 has been created for frozen meat of the species Gallus domesticus, cut in pieces with bone in, classifiable in tariff subheading 0207.14.9 and imported from or originating in the United States of America. This is created for such quantities, at such times and subject to such conditions as the International Trade Administration Commission (ITAC) may allow by specific permit on recommendation of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF).

DTI (South Africa)
Publication Date
18 December 2015

DRAFT guidelines for for the application of a DAFF quota allocation import permit

ITAC - DRAFT guidelines for for the application of a DAFF quota allocation (for imports of poultry) permit - 30 Oct 2015. Background: The South African Poultry Association (SAPA) and the USA Poultry and Egg Export Council (USAPEEC) and National Chicken Council (NCC) agreed on an annual quota of 65 000 MT (the quota) of bone-in chicken pieces, classifiable under tariff subheading 0207.14.9, that can be imported into South Africa without payment of the applicable anti-dumping duty as listed in Schedule 2 Part 1 to the Customs and Excise Act, 1964. 

ITAC - South Africa
Publication Date
30 October 2015

Federal Register Announcement - Apparel Quotas 2015-2016

For the one-year period, beginning on October 1, 2015, and extending through September 30, 2016, the aggregate quantity of imports eligible for preferential treatment under these provisions is 1,935,096,830 square meters equivalent. Of this amount, 967,548,415 square meters equivalent is available to apparel articles imported under the special rule for lesser- developed countries.

Federal Register
Publication Date
25 September 2015

Copy of letter by Senators Coons and Isakson to Pres Zuma re poultry

Copy of letter sent by US Senators Coons and Isakson to South Africa's President Zuma, September 2015. This relates to the 'poultry' issue in the context of the South Africa Out-Of-Cycle Review under AGOA.  The Senators urged South African President Jacob Zuma to act expeditiously to resolve remaining elements of the US-South Africa agreement reached in Paris earlier this year and allow US poultry exports to South Africa to resume. 

Senators Coons and Isakson
US Senators
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