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Opinion: Banning second-hand imports doesn't solve East Africa's clothes problem

Banning the import of second-hand clothes is not the answer to reviving East Africa's textile industry. But the deal to phase out the imports also hands another political score to the US, writes DW's Isaac Mugabi. The move to not ban the sale of second-hand clothing was a relief to petty traders. In 2015, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and Tanzania agreed on a three-year plan to gradually phase out the importation of second-hand clothes and apparel from the United States in particular. Taxes were increased exponentially on...

05 March 2018 | Isaac Mugabi

Senior State Department officials previewing Secretary Tillerson's travel to Africa

MODERATOR: Good afternoon, everyone, and thank you very much for joining us for today’s teleconference. Today we will have senior State Department officials previewing the Secretary’s upcoming travel to the continent of Africa. I want to remind you that today’s call is on background, and I’ll describe the attribution in just a few seconds. Today’s conference – our briefers today will be [Senior State Department Official One]; from here forward he will be referred to as Senior State Department Official One. We are also...

03 March 2018

Trump extends targeted Zimbabwe sanctions

The United States has extended restrictive measures imposed on senior ruling Zanu PF officials and companies, which were set to expire this month. The extension was made in a notice signed by President Donald Trump on Friday, March 2, 2018, which stressed that the situation in Zimbabwe has not yet transformed following the removal of Robert Mugabe from power. “In November 2017, dynamics within the factionalized ruling party of Zimbabwe, the African National Union-Patriotic Front party, reached a head. Facing impeachment, Robert Mugabe...

02 March 2018 | Gibbs Dube

US president Trump announces intention to impose steep tariffs on steel, aluminum; stokes trade war fears

President Donald Trump announced on Thursday he would impose hefty tariffs on imported steel and aluminum to protect U.S. producers, risking retaliation from major trade partners like China, Europe and neighboring Canada. Fears of a trade war triggered a selloff on Wall Street.  Trump said the duties, 25 percent on steel imports and 10 percent on aluminum, would be formally announced next week, although White House officials later said some details still needed to be ironed out.  Trump believes the tariffs will safeguard...

02 March 2018 | Steve Holland and Ginger Gibson

AGOA strategy awareness in motion for Botswana

The Ministry of Investment Trade and Industry (MITI) in collaboration with Botswana Investment and Trade Centre (BITC), U.S. Embassy in Botswana, USAID Southern Africa Trade and Investment Hub, African Women’s Entrepreneurship Program (AWEP), the Local Enterprise Authority (LEA), the Citizen Entrepreneurship Development Agency (CEDA) and the Botswana Export Credit Insurance (BECI) are conducting nation-wide workshops to sensitize the business community about the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) strategy and potential export...

01 March 2018
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