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House of Reps passes AGOA and MCA Modernization Act

Today, Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.), Ranking Member of the House Africa Subcommittee, applauded the passage of the African Growth & Opportunity Act (AGOA) and Millennium Challenge Act (MCA) Modernization Act, which passed by a unanimous voice vote on the House (of Representatives) Floor. The bill, introduced by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-Calif.), will make AGOA more effective by directing the President to establish a website with information regarding AGOA and by encouraging embassies in chosen countries promote...

17 January 2018 | Karen Bass

'Protect US interests in Africa'

President Donald Trump’s strategy toward Africa will not advance United States interests on the continent. That’s the conclusion of an Africa expert who published a critique of administration policy in The Hill. With the US manifesting weakness in Africa, “geopolitical and economic competition from China, Russia, India, France, and the United Kingdom threaten America’s national interests and soft power in Africa,” wrote Landry Signé, a fellow at Brookings’ Africa Growth Initiative. Trump’s commitments to...

15 January 2018 | Peter Buxbaum

Swaziland: "We should learn from AGOA loss"

Two years ago, I wrote on this very column how disappointing government was in the handling of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) issue.  I remember vividly describing it as a catastrophe so dreadful to be likened to Tsunami proportions. Last week, United States (US) President Donald Trump gave a green light to the restoration of the country’s eligibility for AGOA, which in all honesty is massive relieve for the country and the only good news we have received from Hospital Hill in the past year, if not Cabinet’s entire...

31 December 2017

US ambassador hails Gambia’s democratic progress

The US ambassador to the Gambia, Patricia Alsup, has commended the Gambia for regaining its membership in the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and for being selected for a smaller grant programme by the board of the US government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). Ms Alsup said these milestone achievements are significant achievements that recognise just how much progress the Gambia has made since the transition to the Barrow administration. “I look forward to working with the Gambian government and the Gambian people...

28 December 2017

US restores trade benefits to Gambia, Swaziland

U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday restored trade benefits to Gambia and Swaziland under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office said. [See text of Proclamation here] The AGOA trade program provides sub-Saharan countries duty-free access to the United States on condition they meet certain statutory eligibility requirements, including eliminating barriers to U.S. trade and investment and making progress toward political pluralism.  Gambia lost its eligibility in 2015 due to human...

23 December 2017 | Eric Beech

Presidential Proclamation to take certain actions under the AGOA and for other purposes

In Proclamation 9223 of December 23, 2014, President Obama determined that the Republic of The Gambia (“The Gambia”) was not making continual progress in meeting the requirements described in section 506A(a)(1) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (the “Trade Act”) (19 U.S.C. 2466a(a)), as added by section 111(a) of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (the “AGOA”). Thus, pursuant to section 506A(a)(3) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2466a(a)(3)), President Obama terminated the designation of The Gambia as a beneficiary sub-Saharan...

23 December 2017

Nigerian-American chamber optimistic of business growth in 2018

The Nigerian-American Chamber of Commerce (NACC) has expressed optimism that the business environment for the 2018 would be more promising compared to the outgoing year. Giving this assurance at the weekend was the National President of NACC, Olabintan Famutimi. He spoke during the annual dinner dance of the Chamber in Lagos. Earlier, the Chamber boss had reassured Nigeria would not miss out again on the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), a legislation he said would enhance market access to the United States for qualifying...

17 December 2017 | Ibrahim Apekhade Yusuf

Kenya direct air links: 'The Fresh Approach spies opportunities'

Kenyan exporter The Fresh Approach is hopeful that the commencement of direct flights between Nairobi and the US city of Atlanta will lead to a major boost in exports to the market over the coming years. “The US has not really been tapped by African fresh produce companies,” says business development director Catherine Muya. “So there is great potential for numerous products, including baby carrots and runner beans.” The opportunity has come about through the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which provides assistance and...

12 December 2017 | Tom Joyce

Ethiopia: Institute says textile, garment market expanding

The Ethiopian Textile Industry Development Institute said the foreign currency generated from the textile sector has been steadily growing. Institute Communication Directorate director Bantihun Gessesse told The Ethiopian Heraldthat textile products have entered into Germany, Italy, China and United States through AGOA. In addition, Sudan and Kenya have become market destiny and over the last three months the nation has earned $31.2 million from textile and garment export. The burgeoning of the textile industries triggers the...

12 December 2017 | ABEBE WOLDE GIOGIS

[PAPER]: AGOA and the Continental Free Trade Area

This essay assesses and evaluates the extent to which the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) increased imports from AGOA eligible countries to the United States from 2001 to 2015. The essay then examines how African countries can make the most of the preferences granted under AGOA, arguing that AGOA national utilization strategies have proven successful. In the final part, the essay explores options for future U.S.-Africa trade relations after the AGOA expires in 2025, proposing approaches that would best support African...

02 December 2017 | William Davis

US-Africa business strengthen trade relations

The Africa Rising narrative has just received a big boost. This was after news on Tuesday about the Trade with Africa Business Summit 2018, an inaugural event that brings together global business leaders, change agents and innovators driving digital acceleration, sustainable agriculture, global trade and women empowerment on the continent of Africa. The aim of the event is to ignite a fresh dialogue that educates and showcases effective strategies for increasing trade between the US and African countries. This event also positions the...

01 December 2017

Ethiopian footwear on the rise (includes latest data)

The East African nation is ramping up sourcing capabilities, positioning the region (includes neighboring Kenya) as an up-and-coming hub for footwear manufacturing. Low-cost labor pool? Check. Abundant raw materials? Check. Low electricity costs? Check. Shorter lead times to the United States market? Check. Lower minimums? Check. Heavy investment in infrastructure and factory capabilities? Check. Duty-free pricing? Check. What’s not to like when it comes to sourcing shoes out of Ethiopia and neighboring Kenya? Making the region even...

29 November 2017 | Greg Dutter

[PAPER] Defining and redefining US-AFRICA trade relations during the Trump Presidency

In an era in which multilateral trade arrangements have garnered more public notoriety than ever before, the suboptimal trade and investment relationship between America and Africa, as underpinned by the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), is one of the less controversial ones. AGOA could nevertheless use some adjustments or augmentations to facilitate deeper U.S.-Africa commercial relations. For instance, adjusting AGOA’s ori- gin rules could nudge the private sector on both sides of the Atlantic towards gains for U.S. and...

28 November 2017 | Stephen Lande and Dennis Matanda
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