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US Embassy defers announcement on Swaziland’s AGOA status

The US Embassy in Mbabane, the capital of Swaziland, has postponed a press conference, which was widely believed to have been called to make an official announcement about the status of Swaziland under the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) from January 2015 onwards, reports Swazi Observer. Swaziland, a land-locked country surrounded by Mozambique and South Africa, had failed to meet the required criteria of Human Rights by the May 15, 2014, deadline given by the US administration. Subsequently, Makila James, the US Ambassador to...

20 May 2014 | India News Desk

Swaziland: Economists predict doom and gloom over losing AGOA

Economists are crying foul at the way government is handling the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). AGOA is trade benefits that allow Swaziland to export a significant amount of its textile and clothing products to the US duty-free.  Speaking anonymously, three economists concurred that the repercussions of losing these trade benefits will yield dire consequences for the country.  *Nhlanhla Dlamini, an economist working in a government parastatal, said the loss of the benefit spells doom for a lot of the workers in...

16 May 2014 | Thembeka Dlamini

Swaziland: 800 could lose jobs at Leo Garments

LEO Garments has confirmed that it will have to close down and render 800 people jobless in the process should Swaziland lose its AGOA eligibility status tomorrow, which is the deadline for government to avert the impending scenario. Leo Garments is a textile company based in the industrial town of Matsapha and totally reliant on the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) programme for its operations. There are at least 17 289 people employed by the textile companies and all these could lose their jobs should the kingdom lose its AGOA...

14 May 2014 | Welcome Dlamini

Nigeria: Federal government partners US to boost export products

The federal government has said that it is partnering the United States Government to boost the export of Nigerian products to the United States of America under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Mr. Olusegun Aganga, said this during the World Economic Forum on Africa, 2014 Small and Medium Enterprises Summit in Abuja. Aganga also said that his ministry was working on a new AGOA strategy that would help boost the export of Nigerian products to the United States’ market. He...

12 May 2014 | Yemi Akinsuyi

Swaziland: AGOA effects (to be felt) sooner rather than later

This week, a majority of Swazi citizens will be holding their breath as the United States of America decides whether to keep Swaziland as a beneficiary of the AGOA programme. Should the USA pull the plug on Swaziland, the kingdom will, from January 2015, no longer enjoy importing goods into America under duty-free conditions. Swaziland will be left with until December 2014 to benefit from the African Growth and Opportunities Act. However, US Ambassador to Swaziland Makila James, in an exclusive interview on Wednesday, told the Sunday...


Swaziland: 'Government silence is deafening' - Unions

Workers' unions are perturbed by government’s silence as only five working days now remain before the country loses its eligibility to AGOA. They are worried that there are no signs or anything giving hope from government concerning the Africa Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA), yet the deadline is on May 15 (Thursday). AGOA provides trade preferences for quota and duty-free entry for specific African products into the United States market. Losing or renewing eligibility will surely depend on whether government has played its part in...

07 May 2014 | MUSA SIMELANE

AU tasks members on AGOA extension

The Commission of the African Union (AU) has urged member countries to push for the extension of Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) for the next 15 years to enable them maximise benefits through trade relations with the world. The AU Commissioner for Trade and Industry, Mrs Fatima Haram, gave the task last week at the extra ordinary conference of AU Ministers of Trade in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Haram called for effort to strengthen and maintain momentum toward the establishment of Continental Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) as soon as...

04 May 2014

AGOA creates goodwill for US – SA trade minister Davies

The government will consider giving some US producers the same access to the local market as the EU, if that’s what it takes to save its African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) benefits. Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies believes President Barack Obama plans to make this proposal at the first US-Africa summit, which he is convening in August. Agoa offers South Africa and most other African countries duty-free access to the US market for most of their goods. They do not have to reciprocate. Agoa has substantially boosted South...

04 May 2014 | Peter Fabricius

Kenya unveils plan to build textile city

The Kenyan Government plans to set up a fully serviced Textile City as part of the ongoing efforts to realign the textile and apparel sector to make it contribute significantly to the country’s economic growth prospects. The Textile City model to be championed by the Ministry of Industrialisation and Enterprise Development will besides foreign investments attraction, be one of the key pillars earmarked as the national job creation platforms. Industrialisation and Enterprise Development Cabinet Secretary Adan Mohamed said the efforts...

30 April 2014

African Union pushes for AGOA extension

The African Union has urged member countries to push for the extension of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) for the next 15 years to enable them maximize benefits through trade relations with the world economy.Local media reports Monday quoted the AU’s commissioner for Trade and Industry, Mrs. Fatima Haram as saying that there should be renewed efforts to strengthen Africa’s link with AGOA, a trade mechanism by the US government to offer tangible incentives to African countries to continue their efforts to open their economies...

28 April 2014

African trade ministers convene in Addis Ababa

An extraordinary session of the Conference of the African Union Ministers of Trade kicked off on Wednesday in Addis Ababa. "The conference will discuss in detail documents [being prepared in advance of] the launch of the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) negotiations in 2015 in line with the roadmap that was adopted by the Summit of Heads of States and Government in January 2012," the African Union Commission said in a statement. "The meeting will also consider reports on Africa's response and implications of the Bali Agreement and...

24 April 2014

Tanzania: Govt. invites more investors to EPZA Areas

The government has encouraged local and foreign investors to take advantage of the investment opportunities under the Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA). The Deputy Minister for Industry and Trade, Ms Janeth Mbene, said: "Investors stand a better chance to be successful if they invest through the EPZ and SEZ schemes due to their efficiency in terms of facilitation and incentives package offered." She said, through the two schemes investors could easily access the global markets including those with preferential trade arrangements...

22 April 2014

Swaziland: Parliamentary committee withdraws 'AGOA Bill' amid concerns over 'gaps'

The all-important Industrial Relations (amendment) Bill of 2014, whose passing is crucial to the kingdom’s continued AGOA eligibility status, has been withdrawn from parliament – exactly 34 days before the May 15 deadline. The main reason for withdrawing the Bill, the Sunday Observer has been informed, is that it does not meet the five benchmarks related to the continued eligibility to participate in the AGOA programme. Manzini North MP Jan Sithole, who is chairperson of the portfolio committee on labour and social security, withdrew...

13 April 2014 | Welcome Dlamini

Swaziland: It (would be) difficult to get back AGOA - USA

Should Swaziland lose its African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) eligibility status, it would be difficult to be re-admitted into the programme. This has been emphasised by a delegation from the United States of America which arrived in the country on Monday to assess progress made by the government in implementing five benchmarks related to eligibility to continue participating in AGOA. AGOA is a US preferential trade programme that provides duty-free access to the US market for products from eligible sub-Saharan African...

11 April 2014 | Welcome Dlamini

Nigeria: Poor packaging, environmental laws hinder Nigeria's exports to US

Experts have said that Nigeria is not making progress in products exporting to the United States of America under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) due to poor packaging and not observing environmental laws. The experts spoke weekend at a training programme for the small medium enterprises (SME) organised by the Bank of Industry in Lagos. AGOA was signed into law in 14 years ago by the America government to expand trade between United States and Sub-Saharan countries, to stimulate economic growth by providing duty free treatment...


Origin Africa returns to Interstoff Asia Essential

The Trade Hub participated in Interstoff Asia Essential, a major bi-annual textiles and apparel trade show that brings in over 7000 participants at each event. This was the Trade Hub’s third visit to the prestigious trade show.  It was at a previous Interstoff Asia event that the Trade Hub linked up with Phillips-Van Heusen (PVH), the large U.S.-based retailer which has since established its Africa headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya.  The spring edition of Interstoff Asia was held March 19-21 in Hong Kong and attracted buyers...

04 April 2014 | Fibre2Fashion

Swaziland: AGOA threat puts 2,000 jobs at risk

Texray Swaziland, the kingdom’s biggest textile company, is shaken by the prospect of the country losing its AGOA benefits and 2 000 jobs could be on the line. Jim Wang, the company’s spokesperson, said 50 per cent of the company’s products were exported directly to the USA. So if the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) no longer becomes applicable to Swaziland, it means import duties will now have to be paid for  50 per cent (of) products. He said this was not a desirable situation because of the loss of economic benefits...

04 April 2014 | MUSA SIMELANE

Swaziland: Government hopes amended labour law will save AGOA

Swaziland's Minister of Labour and Social Security Winnie Magagula has explained the importance of the Industrial Relations (Amended) Bill to be passed in Parliament as it would play an important role regarding the AGOA threat [of non-renewal for Swaziland]. Magagula stated in Parliament that the Industrial Relations Act was one of the few pointed areas which the International Labour Organisation (ILO) had said needed to be addressed by the country. This followed the lack of a provision for the registration of federations by...

03 April 2014 | Baphelele Kunene

Zambia: ZAM calls for incentives to utilise AGOA

The Zambia Association of Manufacturers (ZAM) has called for incentives that will improve Zambia's chances of penetrating the Africa Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) apparel market. ZAM chief executive officer Maybin Nsupila said predictable economic policies were imperative if the country's chances of penetrating the United States (US) AGOA market were to brighten. Mr Nsupila said in an interview that a predictable policy environment can attract more investors in the textile industry which is the main source of exports to the AGOA...

02 April 2014 | JAMES KUNDA

US rejects Ghana’s yam in spite of AGOA

Large quantities of yam exported to the US from Ghana have been rejected, as most were found to be unwholesome upon arrival in that country. Robert Baffuor Tandor of the Ministry of Trade & Industry’ Standards Directorate, who confirmed this to Business Guide in an interview, said the Ministry was putting necessary measures in place to address the problem. “We received complaints in February, this year from a Ghanaian company in the US that buys yams from Ghanaian exporters that the commodity gets rotten within some few days after...

01 April 2014

'Don’t let chicken wars get in the way of AGOA' - South Africa

In recent weeks, chicken producers in the US have reportedly called for their government to withdraw South Africa’s duty-free benefits under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). This comes at a time when Agoa, the centrepiece of US commercial relations with sub-Saharan Africa, is under review before its expiry on September 30 next year. It should be noted that, aside from the views of US chicken producers, most US business interests and associations have supported Agoa’s extension and South Africa’s continued inclusion in...

25 March 2014 | Xavier Carim

Ethiopia: Chinese labour is cheap, but Ethiopians are even cheaper

Chinese labour is cheap, sure – but Ethiopian labour is even cheaper. As margins get tighter at home, Chinese companies are looking further afield, and many are settling on Ethiopia as an attractive alternative for their factories and plants.  At 6.45am the first bus halts outside the main gates of the Eastern Industry Zone. The doors clang open. Bleary-eyed young men and women begin to emerge and brace against the chill morning air. A second, then a third and fourth bus arrives from the nearby dormitories, disgorging more and more...

11 March 2014 | Elissa Jobson

Ethiopia a rising star for sourcing garments

Ethiopia is fast becoming a rising star for sourcing garments. The country's efforts to build its textile and garment industry and offer competitive prices have attracted a growing number of new buyers in recent years. Michelle Russell takes a closer look at the growth taking place in this developing market and what it has to offer those willing to invest. Ethiopia's clothing and textile sector is undergoing rapid expansion fuelled by foreign investment as companies seek to reduce their reliance on countries like China and...

05 March 2014 | Michelle Russell

USA to Swaziland: ‘Fully’ comply or lose AGOA

The message from the Americans is loud and clear: Swaziland has to ‘fully’ comply with five conditions or lose their eligibility to participate in the Africa Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) programme. In an exclusive interview on Friday, United States of America Ambassador to Swaziland Makila James said there was no longer any room for negotiations with the kingdom on the conditions that have to be met. Listing the conditions, she said they include full passage of amendments to the Industrial Relations Act; full passage of amendments to...

25 February 2014 | Welcome Dlamini

US ambassador to South Africa: "Ease barriers to US food imports"

US ambassador to South Africa Patrick Gaspard has warned the South African Government that its “unnecessary and unscientific” trade barriers on US food imports are jeopardising the renewal of the vital African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The legislation gives duty-free access to the US market for most South African exports. It is up for renewal in the US Congress next year, but US agribusinesses in particular are lobbying hard for South Africa to be cut out of it. Gaspard also warned that uncertainty over government policies and...

21 February 2014 | Peter Fabricius

East Africa: Technical officials discuss EAC-US trade and investment partnership in Bujumbura

Technical Officials from the East African Community (EAC) and the United States (U.S.) met 12 to 15 February 2014 in Bujumbura, Burundi to discuss Trade Africa and the EAC - U.S. Trade and Investment Partnership (TIP). In particular, the Technical Officials discussed among others, the Ministerial guidance provided in August 2013; AGOA; Regional Investment Treaty; Trade Facilitation; Trade Capacity Building, and Commercial Dialogue. Both Parties reviewed a summary of the last EAC - U.S. Trade Ministerial Meeting held on the sidelines of the...

17 February 2014 | Owora Richard Othieno
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